No, more like: Yiddayadda you're all beta cucks blabla bowing before subhumans hurrdurr capitalism Social Darwinism?
If we would really want to help them, we would see a lot more cricism towards arabian states, their leaderships and dictatorship. But since nations like Quatar are our allies and buying our weapons, we don't really give much of a fuck. Where do groups like ISIS get their funding for example? From where do they recruit their fighters? THis has been an issue since the 1970s, when western organisations like the CIA helped to recruit young fundemantlist mercenaries to fight their dirty wars in places like Afghanistan. But once we didn't need them anymore, we left them in those places and they of course cuasd havok to no need. What do you think how many of the foreign fighters came to Afghanistan.That is certainly tragic, however, we are actually helping them. We are destroying the terrorist group that has murdered hundreds of Syrians before and even worse.
Do you remember that scene from Kingdom of Heaven?Since we're facing some apologism in this thread, I'll just leave this here....
What the fuck does that have to do with anything?
Yiddayadda you're all beta cucks blabla bowing before subhumans hurrdurr capitalism?
This is very dangerous behavior actually. Many moslems are openly supporting terrorist organizations or straight genocide due to simple reason - their own safety would have been endangered by their own brothers in faith otherwise. So instead of actively opposing radical fundamentalism, they're actively supporting and tolerating it.That when some idiot ISIS fanatic on patrol ask you, as a civilian, if you believe in their Islam, you can say yes, without getting behaded.
As far as I know, Black Angel hasn't broken any Islamic principles in this thread.I believe he may be suggesting that Black Angel could be employing Taqiya.
I am talking about all strikes since 2001 that have been made with the war-on-terror doctrine. And there is no way that we never hit civilians with our strikes.
Hundreds of civilians killed in US-led air strikes on Isis targets
Airwars project details ‘credible reports’ of at least 459 non-combatant deaths, including 100 children, in 52 air strikes
As France Bombs ISIS, Civilians Are Caught in the Middle
As far as I know, Black Angel hasn't broken any Islamic principles in this thread.
Which isn't a new or unique thing though. And why I have a problem when people get on the Islam for it, when in reality it is really human behaviour. How many people supported the Nazis and comitted attrocities for similar reasons? I remember that survivors of the concentration camp in Penemünde, explained how two guards on duty have very often been worse compared to just a single one. The guards would often try to beat each other in brutality.This is very dangerous behavior actually. Many moslems are openly supporting terrorist organizations or straight genocide due to simple reason - their own safety would have been endangered by their own brothers in faith otherwise. So instead of actively opposing radical fundamentalism, they're actively supporting and tolerating it.
Look at this example, where old Jewish professor asked his student a simple question whether she's willing to openly condemn Hamas, Palestinian terrorist organization hell-bent on eradicating all Jews. The result? Out of fear to face the anger of her own brothers, she openly admitted that she's supporting the genocide of Jews:
Pretty shitty person, no doubts about that. But I think that this is again, human nature. People don't need reasons to be dicks. You could look at it that way, we have this too in some sense:Code:
Which isn't a new or unique thing though. And why I have a problem when people get on the Islam for it, when in reality it is really human behaviour. How many people supported the Nazis and comitted attrocities for similar reasons? I remember that survivors of the concentration camp in Penemünde, explained how two guards on duty have very often been worse compared to just a single one. The guards would often try to beat each other in brutality.
Pretty shitty person, no doubts about that. But I think that this is again, human nature. People don't need reasons to be dicks. You could look at it that way, we have this too in some sense:
I agree that Islam has a serious problem with self criticism, self reflection and that it needs reforms. Badly. We can all agree on that. But, I am sure when you look around, and taking a very serious survey, I wouldn't be surprised how many christians would support christian radicals. That's simply how people roll.
I'd say the thing that's uniquely wrong with them is that a good portion of their people live in absolutely shitty areas that still haven't recovered from the fall of their respective dictators and, if you want to go further back, the Ottoman and colonial Empires.There's something uniquely wrong with islam that gives rise to these people. We need to figure out what that is and how to stop it.
I'd say the thing that's uniquely wrong with them is that a good portion of their people live in absolutely shitty areas that still haven't recovered from the fall of their respective dictators and, if you want to go further back, the Ottoman and colonial Empires.
Of course there are still home-grown extremists that come from western countries but without the example of ISIS to follow they'd probably just become your standard murderous assholes, as opposed to religious ones.
ISIS was given a chance to rise from the remains of Al Qaeda because the US packed up and left. They underestimated the true nature of the situation. Keeping a strong presence in the region and swiftly stomping anything like ISIS before it even gets off the ground would eventually wear them down.
I really do not understand what is so incomprehensible about the idea that you fight your enemies.
It's relatively unique to the Middle East and Africa, also happened in Asia, though to a lesser degree.There is nothing unique about those circumstances.
The Indian government isn't weak and the country is, if I remember correctly, going fairly well with the process of industrialisation.There are more illiterate and malnourished people in India than anywhere else on Earth and yet we don't see disenfranchised Indians committing the lion's share of terrorist actions.
The Chinese government is a strong authoritarian regime unlike Syria where their authoritarian regime is in the midst of collapse.Tibet is kept under the brutal and oppressive regime of the PRC. It is no secret that Tibetans want to free of this regime, so why don't we see bombs going off in Chinese cities? Chinese civilians aren't being kidnapped and beheaded in online videos or immolated in cages.
The Axis (aside from Italy) were thoroughly beaten and occupied after the war, moreover Japan wasn't going to revolt when they had just lost 2 cities instantaneously. The Soviet Union collapsed peacefully and was replaced by a democratic government, I also wouldn't call Gorbachev a dictator, but whatever.Following the collapse of the Soviet Union, Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy and Imperial Japan, once all of their respective dictators had fallen, the world didn't endure decades of relentless terrorist activity from Russian, German, Italian and Japanese radicals.
You know, there are a couple of fairly prestigious books on the subject of war that say war, no matter what form it takes, is just the furthering of political goals through other means; it just so happens that the politics of the Middle East and Northern Africa are married to Islam.This isn't about political or economic hardship. It is about Islam. When are you going to start taking these people at their word and believing them when they scream allahu ackbar promptly before detonating themselves in a school or unloading their ak-47 into a crowd of people?
Sure, they have barbaric laws but not terrorism, unless you count funding terrorism which they allegedly do.Even the richest moslem countries like Saudi Arabia still impose barbaric laws. If it was merely a problem of their economic situation and not islam being a brutal ideology Saudi Arabia should be a bastion of peace and tolerance.
It's relatively unique to the Middle East and Africa, also happened in Asia, though to a lesser degree.
The Indian government isn't weak and the country is, if I remember correctly, going fairly well with the process of industrialisation.
The Chinese government is a strong authoritarian regime unlike Syria where their authoritarian regime is in the midst of collapse.
The Axis (aside from Italy) were thoroughly beaten and occupied after the war, moreover Japan wasn't going to revolt when they had just lost 2 cities instantaneously. The Soviet Union collapsed peacefully and was replaced by a democratic government, I also wouldn't call Gorbachev a dictator, but whatever.
You know, there are a couple of fairly prestigious books on the subject of war that say war, no matter what form it takes, is just the furthering of political goals through other means; it just so happens that the politics of the Middle East and Northern Africa are married to Islam.
Completely unrelated, but you wouldn't happen to be tired right now would you? I know, it's a question completely out of the blue, just a feeling I'm getting from your posts.
Sorry if I misinterpreted what you meant. Was your point that it has to specifically be a destabilized region with almost no government control?
Grammar, a couple of missing apostrophes and whatnot.Hahaha, yes. I actually am pretty tired right now. What gave it away?
Yes but it just continues to show that the problem is the ideology. Even a rich moslem country still stones people to death and beheads them for things that are either legal or considered minor offences in the West. And of course theres also....Sure, they have barbaric laws but not terrorism,
funding terrorism which they allegedly do.
Grammar, a couple of missing apostrophes and whatnot.