Jack Chick & Christianity

Holy. Shit.

There is soooo much I could say here, but I'll keep it way down since its quite obvious that virutally everybody else said it for me. And they said it quite elegantly as well. Therefore, I'm just going to stick to the points that nobody else covered and tell my own side aswell.

Oh, and Rosh, special thanks goes out to you for calling bullshit when you saw it and sticking up for me and my intents.

CCR said:
Ozrat, why on earth is every faith save Christanity defendable in your view? WHY THE FUCK HAVE YOU SPENT THE LAST TWO TOPICS TRYING TO PROVE THAT CHRISTANITY IS FULL OF BORN AGAINS!?
Funny, I could have sworn I was defending a form of Christianity in that last thread and was in a way actually challenging you to attack it, which you did while also claiming that it was equal to Orthodoxy and other denominations at the same time when I called you on bullshit you spouted. Not only your all caps comment was another lie, but I fail to see why being a "born-again" would be an insult to Christianity in the first place.

Here's the deal Watergirl/Ozrat: you can either stop making such outrageous statements about Christanity without anything to really base them upon, or you can continue to do so and proven wrong once again with more logic and reasoning.

About the last quote said:
Hell, neither Ozrat nor WaterGirl deserved [this] comment, as they didn't make ANY comments about Christianity as a whole in their posts, but instead the commentary was about a fundie named Jack Chick and the outlandish bullshit the fellow comes up with.

Once again, good call Rosh, but the really funny part about what he said escaped everybody else who read it, including you.

CCR posted that as an entire post by itself.

This is what I wrote at the end of a post that was eight pages long and contained over 2,000 words (according to MS Word) in the other thread after I had taken just about every single line that he threw at me and responded with logic just like he had demanded that I do so:
Here's the deal CCR; you can either stop making such outrageous statements about Paganism and other religions without anything to really base them upon, or you can continue to do so and proven wrong once again with more logic and reasoning.

Stealing a quote from me word to word and just changing the name of the religion mentioned and the person (s) it was directed towards is probably the most pathetic thing I've ever seen in a religion debate. Not only was what I said justified by the long post that preceeded it, you used it back in me without any context whatsoever. Good luck at that Orthodox university in Turkey if you plan on conducting your essays like this.

CCR said:
As others have pointed out, I did no such thing. Again, I was defending the Serpent Handlers and I never tried to paint Christianity as a bunch of "freaks".

I also agree with what everybody else responded to this with.

CCR said:
And I had no idea I made Ozrat post two topics on the evils of Christanity IN A ROW! THANKS WATERGIRL!
"Evils of Christianity"? You "made" me post two threads "in a row"? Funny, especially considering that they were both started a week apart from each other.

CCR said:
Thing is Roshambo, he started another topic just like this, and that thing's sole purpose was, in the beggining at least, to flamebait me. Thus I assumed that this, his new topic, with almost the exact same initial content, is the same.
Like Rosh has pointed out, this thread was in absolutely no way directed towards you at all, and did not contain "the exact same initial content" as last time.

CCR said:
So just how exactly am I being an ass right now, besdies overeacting to Ozrat's tendancy to post stuff on bible thumping Christanity, and his disregard of my attempt to stay away from religious topics, and my asking for a temporary end to them?
Once again, what they said. I never noticed that you asked for people to stop talking about religion, just that you said you were going to stop yourself. Not only that, but you were assuming that anything related to religion requires your attention. Are you forgetting that this forum is not limited to you?

I also like how once again you manilpulated a quote from Watergirl to make it look like she was bashing you and your faith when she clearly stated that it was indeed her opinion when I do not recall you ever stating that what you say is opinion only except for when you are rebuked for doing so.

Elissar said:
Whoa whoa whoa there spanky... Just how many times now have you insulted her faith? Hmm? And indirectly, Insulted me and every other agnost/athiest around here by insisting that there IS a "god"? You get all pissed off and make an ass of yourself when people insult your faith... yet it is common practice for you to insult other's faith and try to convert them to your own? Fuck that.. It's shit like that that makes me sick.
You know what's even MORE sickening? He hasn't even converted HIMSELF to Orthodoxy like he so badly wants to yet. How's that for hypocrisy?

Rosh/ said:
Survey says: You were the one who tried to incite things (without any obvious discussion basis or background), and when they refused to take the bait, you went for a more direct path. One thread was indeed baiting at you, and I'm surprised it didn't come to my attention earlier (though, given your past record, I did have to chuckle at it), but in this case there's really no baiting unless you really stretch for it and you did.
Hehe, watch closeley, becaues this is where the funny part comes in.

Like Rosh said, analysis of the times things were posted shows that I was not responding to CCR at all and had started my post before his was up.

Believe it or not, CCR was not consciously in my mind when I posted this thread at all. As Kharn can testify, I was actually posting Jack Chick material all over Asshelmets the day before and even posted it at another forum I frequent before I brought it over here. You'll also notice that my manner in treating Jack Chick here was quite neutral compared to how it was presented in the other forums. In fact, the only person I was thinking about when I posted this was welsh and how he might be personally offended by what Chick has to say about the Catholic church, but I also knew that welsh would be wise enough to know that it wasn't some ploy to get under his skin and that it was about Chick himself.

Can you say PARANOIA, CCR? Jebus, don't flatter yourself like that.

Also, Rosh suggested that I refused to take the bait when CCR posted it. In all truth, I honest didn't have the time to respond to CCR's post, or even to READ it as I was running quite late. If you check the time that I last posted, I had already missed eight minutes of my three hour long Religion Anthropology night class and prompty left the computer to get there.

On second thought, there wasn't even anything about CCR's post that I felt like responding to anyways. Nice attempt to try and get me to "drag" you into the thread there.

By the time that my night class was over and I had gotten back home, CCR had already cried his eyes out over the imaginary attack, most of the replies in this thread were pointing out to him the error in his ways and CCR was running around with his brand new special title that Rosh had issued to him with a warning. And after a few minutes of lurking around later, CCR had also earned himself a week banishment all by himself.

CCR failed horribly in his attempt to get me involved with him just so he could keep on ranting again and completely flipped out when I didn't respond (as I hadn't read his words and wasn't even online at the time), he pulled his usual routine to the point where he went too far. That was the most entertaining thing I've seen here in ages, if not EVER.

Oh, and as for where I got this Jack Chick idea, Rosh and PS are both wrong. :razz:

I was actually found a link to it in a post by Kharn in the "Constinpated Crap Runner, KSM, Magus:" thread.
Let it go.

No one's impressed, and no one cares. What's done is done, why do you need further justification?
Jebus said:
Ozrat said:
Jebus, don't flatter yourself like that.
And what the fuck do I have to do with all of this? :scratch:
Ehehe, I meant it as a phrase and not your name. :razz:

welsh said:
Ozrat, cut the crap.
The only thing I wanted to do in my last post was to tell my side. Afterall, people were getting the impression that it was somehow some big masterplan to indirectly bait CCR into getting pissed off when I wasn't even thinking about him. Hell, like I said, I didn't even see anything to respond to him with that first post after I saw it, but it was too late after that anyways as everything had happened already.

As far as I was concerned, I was respecting CCR's statement that he was abstaining from religion topics. Can I help it I honestly didn't realize what the possible outcomes might be?

However, I'm not done laughing at Jack Chick yet and will probably find a couple more things from his website that simply boggles my mind to display.
Jebus said:
And what the fuck do I have to do with all of this? :scratch:

Well...you are Belgian

Ozrat said:
The only thing I wanted to do in my last post was to tell my side. Afterall, people were getting the impression that it was somehow some big masterplan to indirectly bait CCR into getting pissed off when I wasn't even thinking about him. Hell, like I said, I didn't even see anything to respond to him with that first post after I saw it, but it was too late after that anyways as everything had happened already.

Yeah, yeah. After you earlier flame-bait, how credible do you think this is? But it's not really relevant, the topic is over. There'll be no more baiting of CC, it's incredibly stupid. If you people would've done nothing, odds would've been CC would continue in his path of insulting other religions and gotten the (temporary) boot for it anyway, and maybe learned to shape up his behaviour. This was he can just point at you and Watergirl and say "it's their fault". And you know what? It is.

So this is bullshit. And I'm pretty much done with it. It's very simple; Watergirl is warned, CC is temp-banned, Ozzy needs to cut the crap.

Ozzy said:
However, I'm not done laughing at Jack Chick yet and will probably find a couple more things from his website that simply boggles my mind to display.

'k, but don't hot-link to images on the chick.com server, they don't allow hotlinking
Baboon said:
The foolish idea that Earth is 6,000 years old and that dinosaurs lived at the same time as humans, isn't only disproven by evolution, but also by the whole concept of nuclear physics.

Many people believe on this crap. I friend of mine is a "Jehovah's Witnesse" and we argued many times about this topic. He truly believes on that and told me that some "christians cults" does not even believe that dinosaurs existed. Do you think that Jack Chick does not know jack about dinosaurs? Check this link.


There is more about other religions..... explore the site at your own risk !!!
EyeMaster7 said:
There is more about other religions..... explore the site at your own risk !!!

You know what always bothers me about this kind of stuff? Those easy statements. "Evolutionary theory now contradicts" "they found footprints of man and dinosaur on the same layer" "experts agree" without any backing it up.

It's a well-developed habit in science to annotate any reference to someone else's work with a detailed description of "where did I get this from?" Author's name, the work's name, page number and year of print, usually.

I mean, I can make random statements about this shit as well, but there'd be no truth to it
Kharn said:
After you earlier flame-bait, how credible do you think this is?
Yes, I can understand why some may be suspicious, but I still stand by my word that I wasn't trying to troll indirectly.

EyeMaster7 said:
Do you think that Jack Chick does not know jack about dinosaurs?
Actually he freely states in a couple of his tracts that dinosaurs and humans were created on the say day along with every single other land dwelling creature just 6,000 years ago. What he doesn't do, however, is provide an explanation why they died out so fast (before anything else besides Genisis was written, that is) and and nothing else did.

Kharn said:
You know what always bothers me about this kind of stuff? Those easy statements. "Evolutionary theory now contradicts" "they found footprints of man and dinosaur on the same layer" "experts agree" without any backing it up.

It's a well-developed habit in science to annotate any reference to someone else's work with a detailed description of "where did I get this from?" Author's name, the work's name, page number and year of print, usually.
You know what's even funnier? How Chick stated here that a photograph of dinosaur and human footprints together are more powerful than actual scientific analysis and data and even uses carbon dating to fight carbon dating methods. Why? Because since so many scientists contradict each other on details, the Bible must be right.

Jack Chick and the sinful Catholics

Special page about Jack Chick and the Catholic Church
Does Jack Chick hate Catholics?
Quite the opposite.
After much prayer, he made the decision that, no matter what it cost him personally, he would publish the truth that Roman Catholicism is not Christian. He did it because he loves Catholics and wants them to be saved through faith in Jesus, not trusting in religious liturgy and sacraments.
But God has been faithful (as He always is) and has protected Chick Publications over the years.
In his book, Smokescreens (you can read it online), Jack Chick explains why it is important for us to witness to Catholics, rather than accepting them as brothers and sisters in Christ.
While the Catholic Church was seeking to control the world through religion, true Christians were running for their lives from the Catholic holocaust that ran for centuries.
God has always had His people, faithful to Him and His Word. They had no part in the Roman Catholic Church. Through much of history, organized religion has hunted and slaughtered God's people. For an excellent overview of this, read the classic work, "The Trail of Blood," at one of these websites:


Prices for ordering Jack Chick tracts

Tracts are $0.14 each , or $3.50 per package of 25 (U.S. currency).
[Big list of commonly ordered tracts]

Minimum order, 10,000 copies per title.

We could never stock all the titles we've ever produced. We do not stock the following titles, but they are available on a custom order basis, which means you must order at least 10,000 copies of a single title. The cost for the tracts is $700.00, which is a 50% discount (plus $75.00 shipping per 10,000 tracts to any U.S. address, and $180.00 per 10,000 tracts anywhere else.) If you have any questions about ordering 10,000 copies of any of these titles, check out the most Frequently Asked Questions about Custom Order tracts.
[smaller list of tracts]

Salvation Message
(Inside Back Cover of every tract)

Every Chick tract ends with a salvation appeal. The page below is found on the inside back cover of every general Chick tract. Tracts dealing with Catholicism and other false religions contain slightly modified text to more effectively reach people in those religions.


Why Chick Tracts Work

Who, Me? - The Chick tract on how to successfully pass out Chick tracts

This is the most amazing tract out of the scores that Chick has produced.

Why? Because he actually states that he got the idea from Chinese communist propoganda methods.

A missionary told us that the Communist in China had developed a powerful way to reach the multitutes "And they stole the technique from us!"

Years ago their agents watched our children spend hours reading comic books.

The communists spent millions of dollars printing their propoganda in a cartoon format. The results were extremely successful. "I guess communism has all the answers!" "Mao is right!" "This must be true!"

Could illustrated Gospel tracts be equally successful in spreading God's Word? Yes... and beyond all expectations

Stealing godless communist propoganda techniques to convert people to "true" Christianity... Now how ironic is that?
Ozrat said:

I love that picture.

I'd be laughing my ass of if I saw some mean-looking Chinese dude stalking around a comic-book store actually taking pictures of kids. He'd be arrested for pedophilia, no doubt.

Ozrat said:
Stealing godless communist propoganda techniques to convert people to "true" Christianity... Now how ironic is that?

No shit, plus he's contradicting himself again. If memory serves, Chick stated ealier, in more than one tract, that the power of the word of God is that IT IS THE WORD OF GOD, 'cause the Bible says so and it's written by God and God is almighty so it must be true.

But if the medium is more powerful than the message...ahm?

PS: that pic of people turning violent over a booklet is funny too. I can just picture it now, mass-riots because there's not enough Chick to go around
Kharn said:
PS: that pic of people turning violent over a booklet is funny too. I can just picture it now, mass-riots because there's not enough Chick to go around

Well, there is never enough Chick to go around. :wiggle:

But anyway, now that CCR is gone for awhile let me say that its Chick and his minions that really began turning me off to organized religion. So in some ways I thank them for their devotion.
Hmm, I may not last very long around here, but eh....

Might a make a suggestion for future reference Ozrat?

Looking at the topic of this thread:

Jack Chick and Christianity

and comparing it with your statements that you weren't flamebaiting, and you didn't intend to make any derogatory statments about religion, perhaps the title should have simply been along the lines of:

Jack Chick
Jack Chick is a fricken' Loon

or something to that affect.

I don't know you, aside from seeing your impressive debate with Shadow Paladin on the Interplay Boards, so I have no real preconceptions concerning you. But seeing that name and Christianity I was fulling expecting a rant about Christianity, and using Chick as an example. In my personal, very limited exposure to his works, he is pretty tactless and a little too brazen, though I am a Christian.

Just a thought.
PinkyDW said:
Hmm, I may not last very long around here, but eh....

No, no you won't.

Ha, I kid!

Your av's gay, though

PinkyDW said:
and comparing it with your statements that you weren't flamebaiting, and you didn't intend to make any derogatory statments about religion, perhaps the title should have simply been along the lines of:
I don't know you, aside from seeing your impressive debate with Shadow Paladin on the Interplay Boards, so I have no real preconceptions concerning you. But seeing that name and Christianity I was fulling expecting a rant about Christianity, and using Chick as an example. In my personal, very limited exposure to his works, he is pretty tactless and a little too brazen, though I am a Christian.

If only the topic title were the problem. But the fact that it mentioned Christianity should've flagged "stay away" for CC

Also Jack Chick is a fricken' Loon is an oxymoron

PS: how do you hold an "impressive debate" with someone who ends up replying to all your arguments with "it's simple, you just don't get it"?
PS: how do you hold an "impressive debate" with someone who ends up replying to all your arguments with "it's simple, you just don't get it"?


Why do you think I left the Interplay boards recently?

As for my avatar, Keitaro is the horniest guy I've ever seen...

horny for women

PinkyDW said:
Might a make a suggestion for future reference Ozrat?

Looking at the topic of this thread:

Jack Chick and Christianity

and comparing it with your statements that you weren't flamebaiting, and you didn't intend to make any derogatory statments about religion, perhaps the title should have simply been along the lines of:

Jack Chick
Jack Chick is a fricken' Loon

or something to that affect.
But its about Jack Chick and Christianity; specifically what he has to say about it. A title is supposed to give a short and sweet idea about what the topic is about. Usually when I see that religion is in the title of a thread I don't bother looking at it until it has a few replies behind it. Others use it as a way to tell that they will be interested in what it features. And what Kharn and Rosh said about titles as well.

PinkyDW said:
I don't know you, aside from seeing your impressive debate with Shadow Paladin on the Interplay Boards, so I have no real preconceptions concerning you.
Hey, cool, I even have a fanbase over at Interplay despite the few times I've dared to look over there! Thanks for the recognition. 8)

As you can probably tell from these few encounters with me, I'm quite fond of fighting extreme irrationalism.

Saaaaay, is Shadowgypsy still over there? Has (s)he finally played a copy of Fo:PoS yet? And if so, has (s)he finally stopped defending that embarrassment to no end?[/off topic]

Wooz69 said:
English please. :razz:

Kharn said:
PS: how do you hold an "impressive debate" with someone who ends up replying to all your arguments with "it's simple, you just don't get it"?
Easily. But you just don't get it.
Wooz69 said:

Wow, that's a lot of blood

"Jack Chick; even bloodier than the Passion of Christ!
Beat that, Mr. Gibson!"

PinkyDW said:
Why do you think I left the Interplay boards recently?



PinkyDW said:
As for my avatar, Keitaro is the horniest guy I've ever seen...

horny for women

Doesn't make it less gay

Ozrat said:
Saaaaay, is Shadowgypsy still over there? Has (s)he finally played a copy of Fo:PoS yet? And if so, has (s)he finally stopped defending that embarrassment to no end?[/off topic]

Shadowdipshit has been sucking up the Obsidian forums too.

Man, those forums suck

Ozrat said:
Easily. But you just don't get it.

Oh rly? Maybe you don't get it.
Saaaaay, is Shadowgypsy still over there? Has (s)he finally played a copy of Fo:PoS yet? And if so, has (s)he finally stopped defending that embarrassment to no end?[/off topic]

Yeah, that asshat's still there, that's part of the reason I left. Got into a "debate" with him. Pope Viper finally convinced me that it was futile, so I decided to come over here.

He hasn't admited to purchasing POS yet, but in the last thread I was looking at, he was describing all the bugs in it as "features". Interplay should pay that SOB.
Oz, that was the link to Teh Dumb Polish Chick

Shadow PALADIN? That son-of-a-bitch.

Anywho, I have always wondered why it's ok for someone to accept a radical anti-Christian, (unless their Christian, of course) to a radical pro-Christian. I mean, it's ok to be against it, just not for it. How would you feel if someone said shit about your beliefs to your face? Can't we take a break from religion bashing for a while and poke good fun at it, which in no way is demeaning, instead?

I have also pondered how the hell Easter ended up going from Jesus and the cross, to bunnies and eggs. Where do you get that one? Even children are going "Rabbits don't lay eggs what is this?"

Hahahahah...oooo...Robin Williams is a great guy.