Jack Chick & Christianity

EyeMaster7 said:
Chick does not know jack about dinosaurs? Check this link.


There is more about other religions..... explore the site at your own risk !!!

That was great. Noah took on dinosaurs on the ark but only baby dinosaurs so that they could fit.

Nice one.

Oh crap. Now I am going to burn in the big lack of fire!


Oh poop. And I doubt they have sunscreen in hell.
WAHT WHAT??? RAbbits dont lay eggs????

The hell you say!!

As for the shift in most holidays from religion to more of a social gathering (excuse for a day off work to drink/spend with family/both/all of the above) i believe it isndicitave of a change in society from the religious god-fearing masses to the more scientific questioning/wanting to get a day off from fucking work society.
Paladin Solo said:
I have also pondered how the hell Easter ended up going from Jesus and the cross, to bunnies and eggs. Where do you get that one? Even children are going "Rabbits don't lay eggs what is this?"

It's derived from the pagan holiday Beltane, which is all about fertility. The pagans used to paint eggs with symbols of the Goddess and the Horned God (not to be mistaken as the devil, as many don't believe in the devil) as well as other symbols to ensure the fertility for the next year.

My only problem with Easter is that it's on a different day every year. Why is it always the blankety blank Sunday of the month? Why can't it just be the same damn day huh? I can never keep track of it... Or Thanksgiving, always the what, third Thursday in November? Why can't they all be like Valentine's day, or Halloween?
welsh said:
Oh crap. Now I am going to burn in the big lack of fire!


Oh poop. And I doubt they have sunscreen in hell.

That one rocks, not only does Chick claim to be "the servant of God" (God says "my servant..."), he also claims that, apparently, while he is capable of loving all catholics, it's impossible for God to love the catholic church, although God is all love.

I also love it how God keeps quoting the Bible in Chick's works. It's God, for Christ's sake, he doesn't have to quote himself. Also, it seems God advised people not to join the catholic church in the bible. That's impressive.
Kharn said:
welsh said:
Oh crap. Now I am going to burn in the big lack of fire!


Oh poop. And I doubt they have sunscreen in hell.

That one rocks, not only does Chick claim to be "the servant of God" (God says "my servant..."), he also claims that, apparently, while he is capable of loving all catholics, it's impossible for God to love the catholic church, although God is all love.

I also love it how God keeps quoting the Bible in Chick's works. It's God, for Christ's sake, he doesn't have to quote himself. Also, it seems God advised people not to join the catholic church in the bible. That's impressive.

You think that is scary, you should wander over to asshelmets and look at the fascinating quotes I found from Martin Luther ...
You know, this is pretty ironic in itself. If the guy's such a fundamentalist, word-by-word follower of the Bible, he should know that according to the scriptures, drawing/painting God is blasphemy.

Watergirl said:
My only problem with Easter is that it's on a different day every year. Why is it always the blankety blank Sunday of the month? Why can't it just be the same damn day huh? I can never keep track of it... Or Thanksgiving, always the what, third Thursday in November? Why can't they all be like Valentine's day, or Halloween?

I seem to recall that either it's something taken from the Bible or it's another element taken from paganism, the particular sunday being the sunday closest to the spring equinox , a day holy to several sun-worshipping cultures/tribes. It was kept that day to make the new religion blend easier with the old traditions. The Christmas tree is another example.

That, or it's something taken from the Bible, about Jesus being crucified on a particular day. Dunno, can't remember, never paid much attention either in cathecism classes or mass.
Easter is the first Sunday after the Paschal Full Moon. The Paschal Full Moon may occur on any given date between March 21 through April 18, inclusive, and varies from year to year.
ozrat -- you hit the d+d tract, right?

how about the spoof sites?

Kharn said:
I mean, I can make random statements about this shit as well, but there'd be no truth to it

Chick's site does not has any scientific foundation and what is worst is that most of the concepts he criticizes are stereotypes that have nothing to do with reality. Like the ones about the "the call of cthulhu", D&D and catholicism.

In his site in the link "Battle Cry" he makes some comments about the Kansas State Board of Education decision to delete evolution from its state science standards which was reversed later. His article with the subtitle " evolution - is it a science or a religion" shows how radical ideas are influencing the society and it's main institutions.

When this radical behavior is isolated in the internet or in some communities it's ok for me but when it hits the education system we should be VERY worried about that.


Jack Shit's worst enemy is the educational system. That's why he attacks the teachers and professors. In many comics he makes fun of them showing them as morons and idiots. In fact the use of this comic format to propagate his ideas is a clear indication that his target group are the teenagers.[/b]
EyeMaster7 said:
Jack Shit's worst enemy is the educational system. That's why he attacks the teachers and professors. In many comics he makes fun of them showing them as morons and idiots. In fact the use of this comic format to propagate his ideas is a clear indication that his target group are the teenagers.

...or morons and idiots...
Which version of the Bible is correct?

Your decision:

The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver
tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. Thou
shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve
them from this generation for ever. (Psalm 12:6-7)

You must decide whether or not you believe God has kept this promise.
Did He preserve His Word throughout the generations? Or did He not?
That decision will lead you to one of two Bible texts.
Here's why:

You believe God preserved His Word
If God kept His promise, then what we need to do is simple. Have archaeologists find all the copies and pieces of copies they can find that have survived from ancient times. If God kept his promise, copying errors will not have polluted the text.
If we occasionally find a copy that does not match the others, we will throw it out, knowing that it was made by a sloppy copyist.
For the New Testament, of all the copies in existence today, 95% agree in an incredible way.

You do not believe God preserved His Word
If you believe that God did not keep His promise, then you have to expect that as people copied the Scriptures, mistakes constantly crept in. The next copyist would copy those mistakes, and add some of his own. As time went on, the Scriptures held by the church would deteriorate, becoming worse and worse, until nobody would really know what the originals said.

They have had archaeologists search the world over, and have found two very ancient copies. One was in the library at the Vatican.
These two manuscripts disagree with 95% of the broad historical evidence, and they also disagree with each other.

But if they disagree, how do you base a Bible on them? That's simple... find a scholar you consider an expert. Whenever these two copies disagree, have your expert pick the one he likes. We will consider that to be the correct version of that particular verse.


Fucking amazing. So the word of God should be completely apparent and if translators should pick a meaning for something, its automatically wrong. So how do you pick what the word of God is? By trusting the translator of course! After all, he would know what the word of God is!

And that's not even mentioning how one of the two copies that the REAL Bible and word of God is based upon is from the Vatican, which is the evil home of the Catholic Church!

Join the Chick Tract Club!

Jack T. Chick Museum of Fine Art
The Jack Chick Tr¡ck:Is He SatirizingHis Own Followers?
Jack Chick Parodies
I actually saw an article in today's newspaper about how people collect Chick Tracts mainly because they are exactly what the tracts preaches against rather than actually agreeing with the tracts. Makes an interesting point about the popularity of them. It was in the investments section of the paper and it was recommending that you stock up on them now while Chick is still alive so you can cash in on the value increase after he deceases (he is old, y'know). I'll post it here if I can figure out how to find it online.
I have this one lady who regularily shops at the commissary, and she goes to this church that must have a collection of them or something. Anyhow, she likes me I guess, because she keeps requesting me to bag for her, we have this system, I'll tell you some other time, and for a tip, she gives me a dollar, and a new chick comic everytime. So I guess I'll be a rich mofo one day...muhahahahahaha....what do you know, those comics might just have a purpose.
So you bag her for a dollar, huh?

The comicsmight have a purpose if they have reaaally soft pages.