First time out of the vault

Why haven't Middle East united as one front and rose up, because there are no leaders there that could unite. Any leader like that is usually removed before he can accomplish that. Naser in Egypt had the dream of Arabic State. Saddam Hussein wanted to see Iraq as a strong regional power. Even the Iranians right now want to put themselves as regional power and still share the dream of the Shah to have the strong army and a fleet that will patrol Indian Ocean. Any of these developments are dangerous to the western world and many other nations as they would put a large supply of oil in the hands of one nation making it easier to cut off and control the price off. Thus making the likelihood of the oil crisis of 1970s higher, something that no one wants to reappear. This theory is based on what I read from Robert Cooper's book Breaking of Nations
With the regards to the third building in 9/11, I am not an engineer but I believe that the fall of two building next to it would produce enough shock for the other one to fall. As for the financial speculations, well puts and calls are bought everyday as they are used to hedge risk so just because there were puts sold during those days does not mean any advanced knowledge, it means regular financial activity was happening as any other day.
I would also imagine that skyscrapers are built with the regards to pose least hazard to the city if they hit by an airplane, since there are chances of that happening without terrorists. There was a plane crash into Empire State Building in 1940s.
Terrorists tactics could be summarized as such they want all western influence out and so will keep attacks up until the west and its supporters decide to quite the Middle East out of fear for their safety. Well, maybe it has not done much to progress that goal but it does not mean they will stop. Germans at the end of WWII were losing, knew it yet still fought against the Allies and Soviet Union.
With the regards to the third building in 9/11, I am not an engineer but I believe that the fall of two building next to it would produce enough shock for the other one to fall. As for the financial speculations, well puts and calls are bought everyday as they are used to hedge risk so just because there were puts sold during those days does not mean any advanced knowledge, it means regular financial activity was happening as any other day.
I would also imagine that skyscrapers are built with the regards to pose least hazard to the city if they hit by an airplane, since there are chances of that happening without terrorists. There was a plane crash into Empire State Building in 1940s.
Terrorists tactics could be summarized as such they want all western influence out and so will keep attacks up until the west and its supporters decide to quite the Middle East out of fear for their safety. Well, maybe it has not done much to progress that goal but it does not mean they will stop. Germans at the end of WWII were losing, knew it yet still fought against the Allies and Soviet Union.