JE Sawyer on guns & gender

Stereotypical Villain said:
I always picked energy weapons myself since I adore the old laster pistol. Hopefully the first mod which'll be "converted" to function with New Vegas will be the one that changes the sound and model of the laser weaponry to properly match the ones found in Fallout 1 & 2.

I do so love that mod. If they don't it shouldn't be too hard to port the stuff to NV.

Also the flamer thing is pretty tricky. Makes about as much sense putting it in melee due it's short range I guess.
Saying that a flame thrower is an energy weapon because it projects heat is like saying a pistol is an energy weapon because it projects kinetic energy.
Well, Flamer doesn't quite fit the Firearms cathegory, neither. Or the Explosives.

I guess he has a good explanation and he's willing to share it with us.

Here is the link to his post.
bhlaab said:
Also he posted a new article about how Bayonetta is teaching people how to molest, so fuck him.

Ummm, wait...what? Bayonetta is teaching people how to molest???

This asshole is dumb enough to be a congressman. Can you link that please? I'm sure it is a hilarious read.
OakTable said:
Well guys, I have been thoroughly confused. J.E. Sawyer went on the Something Awful forums (posts under the name rope kid) and he said Flamers are going in Energy Weapons. Granted, he said it was for balance, but still, I am baffled by this.

Doesn't use bullets.
Doesn't use bullets.
That was an obvious point I missed.

Then it's like 20% for explosives and 80% for energy weapons.

No, it still sounds unrealistic, because energy weapons are reloaded with cells, and they use the energy out of their ammunition to produce something based on it. The flamer just enflames fuel.

But if it's for balance reasons, I suppose it's okay.
In theory, the flamer could be in explosive weapons as well.

But then again. If the flamer still looks as ugly as in Fallout 3, I will not care at all, because I will ignore it.
Lexx said:
In theory, the flamer could be in explosive weapons as well.

But then again. If the flamer still looks as ugly as in Fallout 3, I will not care at all, because I will ignore it.

This man speaks the truth.

I miss the old compact design of the original flamer.
Lexx said:
In theory, the flamer could be in explosive weapons as well.

But then again. If the flamer still looks as ugly as in Fallout 3, I will not care at all, because I will ignore it.

The original flamer in FO1 wasn't fallout-y enough.
Brother None said:
It was only 3 pixels high.


I think JES explaination was well done and I agree with the direction that they are putting on F:NV. Most people are focused on the "Obsidian Story" that they are going to bring to the table but these little tweaks they are adding into the game (Ammo weight, meaningful SPECIAL, improved follower control etc) are really sounding like they are going to make F:NV a great game and are keeping my hopes up.
Big Guns was a garbage stat. Now I have a reason to use Big Guns now that I don't have to waste points better spent on something more useful.

Well Logically it is proven that if you just *Sees Brother None's avatar*


*Gets poked with stick*

UM WHAT?!? YES! And that is how the British Empire will return with Cyborgs.
TheGM said:
Big Guns was a garbage stat. Now I have a reason to use Big Guns now that I don't have to waste points better spent on something more useful.

I don’t know why there is such animosity towards the big-gun skill. In Fallout 2 a high big-gun skill combined with the Bozar was an incredibly dangerous combination; add the critical armor bypass shot and everything was killed in a single shot – including the Enclave and Deathclaws. Also the rocket launcher and flamer (which are big-gun skills) are extremely effective and lethal weapons, but I can’t argue that any Fallout game has ever perfected the combat system.
TheGM said:
UM WHAT?!? YES! And that is how the British Empire will return with Cyborgs.

Not if I can tame the mighty apes of Gorilla City!

Also, it's about time that there was a drastic restructuring of the weaponry in Fallout.

Provided that we get a better variety of weapons (both in quality and quantity) from Fallout 3, I can easily see this being worth doing.
Fast Shot, Bonus Rate of Fire, and at least 9 AP with the Turbo Plasma Rifle was always pretty beefy for me. Big Guns had too much friendly fire for my liking.

I'm with shrinking the number of weapon categories and doing it by ammo (damage type) makes sense but why flamers are energy and not explosives (flame/explosive damage) is beyond me. It doesn't really fit anywhere well but it seems like explosives would be the most natural fit.

As for the Bayonetta thing, how does he figure? I admit that I haven't played it but promoting molesting women when the game is about a woman who kicks ass? I mean, I can understand complaints about her being over sexualized but promoting molesting women seems like one hell of a stretch. Maybe he had it confused with some hentai game?
I personally preferred lumping all guns into a "Marksmanship" or simply "guns" skill, including energy weapons. I believe JES wanted to go that route with VB. Big guns would have strength and possibly endurance requirements. Energy weapons would be limited by rarity, cost of ammo, and perhaps difficulty in maintenance.

I would also favor upping the power of big guns and giving them their own skill, as that is fairly logical, but using them should be a commitment due to the weight of the gun and the ammo. A minigun would not be something you would casually carry around. You'd scout out an area, then return to your hideout to get it. Same with the bazooka or flamer.

Yes I get that RPG players love to be limited in one category while being good in another, but if you are a crack shot with an old school rifle, I don't see why you wouldn't be a crack shot with a laser gun. With the FO3 repair model, it might be possible to make it so you can't get them past a certain condition without using your science (or computer, as I would prefer) skill, which would be interesting.
For now I think, that flamer-based weapons will be the low-tier energy weapons. You could find them early, it would still make sense (no laser pistols flying around everywhere) and it brings use to your energy weapon skill.
Maybe, though I don't know that flamers and hand flamers (presumably) would really be more common than energy weapons, it's not like flamers are exactly used a ton in war. He said that it was for balance so I guess that would make as much sense as anything. New Vegas is in better shape than most places and the NCR is around so having energy pistols wouldn't be too unreasonable and they could always just make a low level energy weapon a quest reward (the easiest out if you ask me).
Herr Mike wrote
I personally preferred lumping all guns into a "Marksmanship" or simply "guns" skill, including energy weapons. I believe JES wanted to go that route with VB. Big guns would have strength and possibly endurance requirements. Energy weapons would be limited by rarity, cost of ammo, and perhaps difficulty in maintenance.
I would also favor upping the power of big guns and giving them their own skill, as that is fairly logical, but using them should be a commitment due to the weight of the gun and the ammo. A minigun would not be something you would casually carry around. You'd scout out an area, then return to your hideout to get it. Same with the bazooka or flamer.

Yes I get that RPG players love to be limited in one category while being good in another, but if you are a crack shot with an old school rifle, I don't see why you wouldn't be a crack shot with a laser gun. With the FO3 repair model, it might be possible to make it so you can't get them past a certain condition without using your science (or computer, as I would prefer) skill, which would be interesting.

Yeah but try it the other way around, since Laser gun shouldn't have any recoil, if you trained only with them, I don't see any reason why you would be a crack shot with any old school rifle. Flamer doesn't have any recoil either and certainly require a whole different training as the 10mm SMG or a rocketlauchner, if you dont want to barbecue yourself that is. Well, I am no gun specialist, but I am sure they are many realistic reasons other than to please selflimit complex of the rpg lovers.
Hell, even the US doesn't make polyvalent übersoldiers. (I think.)
"Hey, you flamer guy, yeah, I see you have 8 perception! Take this sharpshooter rifle and make me a headshot ! Come on don't be a pussy!!"