Join NMA's Fantasy Football league!

Will you guys shut it?

Herr Mike, if eom isn't interested or someone else drops out you can sidle in, fo' sho'
Heh, hmmm, errrr, I'm looking at Yahoo!'s commissioner tools and I'm not seeing any options to:
a) hand over a team to another Yahoo! account

b) delete a team (only possible pre-draft)

So looks like we might be stuck. DB, didn't you run a league on Yahoo! at some point? Any idea if there're any options for handing over teams?
So like I said, no handing over to accounts, no deleting teams. That leaves the options to dump all players, let the team rot or set up a roster of at least playing players.

So I did the last one and filled up Sander's team. Sorry, El Prez, looks like you'll actually have to have a real matchup W1.
So beyond bye weeks and injuries substitutions, it's going to rot?

I guess we have no choice (gonna suck if one of use lose to that team)
Cimmerian Nights said:
So beyond bye weeks and injuries substitutions, it's going to rot?

This is pretty much it, yeah. The only other thing I'll do for that team is fill in bye teams. I'll only drop and replace injuries if I can't replace them from the roster, so Sander might well end up carrying a few IR players on his roster.

He's a bit AWOL now, but maybe once the start of the academic year is over he'll be a bit more active around NMA again, who knows. I hope he'll rejoin us. It's too bad signing it over to another manager isn't actually an option for Yahoo, so yeah, this is the best we can do.

Roster-dumps really suck.
Brother None said:
DB, didn't you run a league on Yahoo! at some point? Any idea if there're any options for handing over teams?

Yes, there are several options - yuo big cheater.

1) Ask yahoo to reassign the account to your new manager
2) Get the original owner to invite a co-manager
3) reset the password and give it to the new manager
5) profit!
I can reset the password on a Yahoo! account?

I'll contact Herr Mike to poll for interest, and then contact Yahoo! Thanks for the help, DB.
damn. i just mustered enough boredom to actually join a ff league, since its a "sport" i never even came close to understanding. db, pm me if it is up and running. and <strike>no, you can NOT gargle my cum, so stop asking me</strike>
you are right sir. but asshats is so dammitby-ized they all wear their arms backwards. and their asses and brains, too.
Brother None said:
The Asshats league, horst? Already started up a bit back.

Horst, the traitorist nazi scum that he is, has abandoned asshats - instead choosing to gargle orderite cum...
I'll fill-in for whoever, but I think I have to be a co-manager to take over a team, unless yahoo can do something. You'd think there would be some way to handle it.
Herr Mike said:
I'll fill-in for whoever, but I think I have to be a co-manager to take over a team, unless yahoo can do something. You'd think there would be some way to handle it.

Looks like DB! was wrong

From the FAQ:

When the draft has been completed within a given league, teams can no longer be removed from the league. Similarly, we cannot reassign existing teams to new Yahoo! IDs.

you're a fucking liar wannabe cheater, DB

I'll ask Sander to add you as co-manager, Herr Mike
Brother None said:
Herr Mike said:
I'll fill-in for whoever, but I think I have to be a co-manager to take over a team, unless yahoo can do something. You'd think there would be some way to handle it.

Looks like DB! was wrong

From the FAQ:

When the draft has been completed within a given league, teams can no longer be removed from the league. Similarly, we cannot reassign existing teams to new Yahoo! IDs.

you're a fucking liar wannabe cheater, DB

I'll ask Sander to add you as co-manager, Herr Mike

Hey, I'm not the cheater managing a league and two teams in the league I manage.

ps - Your extra cheat team is better than your actual team.

pps - Cheater.