Kieron Gillen interviews Pete Hines

sonicblastoise said:
it's too bad bethsoft can't get its head out of its ass and on a different track to possibly even consider that a game like the original fallout could still do well in this day and age WITHOUT excluding any particular demographic (console cattle included)
Have you ever been on xbox live? Have you ever seen or met or even talked too, over a headset, phone, or forum, one of the "console cattle"? No? I didn't think so.

Well I have, and I can say with confidence that they are among the dumbest groups of people I have ever seen, and considering I live in Klamath Falls, Oregon, USA, thats saying something.

They would never even be able to play fallout 1 or 2, let alone enjoy it. They are just like the sheep reading Steven King and thinking he is a great novelist. or the sheep watching a Spielberg movie and thinking he is a great director.

They are the mainstream, the majority, logic and history dictate they also be morons.

Drusus said:
Bethesda is known for its great leaps in the graphical areas of programing and its lack of solid programing otherwise.
Wrong. Both Morrowind and Oblivion had good graphics, but they were not the best or even all that special, not even close.
Drusus said:
If a Reputable company had gotten the license for Fallout and was in the process of making a true sequel I'm sure NMA as a whole would rejoice.

Isn't Bethesda a reputable company, at least in the mainstream market? Reputation is relative depending on the audience you take into consideration.

Drusus said:
I can't personally say that Fallout 3 is going to be a horrible scar on fallout like Fallout:BOS was but it doesn't look like its going to be a great rpg like the first two games were either. I could be wrong and this could be amazing. At the moment though it sounds like they gave fallout the first person shooter treatment and are hoping no one will notice.

That's the problem. I wouldn't mind if the made a FPS or and FPRPG, it sucking or not. I'd even play such a game. The problem is using the Fallout name just to draw attention or due to the fact that it's a well know franchise, instead of coming up with something new. And that's the problem - the lack of creativity and the fact that the target public still buy such games that lack in creativity, playing something that has been seen before a bazillion times and still being able to say it's "innovative".
I was using the honorable/respectable definition of reputable. Outright lying in prerelease hype to the public about TES:Oblivion in my opinion is less than honorable and definitely not respectable.

Sorry, my intention was to say their graphical programming improved between each game, not that they were pioneering new frontiers of graphical glory.
Jiggly McNerdington said: Testers and sound teams brought down Star Trek Legacy Bethe$da just wants my money!


One person mentions Star Trek in relation to Bethesda and immediately we go off on this insanity. It's funny what kind of a reflex people get to this.

I think you kind of missed the fact that it was all one big analogy, Jiggs, Rosh often brings in real-life name coincidences into analogies.
Genoq said:
sonicblastoise said:
it's too bad bethsoft can't get its head out of its ass and on a different track to possibly even consider that a game like the original fallout could still do well in this day and age WITHOUT excluding any particular demographic (console cattle included)
Have you ever been on xbox live? Have you ever seen or met or even talked too, over a headset, phone, or forum, one of the "console cattle"? No? I didn't think so.

Well I have, and I can say with confidence that they are among the dumbest groups of people I have ever seen, and considering I live in Klamath Falls, Oregon, USA, thats saying something.

They would never even be able to play fallout 1 or 2, let alone enjoy it. They are just like the sheep reading Steven King and thinking he is a great novelist. or the sheep watching a Spielberg movie and thinking he is a great director.

They are the mainstream, the majority, logic and history dictate they also be morons.

while that may be the case, i was simply stating the fact that beth's reasoning (explicit or implicit, whichever the case may be) that "we want to reach the most people, so let's make it as accessible as possible" is totally untenable.

at least that's what i think. it's not that i don't AGREE with you, because i've certainly met my fair share of, how shall i say it..."imbecile gamers" (my brother being one) who would never understand the reasons why fallout is as great a game as it is.

but "we won't make it PnP emulation, or turn-based, or entirely stat-based, because that kind of stuff just doesn't work for gamers now" is totally NOT true.

Wrong. Both Morrowind and Oblivion had good graphics, but they were not the best or even all that special, not even close.

If it's worth anything, both games brought my gaming machine to its knees on release. :P
Wooz, you're not helping the monolithic NMA-monster image here.

Might be, but we've always respected polite, clear-headed and intelligible posters.

And good to see you, Rosh. I hope ye'll stick around, otherwise, I trust you'll be around by the time the CTZR* hits us after F3's release.

*console 'tard zerg rush
sonicblastoise said:
but "we won't make it PnP emulation, or turn-based, or entirely stat-based, because that kind of stuff just doesn't work for gamers now" is totally NOT true.
No, it totally IS true. The majority of gamers out there are console gamers, or PC+console gamers that might as well stick to consoles. If beth released Fallout 3 with the mechanics its supposed to have, everyone would hate it, exept us, and there is not that many of us, not enough to make the "B1g M0neYz!" anyway.

However it is my opinion (and its not just my opinion) that Fallout was fucked from the moment bethsoft bought it. Even if they did design it "right" so to speak, they still would have fucked it up somehow. Because as Rosh pointed out numerous times over the years, they just don't have the brains or the talent to pull it off.
Genoq said:
sonicblastoise said:
but "we won't make it PnP emulation, or turn-based, or entirely stat-based, because that kind of stuff just doesn't work for gamers now" is totally NOT true.
No, it totally IS true. The majority of gamers out there are console gamers, or PC+console gamers that might as well stick to consoles. If beth released Fallout 3 with the mechanics its supposed to have, everyone would hate it, exept us, and there is not that many of us, not enough to make the "B1g M0neYz!" anyway.

i have to concede the rest of your post i suppose. if a QUALITY developer had laid hands on this IP, we would most certainly not be in the predicament we are in presently.

all hail the corporate machine
Jiggly McNerdington said:

Legacy on the PC is generally considered to be a horribly bugged piece of underachievement, particularly marked out by broken promises and missing content. Even were it not for the play-stopping bugs it is, at best, a spectacularly missed opportunity; had they delivered on what they said they would, then it would be a great game.

Still, Star Trek survives bad games, because it is a multimedia franchise, with many and various forms: primarily, a work of non-gaming fiction. Fallout cannot survive bad games, especially if they're bad because of game-breaking bugs, because it is only a game.

Once the universe is corrupted and lost, then that is very much that...
Unillenium said:
Fallout 3 will flop and Peter Hines-Lucas-Jackson (as idealized by himself) will suddenly look a lot more like the Vlassic-Lollypop man

That sad part is, it won't flop. All the console cattle, as Rosh so eloquently put it, will buy it like it's free gold. Oblivion was a pitiful game compared to what people were told it was going to be, and anyone with a brain knows it, but it's still touted as teh bezt game ev4r!!!!11!!1 (and it sold like it too if I'm not mistaken). Fallout 3 will sell like mad, Pete Hines knows it, and that's why he doesn't give a crap about alienating the franchise or the fanbase.
nobuo said:
Unillenium said:
Fallout 3 will flop and Peter Hines-Lucas-Jackson (as idealized by himself) will suddenly look a lot more like the Vlassic-Lollypop man

That sad part is, it won't flop. All the console cattle, as Rosh so eloquently put it, will buy it like it's free gold. Oblivion was a pitiful game compared to what people were told it was going to be, and anyone with a brain knows it, but it's still touted as teh bezt game ev4r!!!!11!!1 (and it sold like it too if I'm not mistaken). Fallout 3 will sell like mad, Pete Hines knows it, and that's why he doesn't give a crap about alienating the franchise or the fanbase.
I agree. Fallout 3 isn't going to flop. It'll sell like hotcakes, just like Bioshock, Gears of War, Oblivion, GTA4 and every other endlessly-hyped game nowadays. It's just like mainstream movies - if you tell people enough times that something is good, they'll buy it and believe it's good. Why wouldn't it be? Everyone said it was so good, after all.
Funny, I used to say the same thing about Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel.

But yes, it's certainly slated to be a success.
Wow Rosh, you certainly know how to make an appearance.

And yes FOBOS was supposed to be bringing Fallout into the 2000s. With new hardcore bands like Slipknot, pee jokes, and rampant chest beating gameplay, we all figured it would stand right up there with GTA.

But alas nope. I think the miniscule rpg element it had drove most of the action crowd away.