Killzone 2

Eyenixon said:
Gorgeous scenery is good art design, not level design.

How far in the game did you eventually get? And what FPS in your opinion has good "level design"?
I thought the levels in KZ2 were great. My favorite probably being the train when you are running against the wind. Throwing grenades is not recommended. :mrgreen:
Good level design requires variety and interesting enemy placement, not just corridors/large outdoor areas used as arenas, it worked fine for Painkiller, but Painkiller is a whole different sort of game.
Blood had great level design, as did the first two Dooms, as I said, every area of Killzone 2 is just another Perfect Hatred to me.
Well, you cannot please everyone I suppose. Everything about he game so far has thrilled me.

On a related note...


Grats Bal!

Having an 11 month old means I don't get anywhere near enough time to play games anymore, let alone be in the top 1% of players.

Puokki said:
You probably want to change them to "alternative 1", when the aim is L1 instead of R3 (much easier to get used to and, well, use.)

I've changed it, and made it a toggle, which is making it a lot easier to use / play.
I could not have done it without the shotgun. Once people start figuring it out I am sure it will get patched but if you hold down the zoom (which turns the flash light on) it gets this crazy autoaim that will lock you directly onto someone near you if your crosshairs are remotely near them.

Try it out, I do not know how long it will last.