Knives knives knives!


A Smooth-Skin
So the Gun thread isn't lonely ;)

Seriously, I'm looking into buying a good no-nonsense survival knife. It should be between 4" and 6" blade length, full-tang and around $100.

So far I've narrowed it down to these babies:

SOG Seal Pup Elite


Gerber LMF II


Cold Steel SRK


The SRK looks nice and dependable.

I've got a really nice Gurkha kukri, something like this

DexterMorgan said:
KA-BAR is nice but I dislike the blood groove.

That one in particular is not for everyone, regardless this is a knife thread and it needed to be posted. :P
I have a single small all-purpose knife that I occasionally use to cut rough things open. I intend to take it with me when I go on any wilderness outings, but I always forget it.
DexterMorgan said:
Do you know the origin of that wrist blade?
Ustashe, why? I don't really have one, but it would be a neat thing to have in any army collection.
Because it was specifically made to cut throats of concentration camp prisoners. That thing is disgusting to me and I hope whoever used it got his payback in 1945.
DexterMorgan said:
Because it was specifically made to cut throats of concentration camp prisoners. That thing is disgusting to me and I hope whoever used it got his payback in 1945.
I fail to see how it would be more inappropriate than a STG 44, it's a piece of military history.
Fällkniven! Fällkniven! Fällkniven!


Seriously, when it comes to fixed blades, Fällkniven all the way.

Yes, they aren't very tacticool, and no eyecandy for sure, but high quality and downright rugged and durable.

If you're more into the KaBar look (wood, leather, vintage and stuff), maybe the Northern Lights Series is your thing.


REALLY expensive, though, I'm okay with plastic on a tool for everyday use.

I own two F1


and use them extensively for camping, hiking, fishing and hunting.

The S1


is a nice tool, too.

Short blade tho, both do not qualify as a "full size survival knife".

For that purpose you may be better served with a MC1, A2 or A1 (fist pic I posted, the 3 leftmost knives).

EDIT: also, when it comes to Ka-Bars, I wish I could keep the cake AND eat it.
I want a Ka-Bar with next-gen stainless blade and that beautiful, beautiful leather handle. It's the only knife I would just buy for the sake of owning it. All my other knifes are tools, not collectibles.
^^Great knives for sure, but the price puts them out of my set range I'm afraid. Great blades.

By the way, S1 is actually a good sized knife, you don't want your knife too big for finer work.

And I just checked the price and it isn't horribly expensive like I expected it to be! It's another candidate :D

Dragula said:
DexterMorgan said:
Because it was specifically made to cut throats of concentration camp prisoners. That thing is disgusting to me and I hope whoever used it got his payback in 1945.
I fail to see how it would be more inappropriate than a STG 44, it's a piece of military history.

STG was made for combat, this thing was made to kill defenseless people in a horrific fashion. There is no comparison.
Bal-Sagoth said:

I ended my collection with this knife.

May I ask why you need a "no-nonsense survival knife"? Is it something that will be sitting on a shelf or are you going to get some practical use out of it?
So I know nothing about knives (so I can't give you any suggestions) but my uncle collected a ton of them and recently passed away so I picked the two coolest looking ones (in my mind) and took those.

So here's "my" knife collection.


Sorry I can't help you with your hunt, but since it's like the gun section, I figured I'd show what I've got :)
One on the right, Nice utility knife/Deadly weapon.

One on the left, Fucking useless. Hatchet point knife?