
Fratt, that 3rd knife, is that a Swedish Mora?
I've got a 50? year old one just like it.
(Not as good condition though)
I've got a couple of bayonets, some machetes, a knife made out of a railroad spike and I'm probably going to get some sort of rapier.
octotron said:
Fratt, that 3rd knife, is that a Swedish Mora?
I've got a 50? year old one just like it.
(Not as good condition though)
Yeah, standard swe Mora birchwood shaft, handle. (although my personal fav is the asaklitt. First knife.)
euhm, that's a kabar he carried in Iraq, Dammitboy.
he just camo'ed it a bit, i guess. that's hardly blasphemy for military use...

and the helmet is just one to hold accessories, i guess. might look odd, but it aint.
That's a standard issue us army helmet with a rhino mount for NVG'S... that's night vision goggles... they didnt have those back in WW1 when old dammitboy was a sailor.
Elissar said:
That's a standard issue us army helmet with a rhino mount for NVG'S... that's night vision goggles... they didnt have those back in WW1 when old dammitboy was a sailor.

Silly negro, tricks are for kids!
DammitBoy said:
Elissar said:
That's a standard issue us army helmet with a rhino mount for NVG'S... that's night vision goggles... they didnt have those back in WW1 when old dammitboy was a sailor.

Silly negro, tricks are for kids!

Well my chain of command wanted my Ka-Bar to have camo rap...
I sold my knife, I buy a new one.



I think I buy the first one. Not sure, yet... :)

Both about 60 bucks.
Since I apparently only post when the subject has to do with expensive hobbies, here's my contribution:
Here's a pic of my favorite knives. They're all folding pocket knives except for #2 and #7. #2 being an out-the-front automatic and #7 being a fixed blade. The production knives are just that - made in some factory somewhere, and the hand made knives are the work of a single individual except for the forging of alloys and manufacture of materials. For example, the pattern-welded steel in #7 was produced by Daryl Meier, which was then used by Bud Nealy in a fabrication of his own design.

If anyone cares to see a closer view of any one or any part of these knives, I would be happy to comply.

1. (production) Karambit - Emerson Knives Inc.
2. (production) Ultratech (Double Action; Auto Fire/Auto Retreat) - Microtech Knives
3. (production) LCC (Double Action; Manual Open/Auto Open via hidden bolster release) - Microtech Knives
4. (hand made) CU TAC LL-2 (Has CPM S30V blade, titanium, carbon fiber.) - Chris J. Smith
5. (hand made) One-of-a-kind prototype of abandoned design. Has damasteel blade and bolsters, anodized titanium handles and liners. - Allen Elishewitz
6. (hand made) Custom Commander (Has titanium bolsters and liners, green micarta scales.) - Ernest Emerson
7. (hand made) Pesh-Kabz (Has damascus blade and G-10 scales) - Bud Nealy

I bought this by pure chance today. There was a guy in the street selling all kinds of all stuff. I like to check out what they have, although they sell it at outrageous prices... old compasses (my favourite), binoculars, old cameras, furniture etc. I saw this knife and asked how much it was. The guy gave me a really good price so i bought it.

Now, my question is, the hole in the blade, what is it for? The blade opens via the lever, so it's not for opening...
there are 3 reasons to have a hole in the blade

1) special consideration such as weight or balance or utility of the blade such as the blood channel on longer swords

2) the functionality of the blade such as to operate the knife

3) specific uses of the knife such as grip or putting things in it. such as when used as a trap or holding it certain ways.