
Some blades that are not mine, but partially made by me:

First, a knife with a pattern welded blade from a swedish/german bladesmith called Götz. The handle and sheath are both hand made from scratch by me.


Next, an other knife with a pattern welded blade from the same guy. Also here the handle and sheath are both hand made from scratch by me.


And here a sword with a blade from ArmourClass and the hilt and scabbard made by myself.


This sword has a (much better) blade from Tinker/Hanwei, and the hilt and scabbard is again made by myself. This one I actually own myself.



TheWesDude said:
blood channel on longer swords

The "blood channel" on swords is not really a blood channel, it's purpose is mainly to make for a lighter weapon without sacrificing too much strength in the blade. Keep in mind that there are plenty of sword types with no fuller (which is the real name for the "blood channel") at all.

It has a sheath that can be worn around the lower leg.

The dagger is engraved with 101709 CJH Rostfrei.
Why is it all black? Is it some sort of anti-metal-detector terrorist weapon or something? Or is it painted black to not reflect things?
The steel is painted black, I bought this little thing in Germany years ago.

edit: Some more pointy things from my teenager years attic box.

Coating prevents corrosion which can be fairly useful on hi-carbon knives. This one, being stamped Rostfrei (rust-free) is most likely made in "ordinary" stainless steel so the coating would serve a tactical purpose rather than protective one.
TheWesDude said:
there are 3 reasons to have a hole in the blade

1) special consideration such as weight or balance or utility of the blade such as the blood channel on longer swords

2) the functionality of the blade such as to operate the knife

3) specific uses of the knife such as grip or putting things in it. such as when used as a trap or holding it certain ways.
I think some of my brain cells committed suicide reading your post.

I want them back, goddamn it!

Also, that "Benchmade" is a cheap knockoff. So no, Blakut, you didn't "get lucky", you got played.
SuAside said:
Also, that "Benchmade" is a cheap knockoff. So no, Blakut, you didn't "get lucky", you got played.

I don't know about this particular knife but Sua is probably right. I've been to a few shops that sold knockoffs, and rather obvious ones, and I was stunned by the sheer number of models and brands being faked.

It was rather mind-boggling really.
PainlessDocM said:
The steel is painted black, I bought this little thing in Germany years ago.

edit: Some more pointy things from my teenager years attic box.


Is this a knife or a sword?
Kahgan said:
Some blades that are not mine, but partially made by me:

First, a knife with a pattern welded blade from a swedish/german bladesmith called Götz. The handle and sheath are both hand made from scratch by me.


Next, an other knife with a pattern welded blade from the same guy. Also here the handle and sheath are both hand made from scratch by me.


And here a sword with a blade from ArmourClass and the hilt and scabbard made by myself.


This sword has a (much better) blade from Tinker/Hanwei, and the hilt and scabbard is again made by myself. This one I actually own myself.



TheWesDude said:
blood channel on longer swords

The "blood channel" on swords is not really a blood channel, it's purpose is mainly to make for a lighter weapon without sacrificing too much strength in the blade. Keep in mind that there are plenty of sword types with no fuller (which is the real name for the "blood channel") at all.

Kahgan - your work is awesome. I need to have you make a sword and scabbard for me!


A Shiva ki custom K12b
DammitBoy said:
total mall ninja nonsense

So you think it's not a serious video beause
a, the goofy t-shirt
b, the funny tags
c, or word "ninja" in the video

Well, obviously, it's not a how to be the best SWAT team member ever, just a stupid video, and it ment to be funny/nonsense.

People taking Youtube way too serious.

Here is another one, Just because you liked the last one so much.


It's a total mortal kombat ninja nonsense :lol:
My new blade.


OMG, it's a cheap imported folder knife! Yes. Yes it is. :D