Lamest Fallout 3 Ideas Ever:

What is the lamest Fallout 3 idea ever?

  • Katanas! (Not part of 50's science fiction styles, you white trash ninja!)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Swords (Not practical in the post-apocalypse, when spears and axes serve much more real function.)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • FOOL (Not only did it kill Ultima, but no online version would ever resemble Fallout or a good CRPG.

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  • Guns Akimbo (This isn't John Woo, or The Matrix.)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • More Real-World Modern Guns (Why do the Counter-Strike morons neglect to read the weapon description

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  • Turn-Based and Real-Time Together (Hah! Someone has no clue about combat engine development, balanc

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • RT+P Combat (Why does the combat have the be dumbed down so it plays itself, if the rest of the game

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  • Make Fallout more like Postal. (Classic idiocy.)

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  • GTA:SA-style weight lifting to improve physical attributes.

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  • McLarens with superchargers (CONFLICT: Omega is SO Fallout-inspired!)

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  • Talking heads was a neat system, but perhaps something a bit more advanced is in order now. (Just si

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Controllable NPCs (NON-Player Character!)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • In F3 it would be awsome to have a worldwide campain but being able to do what you want, maybe even

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  • Sim Fallout (The indie spin-off was an okay idea, but micromanaging a town...)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Skills should cost a different amount of points, because osmosys was a complete moron and didn't hav

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Morrowind-like travel, spending HOURS walking through endless wasteland.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Grey_Wolf said:
Sander said:
You could do a lot of things in Fallout 2 that don't fit.

Hmmm... but that means the Chinese in San Fran would not be canon then.
That depends on how you want to define canon. San Francisco certainly doesn't fit, but it was in the game.
Hmm... Well it does make sense. because it does add a logical progression to the FO2 time line.
Otherwise you would never know about the oil rig, and what not, and really have no reason to charge head forward into Navarro. Get the FOB, etc... etc...
I think it's canon, but i could be wrong.

Btw, i forgot. Thank you for telling me what this FOOL thing was. :mrgreen:
Grey_Wolf said:
Hmm... Well it does make sense. because it does add a logical progression to the FO2 time line.
I'm not talking about there being Chinese people there or the city existing, I'm talking about there being rivalling gangs of kung-fu artists, a major supercomputer and Scientologists with a space shuttle.
Having one single katana around isn't going to break much, but having lots of katanas will.
Hmmm... I get what you are talking about. Most of that was basic pop-culture stuff.
Kung-foo movies, cults, and computers.
But the gangs i was talking about were mainly around New Reno. If you travel around, you would run into the Yakuza guys with the Armor piercing Katanas, that i assumed, were the "bad" Chinese, who perhaps left San Fran when the sub crashed.
Japanese, aye, fine, but Chinese do have the Triad,
Yakuza are usually just little 'gangs' for the most part, and although there are some big ones, some have affiliations with the Chinese, and aye... Lets not go into all the gangs and how they deal with each other. And maybe they just put Yakuza because not many people know of the Chinese underground gangs.
Cause, now there is the whole odd situation of how we got invaded by Japanese Yakuza.
Long story short, Katanas are not that bad of a deal.
Just any swords (especially the crap-tacular "fanciful" swords) of a ridiculous nature, would be lame.
Wooz said:
- Plasma Saw (Not exactly a FO3 idea)

- Vorpal Katana + Black Leather Samurai Armor.
Well, nothing against that, if it was a UNIQUE Item, to be found once only, in a special quest or for gag purpose. See Fallout 1 -> Alien blaster.

To establish a large Samurai population in a post-apoc environment is a sucky idea indeed*, but one freak sitting in the middle of a prewar japanese weapon collection, thinking he's a samurai... why not, kinda comic relief in the whole postnuclear misery :wink:

(* unless it's a post-apoc Japan, which would be a kind of neat setting for a whole new game ^^)
just to piss off fanboys and animekiddies i'd put in a katana ("that looks great and sharp") but breaks the first time you use it :P

hihi, cheap knockoffs will cost you your life!
Hmm.... I'd say it's a tie (and a close one at that) between real-time Morrowind/Oblivion-style travel and real-time-with-pause combat. Both are incredibly bad ideas that for some reason have become industry standards (or is that the reason why they became the industry standards?!?) They worked poorly, at best, in their respective games (Bethsoft's later works for the former, and Baldurs Gate/Icewind Dale for the latter) and now...well, I'm becoming less surprised with every new foolish design decision Bethsoft's making with FO 3. And these two are BEASTS.
This poll is lame considering anything not classical fallout would be treated as a bad idea (especially by fans). A better poll would be "What is Bethesdas Worst Idea So Far." Heres a starter list:

-Non-turn based
-Behemoth Concept
-Environment Atmosphere

Since we do not know that much about F3 as of yet the list would not be that long.

Also, night vision goggles are not horrible considering energy weapons are not 50's technology.
honestly, the turn based system doesnt matter to me, i had loads of fun with tactics and it isnt turn based, its this first person/oblivion style bs that really gets me..
The Grim Reaper's Sprint, Nuclear Man and Deal with the Devil perks from the Bethesda perks contest
worst idea? let me think... from fallout 10th anniversary contest (bethesda contest):
Crazy Eye, Deal with the Devil, Falling from Heaven, Schizophrenia, Nuclear Man (or Woman).

And they WON the contest. wtf? I'm mean these really were like the worst F3 ideas I have ever heard (if we don't count Fatmanan and exploding nuclear cars, they are the worst of them all)

"Before the war, everything ran on nuclear energy, including the cars... ...few well-placed shots can set off an explosion of fire and radiation"
uh umm... didn't cars use Fusion energy before the war according to F2? And if cars really were running on nuclear energy, would they be build so that if you shoot it couple of times it would explode? I don't think so. And if cars would use nuclear energy, wouldn't they be using uranium-235, that isn't really dangerous for it doesn't radiate so much. Of course after it's been used, it's very dangerous. But what is the half-life of nuclear waste? would it still be dangerous after (how many hunders of years? don't remember...) XXX years?

[sarcasm] c'mon, Grim Reaper's Sprint isn't a bad idea! You can clean Navarro using a M72 Gauss Rifle/Vindicator Minigun in 1 round!!! And it's magic! Ooohhh!!!!! The game would be a lot cooler!!![/sarcasm]

Shitty weapon idea: Silenced+long-barrel+NVG 20x scoped+bipod+GL+depleted uranium 12g sheel Pancor Jackhammer!!!! Ah and with explosive lead ball tips!!! With this you could blow a PA soldier at 3km away with A SHOTGUN yahoo!!!!