Why not and compared to what exactly? Because katana is not part of the '50s pop culture? I've always been curios about this katana resentment ever since I saw Rosh flame the hell out of some noob who wanted to make an FO2 mod that included them. Granted, he also wanted a samurai armor which is idiotic, but here's some food for thought:Sander said:A wakizashi is not a katana.
Furthermore, what's your point? It still doesn't fit Fallout's setting, like a lot of things in Fallout 2.
Under the United States occupation at the end of World War II all armed forces were disbanded and, except under several permits issued by police and municipal government, production of katana with edges was banned. This ban would be later overturned through the personal appeal of Dr. Homma Junji to General Douglas MacArthur. During their meeting, Dr. Homma produced blades from the various periods of Japanese history and General MacArthur was a quick student, being able to identify very quickly what blades held artistic merit and which could be considered purely weapons. As a result of this meeting, the general ban was amended so that the weapon grade guntō would be destroyed and swords of artistic merit could be owned and preserved. Even so, many katana were sold to American soldiers at a bargain price. Some were simply stolen, while others remained stashed away.
Due to this disarmament, as of 1958 there were more Japanese swords in America than in Japan: American soldiers would return from the Orient with piles of swords, often as many as they could carry. The vast majority of these 1,000,000 or more swords were guntō, but there were still a sizable number of kotō, shintō, and shin-shintō.
There are many reasons why they won't fit.Dovla said:Why not and compared to what exactly? Because katana is not part of the '50s pop culture? I've always been curios about this katana resentment ever since I saw Rosh flame the hell out of some noob who wanted to make an FO2 mod that included them. Granted, he also wanted a samurai armor which is idiotic, but here's some food for thought:
Under the United States occupation at the end of World War II all armed forces were disbanded and, except under several permits issued by police and municipal government, production of katana with edges was banned. This ban would be later overturned through the personal appeal of Dr. Homma Junji to General Douglas MacArthur. During their meeting, Dr. Homma produced blades from the various periods of Japanese history and General MacArthur was a quick student, being able to identify very quickly what blades held artistic merit and which could be considered purely weapons. As a result of this meeting, the general ban was amended so that the weapon grade guntō would be destroyed and swords of artistic merit could be owned and preserved. Even so, many katana were sold to American soldiers at a bargain price. Some were simply stolen, while others remained stashed away.
Due to this disarmament, as of 1958 there were more Japanese swords in America than in Japan: American soldiers would return from the Orient with piles of swords, often as many as they could carry. The vast majority of these 1,000,000 or more swords were guntō, but there were still a sizable number of kotō, shintō, and shin-shintō.
I think they would make a nice (rare) early game weapon but a player would be forced to discard it once faced with heavily armoured oponents because being a primarily slashing weapon a katana would be useless against them.
Exactly, which is why I'm not in favour of putting them in the game as a general item. But having one of a kind stashed someplace that a player could find is not such a bad idea. You know, stumbling over one someplace while you're fighting off mutated rats with your makeshift spear would be pretty rewarding... Anyway, that's my two cents: Katanas - no. A single katana, well hidden, sure, why not?Sander said:Lastly, there's the point of 'why put them in'. Why, really? In a world filled with only general sorts of weapons, what would a katana really add?
Dovla said:Why not and compared to what exactly? Because katana is not part of the '50s pop culture? I've always been curios about this katana resentment ever since I saw Rosh flame the hell out of some noob who wanted to make an FO2 mod that included them. Granted, he also wanted a samurai armor which is idiotic, but here's some food for thought:Sander said:A wakizashi is not a katana.
Furthermore, what's your point? It still doesn't fit Fallout's setting, like a lot of things in Fallout 2.
Silencer said:What the n00b said.
I kind of liked the wakizashi in F2, until I started winding up with dozens of them every time when around New Reno (and come the fawk on, New Reno? If they were in San Fran, cool, but this 'yakuza' shite?)
I kind of liked the wakizashi in F2
Hence why, for setting reasons, unless it was specially written and preferably not in the hands of the protagonist, a katana just wouldn't really work in the setting either hidden or out in the open
Vercinegetorix said:LoTR & Harry Potter easter-eggs
Add those and the game is FUBAR.
This rifle has been more widely used by armed forces than any other rifle in history. It's a reliable assault weapon for any terrain or tactical situation. This weapon has been equipped with a night sight for greater night accuracy.
I second that,Miria said:I think the worst possible Fallout 3 idea was Bethesda buying rights to produce it. I mean, come on, we all know how shitty their games wind up. Yes, they are pretty, but what is graphics without substance?
IgnatzKrebs said:Dumb idea: BEING A TRIBAL. And then being able to tag shit like Energy Weapons from the get-go. Explain to me how the fuck a stupid tribal has an innate affinity with a Turbo Plasma Rifle, and why the hell that Turbo Plasma Rifle is nowhere to be found in the village (and how the hell a tribal in the middle of nowhere got his greasy mitts on a weapon like that!).
Sander said:oh, for fuck's sake.