Left-wing Bias in Bethesda's Fallout Products

Its a very multi-faceted problem you speak of Crni.

Education sucks but I doubt its all some conspiracy to keep the people down (I will agree there might be some desire by big business to produce more cogs for the machine).

People here (in the U.S.) disagree all too much on what schools SHOULD be teaching, which I believe is the real problem. Sex ed, not having children early, managing finances (like sucking up ones pride and not be so arrogant as to sabotagings ones future in order to 'live on ones own', being realistic about ones goals and aspirations, many ideas like these are often politically in-correct or some kind of conspiracy to keep our children ignorant of their true potential.

Another is that our goverment (U.S.), is too focused on testing (rote memorisation), instead of problem solving. They believe in a 'well rounded', education that isn't well rounded at all. From 1st through 12th grades, we are all taught roughly the same batch of stuff over and over. Mathematics, science, english, history, geography, etc. The only change is the difficulty goes up. However, book smarts are only good for those who plan on going up this educational tree branch if one intends on entering into a job field that requires the hard sciences. While an education like this dabbles in everything, it does absolutely jack shit for getting our people employed, on average. Everything runs on a credit based system that extends well into college, all on the hope that a fancy piece of paper, which has a certain credit quota to obtain, will get us into very niche jobs. They completely ignore the fact that these niche jobs not only rely on ability, but also connections. It relies on mommy and daddy having enormous amounts of wealth so little Billy Gates can spend obscene amounts of time in his basement, not stressing out on credits or bills, but to be able to own and play with computers, a thing which was obscenly expensive for that time in Mr. Gates life. This is universal.

American parents have been given this egalitarian ideal that every one of their kids has the talent and mental strength to enter high stress, high paying jobs like doctors, lawyers and finance managers. This is complete bullshit. Not everyone is destined for these professions or otherwise EVERYONE, would be these only. Everyone has their place in life in regards to their own talents and abilities.

Lastly, wages are also based on demand. Here, in a country of 300 some million people, wages are low as there is no real competition for menial jobs like the basic service industry, which happens to employ the most amount of people. We already know that the most difficult and high paying jobs at the top, are rare and highly prized. You generally do not see a high amount of turnover, compared to the jobs I mentioned above.

What this country needs to do, is to adopt a much more rigorous and demanding testing plan that focuses not on rote memorisation but ability. Rewards schools for placing their graduates in good jobs based on their area of study. Encourage colleges to cut down on expensive bullshit like pools, brand new, fancy pants dorms, resteraunts, sports facilities, and other things, which effect a students tuition and their ability to pay GREATLY. Some colleges have wasted money betting on financial plays, then, trying to offset losses through tuition. These are just some of the reforms that need to be made to fix our educational system.
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Like in life, extremes do not work. What we need to go back to in tne U.S. is bi-partisan politics.

Ayn Rand is no less dangerous than Stalin or Marx.

People need to understand that progress is slow BUT, as long as there IS progress, we are moving in the right direction.

You will always have extremist fear mongers. They could be xenophobic racist crazies and open border crazies. For every racist problem cop, you'll have people claiming we are living in a fascist, military state no different than the Soviet Union or Nazi Germany.
Actually, Marx wasn't the problem at all. Dude was collectivist but ultimately hella libertarian, and the closest thing to control that he envisaged was the social pressures of collectivist thought, IF a commune did make that communist ideology their new God. People often bring up the "dictatorship of the prole" line but that actually refers to the Paris commune and the idea of the proletariat literally being a collective dictatorship, where the people have control of their own society. A translation/contextual error if there ever was one, but it as a call for an authority figure is totally incongruous with the rest of his writings. Lenin + Stalin's work has as much in common with Marx as Hitler's does with Nietzsche, or as a modern day cynic does with Diogenes.

And let's be fair Ayn Rand was a joke, and still is. Her 'objectivism' (immediately a HILARIOUS thing to call an /ideology/) was built from a terribad reading of Nietzsche's warnings on morality and completely overlooks many of his subtler points, taking them totally on face value and isolating herself from as much as she possibly could in the name of individuality and 'objective morality'.
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It is like that because the majority is left these days

Sometimes I get the feeling a lot of stuff that is basically just saying that we should care about people and not exploit others is called beeing "left-ist" these days.

Seriously, before we had really a word for it, it was simply called decency, good manners. Like how you, don't exploit your fellow man, you don't follow greed, you pay fair wages to your workers, helping people in need. And so on.

I guess Jesus was leftist/socalist too.


For societies (Europe too!) that is always so proud about it's christian values and moral, they sure love to cherry pick them.
It is like that because the majority is left these days

Sometimes I get the feeling a lot of stuff that is basically just saying that we should care about people and not exploit others is called beeing "left-ist" these days.

Seriously, before we had really a word for it, it was simply called decency, good manners. Like how you, don't exploit your fellow man, you don't follow greed, you pay fair wages to your workers, helping people in need. And so on.

I guess Jesus was leftist/socalist too.


For societies (Europe too!) that is always so proud about it's christian values and moral, they sure love to cherry pick them.

no. socialism means that you're forced to help others,you no have choice. Jesus said help the poor cos you'll go heaven,a left wing government says help the others (and make us rich with your taxes) or you go to jail. And by doing this you also finance a goverment who will use your money to control your personal data and your life.

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You're missing the point I am trying to make. I am not talking about socialist states, like the Sovietunion.

Selling your whole possesion to give it to the poor is as ridiculous like following laissez-faire capitalism. Both extremes are bad. I just feel like a lot of isms are getting thrown around these days.

I am talking about beeing a nice person. What it means to be the member of a family, group, community and society. For most people it is rather logic to help someone in need. A state with good wealth distribution is a good thing. Not perfect. But very beneficial. There is no perfect way. But it actually helps the largest part of the population, with maintaining stability in a state and keeping basic needs affordable.

This video you posted is so hilarously bad in it's analogies, it's almost comical.
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You're missing the point I am trying to make. I am not talking about socialist states, like the Sovietunion.

Selling your whole possesion to give it to the poor is as ridiculous like following laissez-faire capitalism. Both extremes are bad. I just feel like a lot of isms are getting thrown around these days.

I am talking about beeing a nice person. What it means to be the member of a family, group, community and society. For most people it is rather logic to help someone in need. A state with good wealth distribution is a good thing. Not perfect. But very beneficial. There is no perfect way. But it actually helps the largest part of the population, with maintaining stability in a state and keeping basic needs affordable.

This video you posted is so hilarously bad in it's analogies, it's almost comical.
well,you free to think whatever you want. I don't want a society in which force an individual to follow a moral concept just beacuse is right and who say it's not is a bad person. there's no good or bad,it's subjective.
the pic you posted its pretty dumb too,but i'm not complaining about a metaphore :/
you know,i'll make you an example. not far from my there's an housing projects filled with people that live there for free,that are dangerous, who don't work (well that's no true,they and sell drugs and mug honest hardworking people).
Now you can argue that not everubody in the project is criminal,that's right. But if I don't want to share my money to some criminals and I don't want to finance a shithole in which I can't even take a walk near it,i'd like the possibily to do so.
Again,sorry for my poor english
Socialism done well is fine. As said before in other threads, we have it already like police, fire, etc.

Supporting and encouraging irresponsible behaviors is something else entirely. Same with implementing failed or inefficient social policies out of a desire of being elected or having a legacy.
Except we had fire prevention services before welfare was instigated, and one paid for it as part of insurance.

Many would argue that the state-controlled nature of socialism (something not necessarily the case with communism) makes it an inherently "unacceptable" ideological system.
You're missing the point I am trying to make. I am not talking about socialist states, like the Sovietunion.

Selling your whole possesion to give it to the poor is as ridiculous like following laissez-faire capitalism. Both extremes are bad. I just feel like a lot of isms are getting thrown around these days.

I am talking about beeing a nice person. What it means to be the member of a family, group, community and society. For most people it is rather logic to help someone in need. A state with good wealth distribution is a good thing. Not perfect. But very beneficial. There is no perfect way. But it actually helps the largest part of the population, with maintaining stability in a state and keeping basic needs affordable.

This video you posted is so hilarously bad in it's analogies, it's almost comical.
well,you free to think whatever you want. I don't want a society in which force an individual to follow a moral concept just beacuse is right and who say it's not is a bad person. there's no good or bad,it's subjective.
the pic you posted its pretty dumb too,but i'm not complaining about a metaphore :/
you know,i'll make you an example. not far from my there's an housing projects filled with people that live there for free,that are dangerous, who don't work (well that's no true,they and sell drugs and mug honest hardworking people).
Now you can argue that not everubody in the project is criminal,that's right. But if I don't want to share my money to some criminals and I don't want to finance a shithole in which I can't even take a walk near it,i'd like the possibily to do so.
Again,sorry for my poor english

And that's the core of the problem. You're talking about your experience. I won't denny that this place is full of criminals, if you say so, I have no reason to assume that you are lying.

Providing people with shelter, health care, food or what ever, removing it will not get us rid of the issue of criminals, drug dealers and addicts. Infact, it is very likely that it will simply increase the problem, either in your place or somewhere else.

You could as well argue, why paying taxes? Why do you have to pay for someone else using the streets, the fire departments, police stations, what about all the administrative work of your government? You are literaly paying for something that you might never use! I personaly never had to call the fire brigade, I never had a use for police officers - never had to call them at least. I also don't own a car. But I know that all of those things are one way or another good for me. That a modern society can only work in such ways. And a part of that, is to support wealth distribution and making sure that all people have a chance to participate in this society.
The only problem with socialism are the people themselves, which is the problem with almost every government and ideology type in the world.
Yes, freedom from the tyranny of the state, choice to have private healthcare, high negative liberty in general, these things aren't reasonable considerations at all :roll:
The only problem with socialism are the people themselves, which is the problem with almost every government and ideology type in the world.
Yes, freedom from the tyranny of the state, choice to have private healthcare, high negative liberty in general, these things aren't reasonable considerations at all :roll:

No, I didn't say policies I said ideologies and governments. Every ideology and government has been suspect (no matter how good it tries to be) from corruption, greed and some kind of unfairness because of the people in it.
I'd rather have "tyranny of the state" than "tyranny of market forces". In a pure unregulated economy, you are worth whatever someone rich is willing to pay you. The children of the rich have an unfair advantage over the children of the poor. Nobody is there to stop the rich and powerful from stacking the deck to make themselves even more rich and powerful. At least a government is in some way accountable to the people, in spite of some of the profoundly broken electoral systems we have going on throughout the world.