What's a fair democracy for you though? Genuine question.
Me? Well... one where all people directly vote on a certain topic (elections, policies, etc) in required voting. I have never really gone into the matter, because even my form is heavily flawed.
Actually wait, democracy is like socialism. It can work if people weren't so fucked up.
You're talking about direct democracy. And frankly, you would not be the only one think about more democracy in our lifes.
I think normal people could possibly make even complex decisions, like foreign policy, economy etc. After all, politicans or leaders are just humans after all. And I believe that you can explain even sophisticated topics to normal people, at least so far, that they can make reasonable decisions.
What's important is free education and more important, easy access to informations. Only people that are tought how to think for them self, can actually get so far.
But as long as the highest form of education and information is limited to just a few people and institutions, things can not ever really improve or change from the situation we have right now. You have to be a member of the right groups, elites, getting the right jobs, knowing the right people, getting in to the right circles, corporations and/or money.
It is incredible difficult for a normal person to really pursue and follow his ideals or goals, something always gets in your way, be it your age or something else. Because we are simply to bussy. To bussy in working our jobs earning money, keeping the family together, sometimes with 2 jobs even. Supporting our own life or family. Lowering debts like student loans or for buying their home.
So much technology and efficiency and production. And yet, we are at the mercy of a handfull of individuals making the decisions, deciding the right time for dimplomacy, or wars, who's acting in our interest, who our allies and enemies are.
Maybe I am exagerating, but I would say a person, owning and working on their own land, beeing responsible for his/her own life, had eventually more controll over their own faith and decisions, compared to someone who's sitting behind his desk working inside a 9-10 hour job 5-6 days a week. People had a certain independency and power. If only small and limited. While you have a lot of convenience today, if you have at least some steady income, you are giving up a lot of decision-making.
We probably can't get back to a rural life, to even suggest that would be ludicrous. But I feel that our whole system in education is really not helping people to grow and actually educate them correctly. I mean, it doesn't seem like schools actually show children and teenagers how to actually teach and think for themselfs. Instead of educating people in math, they teach them how to be calculators, instead of teaching physics, they just teach you how to be calculators, instead of how to ask questions, they give you pre-defined answers.