Let's be thankful!


First time out of the vault
With the Thanksgiving holiday coming soon in the U.S.*, I thought it'd be nice to point out the things that Bethesda got right with its re-invigoration of the Fallout series. There have been mountains of talk about what it got wrong - and some of it is deserved criticism - but let's turn to the positive...

I'll start with one item - please add your own thoughts.

It's hard to imagine anyone doing a better job of taking Fallout's "retro-futuristic" aesthetic an running with it. In fact, I'd say it was seeing the FO3 teaser trailer that made me decide to finally play FO1&2 in preparation for the new game. Watching that trailer still gives me chills! The follow-up E3 2008 trailer then took it to a whole new level.

* Ok, that's just a lucky coincidence...

Lasers (the beams, not the weapon design)
I'm thankful for the ability to wear headgear and body armor separately. I know that it would have been in VB, but it gave me some nice "dress up" options. Not very important for gameplay but enhances the feel imo.
The wasteland had a genuine feel of all out war, a walk through DC was rareley uneventful.

I really liked the Outcasts.

It had Qui Gon Jin.

Some quests, like Trouble in Big Town, literally offered an avenue for every skill path and motive.

Good and evil play throughs are entirley different.

Theres a reason to continually return to pretty much every settlement, I was always going to Fort Indipendance for tech trade, Megaton for my scrap metal, the little place for Nuka Cola Quantams - (?) etc etc.

Brilliant visual realisation of the Wasteland.

Ehm..Did I mention Outcast armor is epic?
Similar to the great job on the artwork, the SOUNDTRACK took that initial Ink Spots seed and ran with it. Another big part of why I got into FO3 was definitely the music.
Little Robot said:
I'm thankful for the ability to wear headgear and body armor separately. I know that it would have been in VB, but it gave me some nice "dress up" options. Not very important for gameplay but enhances the feel imo.

Yeah, thats the only thing to like about bethesda games...neat clothing (sexy stuff for females, badass stuff for males) and the possibility to own a house and decorate it :>
Clothing stuff was better in Morrowind, where you could really change everything and even wear a skirt as a man.
At Threepwood: I don't think I could agree with you over the good/evil playthroughs being completely different:

-Megaton stays
-Wasteland gets water
(Broken Steel)-Blow up Enclave
(Zeta)-Don't kill cowboy and samurai for cool armour

-Megaton goes
-Wasteland gets poisoned
(Broken Steel)-Blow up BoS
(Zeta)-You kill cowboy for cool coat and hat

I thought bethesda took the karma to the extremes.

But back to my thing that kept me coming back. I honestly liked the FPS feel, although many people are going to kil me for this, I think I preffered that to the isometric system, maybe a closer better third-person experience would be good for Fallout.

I also liked how soom places could be shaped into what you wanted them to be. i.e Megaton, I killed Moriarty so Gob became the owner and Nova became the behind the bar girl, told everyone about the drug problem leo stahl had so he would be looked down on him shame, I invited the women from that place on the bridge to live in Megaton and I murdered Mr Burke in cold blood. I tried to make Megaton my little paradiso in the wasteland.

That's all for now folks.
Mr Krepe said:
At Threepwood: I don't think I could agree with you over the good/evil playthroughs being completely different:

-Megaton stays
-Wasteland gets water
(Broken Steel)-Blow up Enclave
(Zeta)-Don't kill cowboy and samurai for cool armour

-Megaton goes
-Wasteland gets poisoned
(Broken Steel)-Blow up BoS
(Zeta)-You kill cowboy for cool coat and hat

I thought bethesda took the karma to the extremes.

But back to my thing that kept me coming back. I honestly liked the FPS feel, although many people are going to kil me for this, I think I preffered that to the isometric system, maybe a closer better third-person experience would be good for Fallout.

I also liked how soom places could be shaped into what you wanted them to be. i.e Megaton, I killed Moriarty so Gob became the owner and Nova became the behind the bar girl, told everyone about the drug problem leo stahl had so he would be looked down on him shame, I invited the women from that place on the bridge to live in Megaton and I murdered Mr Burke in cold blood. I tried to make Megaton my little paradiso in the wasteland.

That's all for now folks.

My evil playthrough: destoryed Megaton,

as a result;

TenPenny Tower became my residence, Megaton refugees hunted me in the wasteland, some quests were blocked off, as was an entire city. Merchants offered me discounts as 'they were travelling to Megaton, but now it's gone theyv'e gott take what theyv'e got'.

I was hunted by the Regulator faction across the wastes, which wasn't pleasent.

I systamatically murdered near everybody in the wastes, choosing to use only the Tower as my hub.

I killed near everybody in the wastes by distributing FEV.

Joined the slavers.


Good playthrough:

Joined the regulators

killed mr burke

used Megaton as a hub, and earned the house there

saved the wastes

kept the overseer alive, and returned to restor order.

Maybe not completley different, that was hyperbole, but substantially different none the less.
It certainly was hyperbole my good chum, but have you noticed the karma choices are extremely...ehh um, extreme?

But, I quickly need to modify the thing I said, the only times you can heavily change are Megaton and Rivet City, so I withdraw, that statement. I'll say I liked how you could make Rivet City and Megaton 'your' town.
Mr Krepe said:
It certainly was hyperbole my good chum, but have you noticed the karma choices are extremely...ehh um, extreme?

But, I quickly need to modify the thing I said, the only times you can heavily change are Megaton and Rivet City, so I withdraw, that statement. I'll say I liked how you could make Rivet City and Megaton 'your' town.

It was hyperbole because this is the 'lets be thankful' thread :P

I have, i'm not defending FO3's moral choice gradients whatsoever.
My evil playthrough: destoryed Megaton,

as a result;

TenPenny Tower became my residence, Megaton refugees hunted me in the wasteland, some quests were blocked off, as was an entire city.

In vanilla FO3? The only one I can think of is the "repair the pipes" one. What are the others?
Stanislao Moulinsky said:
My evil playthrough: destoryed Megaton,

as a result;

TenPenny Tower became my residence, Megaton refugees hunted me in the wasteland, some quests were blocked off, as was an entire city.

In vanilla FO3? The only one I can think of is the "repair the pipes" one. What are the others?
I always enjoyed Bethesdas artistical side, their concept art and the people responsible for visuals (designing the ruins, buildings etc.). They usualy do always a great job.

I also like their Enclave Powerarmor. I always loved that helmet and look.
Crni Vuk said:
I also like their Enclave Powerarmor. I always loved that helmet and look.
That PA design is almost copied from the Fallout Tactics design, really. Minus the cape.
Reconite said:
Crni Vuk said:
I also like their Enclave Powerarmor. I always loved that helmet and look.
That PA design is almost copied from the Fallout Tactics design, really. Minus the cape.
There was a far better looking helmet in the concept art book. It was similar, but looked alot more birdlike.
Actually I am not in the slightest thankfull to Fallout 3.. What for? I don't see any positive thing about it when it comes to a Fallout game.