Let's play Fallout: BOS

I've read people say this game was a direct source of inspiration for a lot of FO3's stuff, but now i'm seeing it.
FeelTheRads said:
Btw, the tits use bounce technology. Way before people started calling it innovative.
t3h inNOVASHuN!!111!!1


Keep it coming man, despite how shit it is I'm enjoying your commentary.
This is great, I have never played the game. This is very entertaining and fun way of enjoying a quite clearly a bad game.
- Her stranger, I was wondering... could you help me find Mr. Pussy?
- Uh... How much will this cost me?
- My cat, Mr. Pussy. I haven't seen him in days. Sometimes he goes down into the nasty hole next to the bar... Can you find him for me?

Hey, their writers are really good! Hahaha! I laughed so hard, when I stopped laughing I didn't knew what time is it, because I laughed for too long! Hahaha!

What a great example of dark, post-apocalyptic humor! Also prostitutes having sex just for money... So hot! I bet it turns on the PoS developers!

But seriously, I consider playing this game some day. I know it sucks, I just want to see it.
Pure black comedy…I think they knew they were doomed with this minor masterpiece and had to add a little humor just to pass the day.
I bought this game for $30 when it first came out. Or some wheres around that time. Yes its a horrible Fallout game. Its also a horrible game in general. The only ting that saves it is its simplicity but that also cripples it. It not even Fallout like.

I bought this when my Fallout 2 CD had went bad (laser rot, I believe) and I was going through withdrawal and bought this out of desperation. I regret it. Its expensive now though. I think its $20 used at GameStop still. What a rip off.
If you have sex with the hooker with the ghoul character she will freak out and say things like "eeeww gross" and she says something that made me think his ghoul schlong broke off inside her va-jay-jay.

Yes its gross. I bet she threw it at him. :D
fallout_fan said:
I think its $20 used at GameStop still. What a rip off.

Eh, I saw it used the other day for the astounding price of 5 euro. For a moment I considered the purchase just for the lulz. Just for a moment, thanks to heavens. :mrgreen:
Never played this or F3 but I'm 'glad' I get to see this played by a braver person.

What a piece of shit game indeed.
PainlessDocM said:
Never played this or F3 but I'm 'glad' I get to see this played by a braver person.

What a piece of shit game indeed.

I played it. It sucked as a Fallout game. Its horrible if you keep thinking Fallout while paying it. But as regular dumbed down action RPG on a console its not the worst game out there. Baldurs gate 1 and 2 on the ps2 are better and so is Champions of norrath and it sequel. Hell maybe even bards quest (never played it). But yeah its bad but its pretty simple and repetitive. The humor is pretty imature. Theres a scene where a super mutant pisses on himself. If you think its funny then its the game for you.
You guys are being naive.

The super mutant pissing himself is a clever simile for the development of the Fallout franchise at that point.
I am going to take some punishment for this, but there were a few parts I like and can live with.

Attis and his mutants looking for a cure for FEV induced sterility.
While the manual talks about Vault Tec having FEV this was never actually mentioned in the game, instead the Vault Tec scientists were doing research on fixing genetic damage caused by mutation and radiation.

Even Attis himself says this, he wasn't looking for FEV but for the means for Super Mutants to naturally reproduce.

The Vault Tec Vault.
I could actually place this in Fallout canon, Vault Tec having its own secret Vault for its employees.
Vault Tec knew what the US government/Enclave's true intentions were with the Vaults, so rather than taking shelter there or its CEOs hiding in Enclave shelters like the Poseidon Oil Rig, they instead made their own facility for themselves and selected personnel.

But Vault Tec wanted to go further than just survive, they wanted to rise like a phoenix from the ashes.
As the US government would be rebuilding the country, they would be the supplier of all high tech goods that would be demanded, taking over the position of companies like West Tek, General Atomics International, and Med Tek that surely would be wiped of the map during the nuclear exchange.

Before the War Vault Tec had been acquiring various technologies through legal and illegal means, reverse engineering their own versions of these to sell during the rebuilding. (not as if the original manufacturers would ever charge them for copyright violations)

They got power armor and energy weapons from West Tek.
They created their own line of security and service robots to compete with General Atomics International.

And after the war they started to work on medical technologies of their own as well as bio engineered weapons such Deathclaws which embryos they got through the Enclave.

They also did some work on modifying captured rad bugs (pseudo scorpions) retrieval teams had brought back from the surface.

Everything went well until Blake, the security officer went crazy, and united the other security guards behind him to take on the scientists.

The fight followed which caused the explosion that separated the Vault into independent parts, and forcing the guards to return to the surface while released samples from the laboratory and the radiation of Los turned guards that managed to survive into Ghouls.

Okay, I am going into hiding now.
Brother None said:
PlanHex said:
Why not kick it up a notch?


The closing scenes of Requiem for a Dream scarred me for life.


BAM again :lol:
i have actually owned this game and played with my ex gilr... and she did liked it and made me play it with her...

i am so happy that she is my ex now and i dont have to play that crap anymore...

but well i did finish the game... dont remember the ending tho... - how POS it is