The Telegraph has
no sources at all.
People like to dump on Wikipedia but it's usually better researched and sourced than 99% of the random clickbait garbage out there. Which is just sad.
And as stated, you can just scroll to the bottom and click on links.
That being said I posted the article more as catalyst to spark a discussion about the possibility of life after death, philosophical discussions encouraged, so if you are going to up front deny the posibility altogether it makes for a lame discussion on the subject.
And I made my contribution.
I dismiss souls as an explanation because it has no evidence for it and it's an unnecessary explanation.
I mean that's really all a lot of this sort of thing comes down to:
Is it an ad hoc hypothesis or propped up by ad hoc?
Can Occam's Razor be applied?
Are a lot of people believing this thing because of wishful thinking?
If you answer "yes" to all three questions, it's probably, if not necessarily, going to be bullshit.
I have yet to find any evidence that even sugest the posibility of such thing, but then again how can there be any evidence if no one ever actually returned from death, at most they were close to die but didn't, as you very well explained. Yet I'm open to the posibility of it's existance, if anything because it's more interesting than just assuming that it's the end ad that's it, then we would have nothing to discuss.
And until such burden of proof is met, I'm going to dismiss it with the same disregard I give to, I dunno, pixies and Roswell conspiracies.
Also existencialism and philosophical discussion about death is interesting. Why is there anything, what is the necesity for anything to exist, just like death, wouldn't it just be more natural to assume there is nothing after it, wouldn't it be more logical nothing existed in the first place if it didn't had a purpose or a reason.
Okay, fine. I'll bite.
Existentialism and teleology are far-gone opposites. Teleology looks for the purpose of objects or things or beings. (Essence precedes existence.)
Existentialism says that purpose is subjective and doesn't inform the nature of anything. (Existence precedes essence.)
Religion often adheres to teleology. (Humanity exists because God has a purpose for Man.)
Existentialism says that you just exist and purpose is invented after. (God is the invention of Man.)
A cat isn't a cat because it is a cat by design or because there is some high writ in some realm of ideal forms. That's just what we call the bulk animal after all the genes and cellular stuff gets done with. Fundamentally, it isn't biochemically different from humans.
We assign the category and distinction from ourselves for convenience. That is a psychological idolatry we are
projecting on the cat.
And yeah, I subscribe to existentialism.