Life is Strange and Life is Strange: Before the Storm

He was still a mostly good person in the first one. Chloe was the one who had very little redeeming qualities and on the topic of being nice to David on Before the Storm, that path is basically Non-canon and Out of character.
He was pretty paranoid in the first game, although, seeing who he has to live with, it's no surprise.

Seriously, why don't they tell Chloe to either lose the attitude, start paying rent or fuck right off?
Because her mom is too good a person.

What does Chloe even do if she has been a High school drop out for 3 years by the point of the first game?
He was pretty paranoid in the first game, although, seeing who he has to live with, it's no surprise.

Seriously, why don't they tell Chloe to either lose the attitude, start paying rent or fuck right off?

That is basically his attitude and unsurprisingly exposes him as a really weak little man. Marrying a girl's mother does not a father make.

Respect is earned.

On a more serious note, Chloe is a smack talking stoner. She's not exactly Jack the Ripper.

Because her mom is too good a person.

What does Chloe even do if she has been a High school drop out for 3 years by the point of the first game?

Chloe doesn't go to Blackwell but she still goes to school. Presumably crappy public school.
Respect is earned, true. But being that hostile and unsupportive of your mother while being a freeloader stoner erans you a kick out of the house. People are not supposed to meekly take a teenager's bullshit.
*Shrugs* I haven't played anything past demo version (not first episode, the demo which ends after the school). Always shelved it off because Maxie is unlikable character with voice acting of a crybaby. About to reinstall again. So, muh gameplay's gone, how did the writers used this opportunity to tell a coherent story? Asking not for a friend.
*Shrugs* I haven't played anything past demo version (not first episode, the demo which ends after the school). Always shelved it off because Maxie is unlikable character with voice acting of a crybaby. About to reinstall again. So, muh gameplay's gone, how did the writers used this opportunity to tell a coherent story? Asking not for a friend.

Well I love the game.
A youtuber i watch did a let's play of this game and holy shit, I've never seen a cast with more unlikable characters than both of these games. The only way to have characters this unlikable is by literally trying to make them unlikable on purpose.

It got so bad that i was rooting for the teacher and he's a murderer. Mainly because he could maybe kill the main characters.

Also, a game that is all about the choices you make throughout the game, having an ending that pretty much makes that pointless, is ridiculous.
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A youtuber i watch did a let's play of this game and holy shit, I've never seen a cast with more unlikable characters than both of these games. The only way to have characters this unlikable is by literally trying to make them unlikable on purpose.

It got so bad that i was rooting for the teacher and he's a murderer. Mainly because he could maybe kill the main characters.

Also, a game that is all about the choices you make throughout the game, having an ending that pretty much makes that pointless, is ridiculous.

Well Chloe is supposed to be an unlikable bitch. Part of the playstyle is how much slack you're willing to cut her when she tries to blame you for things like the pot in her room.

Max is awesome, though.
*Shrugs* I haven't played anything past demo version (not first episode, the demo which ends after the school). Always shelved it off because Maxie is unlikable character with voice acting of a crybaby. About to reinstall again. So, muh gameplay's gone, how did the writers used this opportunity to tell a coherent story? Asking not for a friend.
I don't regret playing it and parts of it were fun but I probably wouldn't generally recommend it heartily to people. At best, I'd recommend it towards people I know who would enjoy Life Is Strange.

Story is serviceable; personally, the highlight for me would be towards the end of Episode 3 and the beginnings of Episode 4 but that's because I enjoy seeing consequences of time travel being explored (even if it was brief). If you are looking for a satisfying ending, it's not here (mostly because Episode 5 felt padded out and leaves players with a final choice that is hard to be invested in - hint, it involves sacrifice).

Well Chloe is supposed to be an unlikable bitch. Part of the playstyle is how much slack you're willing to cut her when she tries to blame you for things like the pot in her room.

Max is awesome, though.
You have to admit that Max's dialogue seems to be written by some old folks who believe that teenagers IRL speak like she does in-game.

Aside from that, I'm actually alright with Max. She may do some bone-headed moves with her time powers but she at least is aware of some of the consequences of said powers.
Well Chloe is supposed to be an unlikable bitch. Part of the playstyle is how much slack you're willing to cut her when she tries to blame you for things like the pot in her room.

Max is awesome, though.
Except in the ending, the game makes you choose between an unlikable cunt and a whole town of people. This means the developers expect you to somehow care about Chloe, even after the whole game shows how much of a giant bitch she is.

Max is also pretty unlikable by letting Chloe just walk over her and rarely responding back. She's also pretty bland and uninteresting.
She's also pretty bland and uninteresting.
Basically a self-insert for "girl inside" type of guys? (hence the 'grape stink' subplot) Aren't real girls cringe when looking at Max like would guys when looking at white knight Warren? For cereal? Damn, this game falls apart fast as it goes on...
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I like the game more for the mood it managed to communicate more than for the actual characters and dialogue, I tolerade Max well enough, Cloe I just fucking hated viscerally. It did a good job of reacting to your choises... until it got to the last episode then it all went o crap.
Dialogue in general is pretty bad but the first game seemed to have become self aware of that so it kinda became charming.

Before the Storm is just bad, all around. Teenage angst all around, the dialogue is bad without the self awareness and the characters are all insufferable and because it's a prequel there is no point to any of the choises.
Night in the Woods is right around the corner for those who hate Life is Strange.
That Bonus episode was so cringe.
How to show that two characters are good friends? With good chemistry, funny interactions and strong characterization?

Nah, you just make ALL THEIR DIALOGUE mention the fact that they are friends. Because that's how friends are like.
Well Chloe is supposed to be an unlikable bitch.
That's the thing, she's not! The game's general fanbase is the perfect proof of that. In the first game she's the protagonist's main companion and potential love interest (canonical love interest judging by the ingame stats) She is an angsty, spoiled brat teen that caters to other angsty, spoiled brat teens. No matter what you do, you are always forced to put up with her shit and even the options that are meant to chastise her do absolutely nothing.

Then there's the ending option. You get the choice to let her die, make the whole game a pointless waste of time (especially if you consider the fact that there's no option but to hide and pull the fire alarm in the first episode) or stay with the 'unlikeable bitch' and let an entire town get wiped out. Take a look at all the 'Bae over Bay' hashtags, posts and even merch. Then consider the fact that the second game features her as the main character (where the characters pretty much repeat themselves with Amber being yet another spoiled brat that you are forced to follow like a braindead puppy)

No. Chloe, despite being a wretched, miserable, abhorrent cunt, is not intended to be such. She's supposed to be the charming rogue and friend to stand with Max against the whole world. It really is no surprise that dumb, angsty teens liked her. What does make me wonder is why you're trying to defend her.

The final kick is that you could have a well-written character that's a shallow, angsty teen. Just don't force the player to follow her every call and twist the dialogue to end up with absolute agreement. The game's about options, is it not? Wait, no, that's just a marketing gimmick.

Max is awesome, though.
Max is a cringe-inducing parody of an out-of-touch writer's imagining of what teenagers speak like. Just listen to her internal dialogue. She isn't as bad as Chloe, but that's only because she is empty and blank.

Just wanted to pop in and say Rachel Amber is best girl.

Yeah, I disagree because I really like Chloe because she's such a flawed self-pitying character.

Just not as much as Max.