This ghoul has seen it all

Because you are making a huge leap on the numbers, why are you even complaining about paying for 12 packs when there are only 5 possible DLCs, one of them a gun pack, if you are saying that the existence of more of this packs inmediatelly makes this one worse because in the hypotetical scenario of buying 12 of them you already spent the price of a full game, that's just a very dumb argument, you just don't buy 12 packs, this is only one, we are discussing this one, if you buy 100 games you wont have enough to buy a new console or a new PC, then every game is terrible. If this game eats up 5 gb of disc space if I install 200 then I won't have space for more games. You are just bringing that weak argument out of nowhere, and it has nothing to do with the dlc, this DLC doesn't have a 12 previous DLC requirement or anything.Brother None said:Walpknut said:That "if I purchase 12 of those" just seems a pretty dumb argument, as you are just going to extremes.
Really, why? That's how this works. They give you small purchases so you don't notice quite how much you're spending and how little you're getting in return.
Now, I am not saying "OH THIS PACK IS AWESOME!" I am just saying that 1) it has a lot of content for the low price, (recipes might include homemade weapons, alternative ways to produce the 27 weapons, the mods, etc, something that could change the overall experience when making a new build, the weapons are not given to you in a case, they are added to the Vendor's list, and I am guessing they might put them in special locations, there are weapons for every combat category. It also has some mii sidequests in the form of callenges that SEEM to be like the Stealth suit tests from OWB, and 2) We haven't seen almost anything from the DLC, just four screenshots, we can make our own assumptions from the beginning but until a full list of content is out and is tested we can not be certain this is either good or bad.