Lonesome Road Holotape #1


But best title ever!
To prepare us for the release of the last story-based DLC for New Vegas, Lonesome Road, Bethesda has released on their blog the first of a series of holotapes recorded by Ulysses the courier may find during his journey to the Divide. Here is what project director Chris Avellone has to say himself on the blog:<blockquote>Lonesome Road brings the DLC story arc to a close – events that were first hinted at in New Vegas and Dead Money come to pass, as the last of the DLC cast of characters, Ulysses, reveals himself. For a time, we just introduced him through the perspectives of other characters, a description of another Courier who wore an Old World flag on his back, and in Old World Blues, a mysterious figure who marked his presence through graffiti and holotapes left in the Big Empty.

But those holotapes weren’t the only recordings. Ulysses carried more on his journey back to the Divide, and used them to chronicle his past and yours. As your Courier will discover in Lonesome Road, these recordings of Ulysses are buried in the wreckage and storms of the Divide. As you walk the road, you’ll have a chance to hear the history of the courier who has spent years hunting you down.

This is the first of a series of holotapes your Courier may find in the Divide. While we, as developers only knew a few things for certain about your player character’s history, Ulysses can shed more light on past events – and events to come.</blockquote>And here's the direct link to the MP3.
I like Roger Cross's vibrating voice in Ulysses' role, but this holotape is dangerously close to being quasi-menacing pathos.

I do hope he will be an interesting character, and that his writing to Cross' voice in the background didn't dumb down things in that way at all.
I do hope they get a little more compelling as you find new ones because the voice actor speaking this sounded bored to me.
I dunno about you guys, but narrowly avoiding death in the Big Empty and learning tons of information there, then escaping and heading back the (probably hundreds) of miles across a wasteland to the Divide, which is even worse, would wear me out and I would stop using complete sentences in the interest of conserving energy / holodisk space.

Just sayin, Ulysses was sounding pretty wiped out...
VaultWannabe said:
I dunno about you guys, but narrowly avoiding death in the Big Empty and learning tons of information there, then escaping and heading back the (probably hundreds) of miles across a wasteland to the Divide, which is even worse, would wear me out and I would stop using complete sentences in the interest of conserving energy / holodisk space.

Just sayin, Ulysses was sounding pretty wiped out...

Still, his voice was devoid of passion
Yeah, very monotone and deadpan

Just hope he lives up to his hype. Been interested in his character since Primm :P
Are there heavy spoilers included in the mp3 file? I already avoided all the threads about LR so far, but I'd like to listen to it if it's vague enough not to spoiler me..
Surf Solar said:
Are there heavy spoilers included in the mp3 file? I already avoided all the threads about LR so far, but I'd like to listen to it if it's vague enough not to spoiler me..

No spoilers unless you haven't completed DM and/or OWB.
Thank you, I listened to it now too.
Ulysses seems to have some schtick with the Roads, Dead Ends and such, I hope it builds up a bit on it. Some of the sentences indeed seemed to be a bit too "forced-badass" - but the very brief lines seem to make sense as the posters before me pointed out. I am cautiously hyped for the end of the story arc. :)
As you walk the road, you’ll have a chance to hear the history of the courier who has spent years hunting you down.

Years? Even with travel time to DLC areas an average play through is months at best from the time you're shot and saved by Doc Mitchell until you've done all there is to do and finish the game. Even saying one year is really stretching it.

I'm really curious to know how the story comes up with years.
Josan said:
Years? Even with travel time to DLC areas an average play through is months at best from the time you're shot and saved by Doc Mitchell until you've done all there is to do and finish the game. Even saying one year is really stretching it.

I'm really curious to know how the story comes up with years.
It probably implies that Ulysses has been looking for you even before the events of the game.

Ulysses Journal, Day One

Shock of impact ran along my arm. Jet of warmth spattered on chest, like hot faucet. It was Courier who said "Vegas" then, muffled under latex. It was Courier who closed his eyes. It was Ulysses who opened them again.
Must be the only one not bothered. Ulysses' voice direction and writing sound fine. To me.

Possibly homosexual. Must investigate further.
Faceless Stranger said:
It probably implies that Ulysses has been looking for you even before the events of the game.

Not exactly hard to find, especially since he knew the PC was delivering the chip.
Well, Roger Cross in Ulysses' role sounds rather proficient, but I'm slowly getting tired of Avellone's "key words".

"Begin again" and "let go" were fine in one DLC, but I'm getting enough of "roads" and "dead ends".

Brother None said:
Faceless Stranger said:
It probably implies that Ulysses has been looking for you even before the events of the game.

Not exactly hard to find, especially since he knew the PC was delivering the chip.

Exactly. Not hard to find at all. Years just makes no sense. Unless Ulysses has some personal grudge with the Courier which goes back long before the platinum chip delivery.
I just hope it's worth it. First all the hype and then it turns out that the players courier pushed Ulysses cat into a puddle of mud before running away with evil laughter.