Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!

Off to find Yoda to get his ship back up. Might be the wrong planet though.
superseckrat sneakpeek at one of the many posters I've designed for a project I'm working fulltime on..

Yep. And in Sim City Societies. And in One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest.
"Prozium"? That is Equilibrium's mum's clone's thing! Tell us more, I'm intrigued! Edit: OK "Prozine", now that I see a larger version...
Tell us more, I'm intrigued!

Cyberpunk post-commieauthoritarian distopia now sprawling savage capitalist hyperpolluted metropolis gone tits up!


Wooz said:
Tell us more, I'm intrigued!

Cyberpunk post-commieauthoritarian distopia now sprawling savage capitalist hyperpolluted metropolis gone tits up!


Ditch the cyberpunk post-commieauthoritarian distopia now sprawling savage capitalist hyperpolluted metropolis gone tits up and I'm there.

Seriously tho, announcement any time this century?
My first impression was Red Faction, but I only played the first... So I wouldn't know where that game is at nowadays.
Yes, a lot of the posters are very much commie posters-inspired. A lot of the in-game architecture as well.
Hey someone sprayed on your art! Analchrist in teh uk!

Edit: shitty t9
Wham ! That is very sweet, Wooz.

Who ho hoo. I used teh NMA forum magick and went back in time and just creamed my pants when I got to your KOSMOS lino cuts.
They are really really awesome, man ! also the last enviros are top notch
Thanks, dude.

The Kosmos linocuts were alright back then, but I think I'd do them very differently nowadays... I dunno, there seems to be so many errors in them right now that I'm embarassed to show 'em publicly.
Wooz said:
Thanks, dude.

The Kosmos linocuts were alright back then, but I think I'd do them very differently nowadays... I dunno, there seems to be so many errors in them right now that I'm embarassed to show 'em publicly.

Hehe, that happens to be with anything when you look back on it after some time :x But then it is that one thing that keeps you going and wanting to work harder I guess