Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!

That crashed spaceship is awesome. Can't see two of the five pics, though, mebbe library browser f'ing it up.
Nice Wooz!

Still "hate" that your blog requires me to sign up for shit I don't want to sign up for in order to comment.

Because if it did not I would comment.

Just sayin'
Thanks, guys!

@Alec: Strange. Maybe because of their format?

@Daimyo: Yeah, man. But think you can sign in with facebook or something.
Wooz said:
Phase III


Couple of time I have been trying to doodle one of these myself, but I guess I'd need get more experience in that area, which is drawing.

Music is my thing though.

Nice production however still need to get a bit more organical IMO.
Tire/rim-design is kinda derp & the 90° bends in the exhaust would give an engineer heart attacks.

But I totally dig the style. Nice, Woozy.
Thanks for the headsup, the wheels aren't worked on at all... will fix the exhaust if this piece is ever to be finished :)
Would anyone like to help illustrate a small webcomic ?
I am looking for a similar style inspire by the film GODKILLER.
The plot draws concepts from a mix of the films "A Boy and his Dog" "GodKiller" "KillBill"
Videogames like "Rage" "Fallout" "Borderlands"
Anime like "Desert Punk"
I can pm details
Writers look for this in another thread
I am looking for co writer but posting details here wouldnt be appropriate