Lost opportunities for Fallout 3

Sorrow said:
That's weird. Here in Poland somehow we have porn magazines in almost every store that carries any magazine and newspapers, including store chains and no one complains.

Well keep in mind, "most" American's are backward idiots and subscribe to hypocrisy. The censorship brigade doesn't like video games or swear words, but they are OK with violence. After all, we are a nation built on violence.

Anyhow, I am American. I just notice a lot of stupid shit where I live. I live in Arizona, one of the meccas of dumb Americans. Tons of religious hypocrites and double standard assholes. Most of the people here who vote are a bunch of old fucks that can't even research whom they are voting for. They are sheep and vote for "R" or "D".

Now think of that on a wider scale; its all over America. Especially states in the middle of the US. I don't mean to be so rude about it, but it pisses me off.

I always hear about fucking censorship on more then just video games, and some of this censorship borders violation of freedom of speech. And it pisses me off, and I don't blame the government, I blame the assholes who are sheep and go along to get along.

And then you got these family oriented assholes who pretty much think like the only world in the universe is in the United States. Everything else is primitive, ancient, or EVIL! "Because anything not America is fucking evil!"

Then there are the type of people who think the government should wipe their asshole and do everything for everyone. But thats bullshit. The less government involved, the less assholes from other states can effect my personal life. I really don't give a flying fuck what other people think in other states, so WHY the fuck should their vote effect me? Fuck those assholes. I have to vote between two people(or 3rd party but not enough people vote for them) because a bunch of sheep decided it months before me. I couldn't even vote for them now that most of them are out of the race. The 2 party system is fucking bullshit, its not democracy, its slavery. Its a system of slavery, having to choose between two assholes? Thats like saying; "hey, you either give me the money, or I kill you"(and either way you are fucked). So I'm not going to vote or continue to support this fascist system. I will vote 3rd party if anything, but it seems to not make a different at least in this point in time.

Excuse my rant. But I'm sick of this censorship bullshit, all these Americans claim to be patriotic yet they PISS all over my constitution. And a soldiers duty as well as any position in government is to swear to defend the constitution against any enemy, foreign and domestic.
goffy59 said:
The 2 party system is fucking bullshit, its not democracy, its slavery. Its a system of slavery, having to choose between two assholes? Thats like saying; "hey, you either give me the money, or I kill you"(and either way you are fucked). So I'm not going to vote or continue to support this fascist system. I will vote 3rd party if anything, but it seems to not make a different at least in this point in time.

I lived in 3 countries located in South America and Europe and it's the exact same shit. In fact, I would venture to say it's like that in MOST countries all over the world. I always vote 3rd party but if just a few people do it, it's of no use.
Outlander said:
goffy59 said:
The 2 party system is fucking bullshit, its not democracy, its slavery. Its a system of slavery, having to choose between two assholes? Thats like saying; "hey, you either give me the money, or I kill you"(and either way you are fucked). So I'm not going to vote or continue to support this fascist system. I will vote 3rd party if anything, but it seems to not make a different at least in this point in time.

I lived in 3 countries located in South America and Europe and it's the exact same shit. In fact, I would venture to say it's like that in MOST countries all over the world. I always vote 3rd party but if just a few people do it, it's of no use.

I try my best to vote for the person I feel is competent enough for the job, and for such a long time we haven't had one. We have a history of presidents stepping all over the constitution for (dare I say) the last 100 years. Which is in direct conflict with the roll of government. America has been a corrupt system since the mid 1800's. Andrew Jackson was one of the last good presidents we had. I'm not saying he was the only, but one of the presidents I liked; and I felt he was in the American peoples interest and not special interest.

Ausir said:
Well keep in mind, "most" American's are backward idiots and subscribe to hypocrisy.

It's actually true about most people in the world.

In ways I do agree, but I haven't been in other countries except Mexico, so I don't think its right for me to make that claim considering I've never been all over the world. But since I live in America, I feel as if I'm reserved that right to make that claim considering I'm around Americans everyday, and I've been to several states. And also that I see what is on TV and I read the news everyday (online), so I get a good taste as to how Americans are. And it pisses me off.

I wouldn't want to get into this argument about every country in the world and not that I don't care about anybody else but right now its important that we as Americans try to restore our system to how the founders wanted it to be like, and not worry so much about what every other country is doing. Be cautious but don't poke your nose in other peoples business.

The easiest way to sum up the majority of all people in the world is to think about Hitler...

Hitler wouldn't of been shit or done shit if it wasn't for the people who followed him. So if you ask me if I think Hitler is evil (I would outright disagree), I think the sheep that followed him were morons.

Now I don't mean to seem off topic but I don't think I am. Censorship> Freedom of Expression/speech > Constitution > (which is supposed to be guarded/preserved by the government).
I really wouldn't trust mainstream media to portray an accurate description of your typical American.

I would imagine a good portion of the people aren't even aware of teh censorship issue, especially in the gaming world, since they probably don't play them.
Pope Viper said:
I really wouldn't trust mainstream media to portray an accurate description of your typical American.

I would imagine a good portion of the people aren't even aware of teh censorship issue, especially in the gaming world, since they probably don't play them.

I don't really watch mainstream media and try to avoid it any way I can. But I use sites like digg.com and many others and I get a good balance of all sorts of news including e-activist network (freepress.org). But this censorship comes from a flaw in society. They say; oh my kid doesn't need to see this! Call the FCC! It should be like: My kid doesn't need to see this, I guess he can't buy or watch this anymore. These irresponsible/lazy parents need to deal with this on their own and not sink the ship because they didn't like a little nudity or swear words.

Its like parents who try to keep their kids away from drugs and fail miserably. They always tell there kids to stay away but in many ways they fail to educate them on drugs. So the first chance the kid gets to take some drugs he overdoses, becomes an addict, or maybe they did do a good job and he leaves it alone. But you can't just hide all these "bad" things from them and expect them to act accordingly. People must understand and be familiar with things in order to deal with them properly/etc.
And I agree with you on the fact most gamers don't care or they are unaware.. But whats it going to take until they do care?

I agree 100% on lazy parents. It amazes me how many parents view school as a daycare.

They expect perfect behavior from kids who have no direction being given by their parents.

I'm a father now, and hope that I can provide the kind of enviroment and education to mine, instead of falling into the pit it seems a lot of parents do.
goffy59 said:
And I agree with you on the fact most gamers don't care or they are unaware.. But whats it going to take until they do care?
I think it's more that most of gamers don't know what to do to stop that crap from happening.
Viliny said:
I watched Clockwork orange fairly young and i must say i really felt confused after it.

I also saw porno at a young age but that didn't affect me negatively...

Censorship in a game boils down to: "You can't show the exterior of a boob but if you want you can see the insides once you blow her up with a rpg"


As an aside, I first saw A Clockwork Orange when I was what... six? With my older cousins; and I can say that it was definitely confusing at the time, but I was all "Hooray, boobs!".

In my opinion, parents are fucking up kids BADLY by sheltering them from shit like that.
They're just boobs after all; only 55% of the total population of earth have them!!! (Not counting male boobs) I'll never understand people trying to guard their children from nudity. Imagine the kind of complex the kids will develop, and never mind the first time they have sex! God forbid.