M o v i e Q u o t e s

I know that! It is between the waitress breasts!!!!

err.... the quote is from "Midnight Madness" .

There's no reason to become alarmed, and we hope you will enjoy the rest of your flight. Oh! By the way, is there anyone on board who knows how to fly a plane?

We had a short-timer once. Johnny I-forget-his-name. He wore a flak jacket, two helmets and armor underwear. Ashau Valley... your time's up, your time *is* up.
True Romance

When they look at you, they see what they want to be. When they look at me, they see what they are.

EDIT: WHAT? Come on El Prezidente, why coulnd't you get it a few seconds later
Scary Movie.

It is a truth universally acknowledged that when one part of your life starts going okay, another falls spectacularly to pieces.

Mick Jagger pwns all. Unusual movie, tho'

The next might be a slight misquote. or a huge one, depending

X: I find him very attractive.
Y: Attractive?! Look at that *suit*. He looks like a giraffe in drag
Malkavian said:
Kharn is banned from Movie Quotes.

I have not yet begun to defile myself.

That's not fair

Plus Tombstone

Another quote from the same movie I posted above. Someone get this one:

Oh, great. Terrific. He decides to keep the zoo open so you kill him. Brilliant. Well done, thank you so much. Especially for shooting him right between the eyes so that it doesn't look like an accident... Because the people at Octopus will know that he was coming here to close us down so there's our motive for murdering him. Stunning. Well, Mr. Brain of Britain, what are we going to tell the police, who are of course already on there way here?... Another example of the thoroughness of your plan.