M o v i e Q u o t e s

if im right; then Un-riddlefy this:
It's sad that governments are chiefed by the double tongues. There is iron in your words of death for all Comanche to see, and so there is iron in your words of life. No signed paper can hold the iron. It must come from men. The words of Ten Bears carries the same iron of life and death. It is good that warriors such as we meet in the struggle of life... and death. It shall be life.
As I read I htought of several movies on indians, but "Ten Bears" reference was the tell tale: It's from "Dances with wolves" (the last cool movie Kevin COstner ever made - I hate the others!)
Ok? I'm not sure if CCR quoted a movie, but it seems that the movie has been guessed, and no one is making a quote, so...

Damn! We're in a tight spot.

My apologies CCR if you were quoting a movie.
Evil Dead.

Against an army of zombies, no armies could stand. Why, even blown half to bits - undaunted by fire and gas - zombies would fight on so long as the brain cells which receive and execute commands still remain intact.
King Of Creation's quote is from Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade.

But, of course, since his answer was wrong, the fact that I know what his quote was from gains me absolutely nothing.

Well, I'll go back to eating cookies then.
Gunnar2 said:
Its from a 40's Zombie flick called Revenge of the Zombies. I have it on Beta (Don't ask) :P

You have: 1) a movie from the 40's that's 2) on fucking betamax?

Hello, we're in the 21st century now!!

For your quote, I'd guess the Vamp classic Nosferatu, Symphonie des Grauens (or whatever, bloody Germans), but I can't be sure, could be from any odd vamp film

That said:

X: "What I do now, I do to save the lives of millions."
Y: "Kneel"
X: "Oh God"
Y: "...Zod"

Might be misquoting, but got the gist right
Kharn said:
You misspelled, but nonetheless: All's Quiet on the Western Front.


Yeah, right, he says to the nigger "What do you want?" And the nigger says "I want all my nigger brothers to be back in Africa, and happy and free and everything." So the genie goes poof. And they're all back in Africa. So... I'm not funny today, really, this joke sucks, I know...

You should've finished the joke... its fucking great.