Mafia III

Having one save is like going back to the game boy color era or some shit !

Hangar 13 is currently accepting suggestions.

In any case, I'm halfway done with the game but taking a break to play Rise of the Tomb Raider.

If they could't be arsed to put it in the game to begin with their unlikely to put it in the game now. Its ridiculous to think they droped so many things from mafia 2 that made it stand out. Literally they should of brang features back from that game. I mean seriously. You can't even change Lincolns clothes their not going to bring in new features and even if they are why dind't they wait a few months and add them then? I defintly keep and eye on the game but I am quite mad about what they have done to the franchise now. Not because I hate them or the games actually bad. Like I'm looking forward to doing the story mission and everyhting now however it does seems repative and the lack of features is very confusing. Why take this out of game it feels like going backwards to mafia 2 witch is very stange considering because of long its been since mafia 2. It just feels streamlined to fit GTA 5 kinda audience when they could of taken alittle more time to develope more to the game. However the game is outside the story is asboultely meaningless. Nothing to use money on etc. They also falling through with alot of things they said would be in the game.

The annyouing thing is Mafia 2 is a far more superior game in pretty much everyway.

I just so glad I dind't buy this at full price because I am not going to play it for the sake of it TBH When it starts getting grindy I just won't play and I guess that kinda ashame.
I think Mafia II had one of the best stories for a video game of all time.

I also think Mafia III beats it by a good distance.
I think Mafia II had one of the best stories for a video game of all time.

I also think Mafia III beats it by a good distance.

But how ? All the missions consistence of is grind grind grind in the same place with same people thats what really turns me off about the game
But how ? All the missions consistence of is grind grind grind in the same place with same people thats what really turns me off about the game

The grind is just to get to the story which is spectacular. Besides, I've been thankfully switching it up by not just doing stealth and actually trying other modes of gameplay like shooting up the place. Even so, that may be why I'm taking a break to return later. Really, the sad part about this game is that if they removed the busy work to take over the rackets and kept the loyalty missions/assassinations this would actually be a better game.

I.e 50% of the gameplay.

That's tragic.
The grind is just to get to the story which is spectacular. Besides, I've been thankfully switching it up by not just doing stealth and actually trying other modes of gameplay like shooting up the place. Even so, that may be why I'm taking a break to return later. Really, the sad part about this game is that if they removed the busy work to take over the rackets and kept the loyalty missions/assassinations this would actually be a better game.

I.e 50% of the gameplay.

That's tragic.

Yeah thats what I was thinking. But i was more think turn the grindy racket missions into varrying different intresting missions over a few months and they would make the game so so much better. I would of been the big block buster the game was trying to be
I don't understand why games have this now. Is it to force you to replay absolutely everything if you screw up midway in the game? Like if you forget to get a certain item from a certain level? :confused:

Oh, that happened to me already. In order to get an achievement, you need to bend 16 lieutenants to your side. I.e. All of them.

However, I accidentally killed one because I hadn't wiretapped enough phones.

The game auto-saved immediately after I killed him.

Oh, that happened to me already. In order to get an achievement, you need to bend 16 lieutenants to your side. I.e. All of them.

However, I accidentally killed one because I hadn't wiretapped enough phones.

The game auto-saved immediately after I killed him.

Trying to force players to play the game through AGAIN is shit.
So who is going to be picking up this one?

I'm really excited about the concept.

The chance of shooting up the Ku Klux Klan via Grand Theft Auto mini-game is something I've looked forward to for a very long time.

It's out already? This is the one game that I might get, I really liked the first part. My computer prolly won't be able to rotate it though.
You can already get mafia 3 quite cheap now i'd wait abit and you be able to get it for very low