Phil the Nuka-Cola Dude
Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!

Kilus said:Yes. You have to download it. Plus there is a new Party member and a mission or something.
I've done all the regular DLC; exploring the normandy crashsite for dogtags/recruiting Zaeed. I can't even think of any current zones in-game that would be suitable to use it in, yet the controls are listed on the menu... so it's probably something they stripped to sell back to us later.
Just started my evil playthrough on Insanity, and my god it's hard. It's like... Halo 1 Legendary hard. Peek out of cover for a second and you die. Fail at micromanaging your NPCs powers (unlike yours, theirs are instant, and go through walls so you can use them while staying in cover) and you die. Build your party wrong and you die. Besides the constant deaths (I'm trying to get out of that suicidal charge and punch faces mindset), it's amazingly fun.
[spoiler:27705a76d9]I can't wait to get Tali + Legion (the friendly geth) for triple attack drone action.[/spoiler:27705a76d9]