Mass Effect Andromeda lackluster dialogue


Still Mildly Glowing
So I watched the Dialogue footage of Mass Effect Andromeda and I thought that the acting and the character dialogue looked pretty atrocious. It's all too calm, the main character sounds and looks like a college girl. The "crime lord" gives her the weakest threat she could give in the most un-intimidating way possible. So I wonder if the writers and directors have met many people that are military personnel. I myself have met some gents at my boxing club and in life in general and they are nothing like the characters I see in Andromeda that are all supposed to have military backgrounds.

This right here is what a liberal arts teacher looks like, that does not look like a soldier.

So I wonder if the writers have a disconnect from actual military personnel or that they have the dialogue in such a "College" type manner to not freak out a large member of their audience with how military grab ass and fuck fuck games work. I'd personally like to see a lot more grounded military type realism in a mass effect game, they don't have to go full Heart of Darkness but a bit of realism would be appreciated.
Remember, they love pandering to SJWs and such.

Also, mass effect never had amazing dialogue and the mass effect 3 ending was just... eh.

Overall, I have never been a fan of the franchise, especially dialogue wheel and not knowing what you are going to say.

I honestly think, Mass Effect in general is just overrated. Maybe not as Skyrim or Shitout 3/4, but still.

I wonder, how will this game turn out in the end. I mean, I wonder, what will they do to piss off their fanbase?
I just want a character in Mass Effect with this level of natural authority

In fact I just want starship troopers the game, I want a game in which you play as a random ass soldier being send to his very probable death in a shitshow. Like in Starship Troopers, game could get some strong emotions and stuff with the squad mechanics and the like.

Imagine this level of uncomfort <3
Remember, they love pandering to SJWs and such.

Lesbian and Gay gamers are surprisingly good about buying games where they get their options. However, it was HILARIOUS when Inquisition happened.

Bioware: We wanted to properly reflect real life sexualities, therefore characters have set preferences which can't be altered.

Lesbian gamers: WE HAVE TO ROMANCE SERA? SERA SUCKS! We wanted to romance Cassandra!

Straight females: We wanted to romance Dorian!

Male gamers: But...but....I don't want to romance a stupid human chick! I wanted to romance the elf girl!

So I'm imagining them rolling their eyes and going back to "Everybody is Bi." Also, I'm not making up any of those reactions as there were hundreds of posts to that effect on the Bioware forums.

Also, mass effect never had amazing dialogue and the mass effect 3 ending was just... eh.

Overall, I have never been a fan of the franchise, especially dialogue wheel and not knowing what you are going to say.

So, yeah, it's understandable why they pander if you don't like the series. :)

I honestly think, Mass Effect in general is just overrated. Maybe not as Skyrim or Shitout 3/4, but still.

I wonder, how will this game turn out in the end. I mean, I wonder, what will they do to piss off their fanbase?

They literally can't piss off the fanbase more than they did with Mass Effect 3. That literally should have killed it. The fact it's returned as is, is a zombie like revenant since no one really wants to travel to a new galaxy but just know the existing one is fine without the previous ending.

This right here is what a liberal arts teacher looks like, that does not look like a soldier.

Wreck It Ralph's Sergeant Calhoun

Some more dialogue stuff:

The VA work is pretty terrible, though. It doesn't match the setting at all and a lot of characters lack the 'intimidation' factor.

- The Krogan companion sounds like a complete pussy compared to Grunt or Wrex.
- Pee Bee Asari companion is essentially a Sera 2.0.
- Female Ryder lacks the 'commanding' aspect that Jennifer Hale brought to female Shepard.

The worst part about this is that there's so much fucking chatter no matter what you do. During the first segment in that video I linked, you've got fucking Pee Bee making comments after every single thing you do, the Ship's AI spoon-feeding you information as simple as "press the button to activate a droid to clear an obstacle" (literally a retard check), and Ryder asking obvious questions.

What were they fucking thinking?
Okay, what the fuck is wrong with her face? I mean, look, if it is part of the story that fem....shep? Is meant to look like the definition of a goofball then fine. But if no one in game comments on her weird stares then it is just shitty facial animation...

I gotta say that fem-whateverhernameis is giving Tali quite the competition when it comes to dem hips.

Man the game really is treating the player as a retard ain't it? The companion's duty is basically to just tell you flat out what to do so you won't have to think for yourself.

Don't really care to watch much more. Just boring combat and more uninteresting chatter.


Someone at Bioware said something about MEA basically being soft-core porn or whatever and I decided to head on over to our lord and savior Rule 34 to see just how many pages of Mass Effect smut there is. Aaaaaand the answer is 167. 167 pages of straight up porn.

Quite honestly, if Bioware holds true to their word and apart from the combat segments it is just littered with romance and little sexual adventures I might just buy the game on sale just for that.
My hope is they allow me to play an enormous space racist who says he's here to kill the locals and steal their land.

Which I doubt will be an option.

So you are all somehow surprised that a mediocre "RPG" from a developer that has went from Baldur's Gate to Dragon Age Inquisition is somehow fucking up their latest AAA fuckfest? I'm honestly surprised that you're surprised. Jade Empire was a better IP than Mass Effect or Dragon Age yet it has been forgotten.
So you are all somehow surprised that a mediocre "RPG" from a developer that has went from Baldur's Gate to Dragon Age Inquisition is somehow fucking up their latest AAA fuckfest? I'm honestly surprised that you're surprised. Jade Empire was a better IP than Mass Effect or Dragon Age yet it has been forgotten.

Eh, it's actually quite well remembered by, ironically, Bioware fans. :)
The new Enemy they set out to destroy is Silence.

Gotta. Cram. Just. One. More. Quip.... there is like half a second of silence in this part.... I can't wow everybody with my gifts as a WRITOR if I don't fill every second with dialogue!!!
Reminds me of Todd Howard deciding if an area is too empty so they would throw some random shit in that area.
Considering how bad Bioware fucked up SWTOR, where they went from 8 stories to 2, to 1 1/2(the beginning is different depending on faction) to 1 that only works if you are the Jedi knight or the Sith warrior. I am not really surprised
Considering how bad Bioware fucked up SWTOR, where they went from 8 stories to 2, to 1 1/2(the beginning is different depending on faction) to 1 that only works if you are the Jedi knight or the Sith warrior. I am not really surprised

I don't understand the last bit. Why do you think it only works if you're a Jedi or Sith?
I don't understand the last bit. Why do you think it only works if you're a Jedi or Sith?

They are only classes that have a real connection to the Sith Emperor . The Jedi consulsar has a slight connection with Childeren of the emperor. The Sith inquistor has a problem with their force ghosts being absent from the story. With non force users the story doesn't really provide a reason why the emperor feels that you the only person to draw his full attention.

Playing anything other then the knight invalidates Scrouge's prophecy , which means he betrayed Revan and the Exile no good reason. Although considering how Bioware didn't bother giving any dialogue in Shadow of Revan, they probally didn't care.
I don't know how many art students you know because most art students have a lot of ego. The more bohemian they are the more vritiolic and full of themselves their interactions with others are.
They are only classes that have a real connection to the Sith Emperor . The Jedi consulsar has a slight connection with Childeren of the emperor. The Sith inquistor has a problem with their force ghosts being absent from the story. With non force users the story doesn't really provide a reason why the emperor feels that you the only person to draw his full attention.

Playing anything other then the knight invalidates Scrouge's prophecy , which means he betrayed Revan and the Exile no good reason. Although considering how Bioware didn't bother giving any dialogue in Shadow of Revan, they probally didn't care.

Eh, that's just the main quests. The Shadow of Revan is when the Emperor decides you're his archenemy not the Jedi Knight and Sith Warrior quests.
I want Clarence Boddicker as a squat mate in Mass Effect, and go to space bars to snort space cocaine from the tits of alien hotties together.
