Megamod 2.35 technical issues and suggestions

On Saturday, August 8th:

Tom9k said:
I checked robodogs once again and they do ignore CoP.

Ah... that's what I thought.

Edit: Computer added back to the BOS in the Den.

Also, scaring Torr is part of the original/RP. It's not in the MM... at least, I'm pretty sure it isn't. That was taken out with New Vision. Sajag's rewards are the key to the sewers and leading to learning gecko skinning if you are not a good character.
MIB88 said:
Also, scaring Torr is part of the original/RP. It's not in the MM... at least, I'm pretty sure it isn't. That was taken out with New Vision. Sajag's rewards are the key to the sewers and leading to learning gecko skinning if you are not a good character.
Scaring Torr is in the MM. From my notes to Morticia:
Rustle the brahmin:
After you've done the "hunting expedition" quest for Sajag, you can ask him for work. He'll send you to the Dunton brothers. This quest is a bit different now, you need to get the parts for a bugman costume (pincers and tail), and then scare Torr with that. You asseble the costume through dialog with the duntons, first you need to pick the "smear your face with mud" line and then talk to the Duntons again. Or you can just hit Torr over the head with a blunt object, either way -5 karma. Report back to Sajag for $100 and 250xp (unfortunately I could never find a way to report back to Sajag, because there are too many dialog lines, so the one completing this quest don't show up).
After the "hunting expedition" quest you can get a discount from Sajag.

And this I reported to you some time ago:
Sajag, Duntons and Torr: The brahmin rustle quest. The reason this quest can't be completed is because there are too many dialog options in Sajags dialog window, so the line to complete this quest won't show up.
KCSajag.ssl Node000 Line 224 or 226 won't show up. Just throwing in a "and not (global_var(654) == 14) then begin" in front of a couple of the other lines should fix it?
Hard to keep track of everything, eh? :P
UGH! Thanks. And yes, too much. One of these days I'm gonna actually play the MM and see everything in there. Ok, I will fix that one now.

Edit: Fixed. I think. Had to use that .ipp format. So, I am mostly sure it is fixed. I took your suggestion and added it to the drink options. If the conditions for the Torr quest are met, the player will not be able to talk to Sajag about buying drinks or buying drinks for the entire bar (but will still be able to ask about trading and any other quest).
After you complete Slik's trading test, you get message "You have gain X experience points.barter". X is between 10 and 20 and it's not experience but raised amount of your Barter skill.

(Sorry for posting one bug at time, but better to report it now then forgot about it)

Edit: Is Wasteland Wanderer's Rifle supposed to be beneath Hurges (leather armor trapper who can teach us how to skin geckos)? Descriptions says, that "Sajag told you it was found on a pile of bones in wasteland". Shouldn't be this rifle somehow quest related, for example with Taking part in Sajag's "Hunting expedition"?
I found what's up with Max, the BoS Elder, Vault 23 RatBoss...etc, well kind of anyway.
There's nothing wrong with the scripts and nothing with the .msg files either.
But they all have one thing in common, and that is their position in Scrname.msg.
The range of 1821 - 1851 is bad, like 'DO NOT USE, EVER!' kinda bad. The engine can't handle these properly.
The first time a script tries to access a dialog file within this range, it will make an illegal file write (proper term?) to SAVE.DAT
and to memory or tempfile or whatever is used (dialogs are not affected until after relaunching the game though).
I don't think anything should be written to SAVE.DAT, or if it should, then it's at least put in the wrong place, sometimes overwriting existing data.

Most of the dialogs (1822 - 1847) will cause a file write to Function 22 (keeps track of last times first aid and doctor skills have been used) this seems to be harmless except for the error texts.

1848 writes to Function 8 - (player tags) - overwrites tag info, removed one tag from Narg, crashes for the other preset characters.

1821 and 1849 and 1851 crashes before I can save so I don't know where it writes to (not Function 8 or 22 though).
Vault 23 RatBoss uses 1851, that was probably why you had so much trouble with it.

1850 only works in the Mapper, in-game it shows error first time it's used, no crash though.

I tested a few random after that:
{1852} Working Again!
{1853} Working
{1854} Working
- Untested...
{1864} Working
- Untested...
{1874} Working
- Untested...
{1904} Working
- Untested...
{2004} Working

So eh, I don't have a clue as to why the game is acting up with those specific numbers, but now that we know they're bad they can be avoided at least. Luckily not many are in use, so you don't need to move and edit that much.

Also the Vault23 entrance map (crisient) have a few scripts from v15sent embedded, like that stupid "you have found vault13" thing, though they can probably be left there as I don't think they are interfering.

I hope I made sense, if not just ask. 8-)
Thanks for finding this, as there is no way I'd have figured that out.

So, things get messed up with the dialogs between 1821 and 1851. But things get even more messed up around 1874. Any dialog lines called after that cause the game to crash instead of just showing 'error'. I'm not sure how far that error extends, though.

So, just to be clear, all I need to do to is move the dialog lines, right? Or do I need to move the entire scripts?

Another thing: Could you please check for embedded scripts in the glow12 and glow34 maps? I experienced something weird (teleporting) on the glow12 map, and have nor explanation for it.
Uhmm, 1874 and 1875 works fine on my end. Sure you got that number right? Or do I have to go further?
I must admit I haven't got your latest version, I've been testing with MM 2.34.
But if the errors don't stay consistent through different versions, that's a major problem.
Maybe you're starting to push the limits a bit too hard ;)

MIB88 said:
So, just to be clear, all I need to do to is move the dialog lines, right? Or do I need to move the entire scripts?
Well, I haven't tried but I assume you need to move the lines in scrname.msg and then edit the the dialog number in the script for each you move. No need to do anything in the script list, I think.

{1844}{}{Max}                           # MAKS.INT        ; v23 Maks script

move to

{1852}{}{Max}                           # MAKS.INT        ; v23 Maks script

then change every dialog call in from 1744 to 1752 (it's fucking retarded they are a 100 hundred off as scrname.msg starts counting from 100 and in the scripts they start from 0, got me a bit confused)
I don't know if every spot have to be filled but just put unused dummy scripts for 1821-1851 if that's the case.
What you could do is have all the scripts in small locations like vault 23 share the same.msg file, though that could get a bit messy. To save entries in scrname.msg I was thinking, but maybe it's not such a good idea.

What I did to test was to strip AcKlint's script from pretty much everything except look_at_p_proc, like...
procedure description_p_proc
	display_msg(message_str(751, 100));

then only changing 751 to whatever dialog I was testing.
Obviously I had to make some .msg files and make sure there was a line 100, but I think you get the picture.
Then I started a new game, looked at Klint, saved the game, quit to desktop, started and loaded my save, checked if Klint became bugged. If so, I checked with a hex editor to see where something had been written. I sure hope I got it right.

As for checking the Glow Maps, I obviously don't have them, since I don't have the latest MM version, but I suppose I will have to get it soon. :)
Those Glow maps, are they the same ones Morticia made? If so I seem to recall she partly used Dimm's Mapper with them, and aren't Fallout 1 maps a bit different? I might actually still have a copy of her beta maps lying around, but that's probably not good enough.
Anyways, there are two ways (three if you can read hex) to check for scripts that don't show up in the mapper.
If you save a map as a textfile, they will show up in there, you just have to figure out what the script id means. I think they are one number off from the ones in scripts.H.
Or use vad's save editor and they will show up there, though I've heard there was some compatibility problem with your latest release.

And what do you mean by teleporting? When, and from where to where?
Darek said:
Uhmm, 1874 and 1875 works fine on my end. Sure you got that number right? Or do I have to go further?
I must admit I haven't got your latest version, I've been testing with MM 2.34.

Yeah, I know 1874 was messed up. That is the number which starts the Colly scripts/texts ( Talking to him crashed the game. Looking at him crashed the game. Entering the map crashed the game. Talking to Dipper crashed the game. The script would work until dialog after a certain number was called. This is why I have already combined many texts together into single text files that were called earlier on the list. (One text, aitem6, has 16 different texts inside, for example. It's a pain to renumber things, though. And, I found a limit in text files too, but that is for another day.)

Darek said:
But if the errors don't stay consistent through different versions, that's a major problem.
Maybe you're starting to push the limits a bit too hard ;)

Yeah, that thought had also crossed my mind. :wink:

Darek said:
...Well, I haven't tried but I assume you need to move the lines in scrname.msg and then edit the the dialog number in the script for each you move. No need to do anything in the script list, I think....

Yeah, that is a pretty tedious process. Yikes. But, it looks like I will just have to move all aspects: scrnname, scripts, dialog numbers. It's like nuking something from space: it's the only way to be sure.

Darek said:
As for checking the Glow Maps...

Yeah, I used Morticia's maps as the basis for those in the MM. Of course, there have been a few changes since then.

Darek said:
Anyways, there are two ways (three if you can read hex)....

Can't read hex. However, I'll see what I can find by saving those maps as text files.

Darek said:
And what do you mean by teleporting? When, and from where to where?

I mean when I leave the elevator on level 2 and go north, when I reach the door I am teleported back to level 1. There is no reason for this. I placed no spatials there. It just happens.
OK, I've got the latest version now.

MIB88 said:
Yeah, I know 1874 was messed up. That is the number which starts the Colly scripts/texts ( Talking to him crashed the game. Looking at him crashed the game.
I don't get it, I still don't have any problems calling dialogs from 1874 (1774 in script).
Maybe you were not having him there when he was causing trouble?
Or then something else was wrong?

MIB88 said:
I mean when I leave the elevator on level 2 and go north, when I reach the door I am teleported back to level 1. There is no reason for this. I placed no spatials there. It just happens.
I used the Glow12 as starting map but couldn't reproduce. Probably need to play it proper.

Glow12 seem to have the following scripts that don't belong:
Scenery scripts:
Random Encounter Farmer's Kid
Spatial telling the player about Nagor dead
New Reno Mordino Bartender Shop Inventory
Random encounter Kaga 2

Critter Scripts:
Random encounter Kaga 1
Map Script for Necropolis Vault
Map Script for Vault 15

NCR Map 4 exit grid control - Spatial
Slave pen door for NCR Entrance - scenery - computer uses this.
Darek said:
MIB88 said:
Yeah, I know 1874 was messed up. That is the number which starts the Colly scripts/texts ( Talking to him crashed the game. Looking at him crashed the game.
I don't get it, I still don't have any problems calling dialogs from 1874 (1774 in script).
Maybe you were not having him there when he was causing trouble?
Or then something else was wrong?

No, I haven't moved the Colly scripts. They were in a different place earlier, but by the time I got ready to fully implement the mod, it's position had been fixed. And I haven't moved the scripts since I discovered the problem... the only thing I changed was all of the relevant dialogs (most of them into the file that I mentioned above).

And thanks for those list of scripts. I'll keep my eye open for them and remove them.
When I enter Klamath, I get message: You encounter a church in the middle of the ruined city. Is that correct? It would fit more to Abbey or F1 Cathedral.
@Tom9k: That dialog for entering Klamath has been there since the beginning. There is no other dialog for entering Klamath.

Darek said:
I cleaned up the Glow maps...

Thanks. I'll let you know.
MIB88 said:
@Tom9k: That dialog for entering Klamath has been there since the beginning. There is no other dialog for entering Klamath.

Uh, what? Isn't the message for entering Klamath supposed to read:

"You have entered a small town called Klamath."
killap said:
MIB88 said:
@Tom9k: That dialog for entering Klamath has been there since the beginning. There is no other dialog for entering Klamath.

Uh, what? Isn't the message for entering Klamath supposed to read:

"You have entered a small town called Klamath."

Fixed... but...
I just took apart the original dat file to find the kladtwn.txt file. It is as you say. Where the hell did the one I get come from?!
Bug in reference to that Cold Hearts area and the quests. I didn't really find any bugs until the very end. Yeah, I know its a work in progress, but anyway...

the bug didn't make my game crash or anything, it's just that I was able to kill English Bob twice. Once when you follow him, I gutted him and his buddies. And then went back, and told that Fence guy about it, and got to kill Bob and his cronies again. Minor and possibly already reported bug. (~.~)
Well, that area isn't really a work in progress. It's pretty much done. There are just bugs (not being able to bury Fence being the most notable) and things that need to be tweaked (like the experience gained for the quests). I'll add a new variable to check for Bob's death so that he does not come back to haunt you. Thanks.
I tried this one - I warned Tyler about incoming Lara attack, then I killed Tyler and his gang (although they were my allies) and I didn't killed Laura. After combat, Lara told me to help her finish off Tyler in Residential Area. I went there, but nobody was there (neither Laura or Tyler). But I got exp for helping Tyler deal with Laura.
Navarro location

Hi all!

My problem is, that I cant find Navarro. I mean I know where it is:


but my character cant find it! I go around circles many times, but nothing happenes. I have tried with car, without car, with company and without. Nothing.
But if I create a new game, then is no problem. The character finds it.
Somebody help! I dont want to begin a new game...
Here is my savegame:
Hi all

When I say to my NPCs that they should wait and then save and try to load the game crashes. It happend in various location (Navarro, vault city...).

When the game crashes I get this weird error message

"The instruction at 00000190 referenced memory at 00000190
The memory could not be read from
Click to terminate the application"

Seems that TeNDoLLA has the same problem
