Uhmm, 1874 and 1875 works fine on my end. Sure you got that number right? Or do I have to go further?
I must admit I haven't got your latest version, I've been testing with MM 2.34.
But if the errors don't stay consistent through different versions, that's a major problem.
Maybe you're starting to push the limits a bit too hard
MIB88 said:
So, just to be clear, all I need to do to is move the dialog lines, right? Or do I need to move the entire scripts?
Well, I haven't tried but I assume you need to move the lines in scrname.msg and then edit the the dialog number in the script for each you move. No need to do anything in the script list, I think.
{1844}{}{Max} # MAKS.INT ; v23 Maks script
move to
{1852}{}{Max} # MAKS.INT ; v23 Maks script
then change every dialog call in maks.int from 1744 to 1752 (it's fucking retarded they are a 100 hundred off as scrname.msg starts counting from 100 and in the scripts they start from 0, got me a bit confused)
I don't know if every spot have to be filled but just put unused dummy scripts for 1821-1851 if that's the case.
What you could do is have all the scripts in small locations like vault 23 share the same.msg file, though that could get a bit messy. To save entries in scrname.msg I was thinking, but maybe it's not such a good idea.
What I did to test was to strip AcKlint's script from pretty much everything except look_at_p_proc, like...
procedure description_p_proc
display_msg(message_str(751, 100));
then only changing 751 to whatever dialog I was testing.
Obviously I had to make some .msg files and make sure there was a line 100, but I think you get the picture.
Then I started a new game, looked at Klint, saved the game, quit to desktop, started and loaded my save, checked if Klint became bugged. If so, I checked with a hex editor to see where something had been written. Tedious...so I sure hope I got it right.
As for checking the Glow Maps, I obviously don't have them, since I don't have the latest MM version, but I suppose I will have to get it soon.

Those Glow maps, are they the same ones Morticia made? If so I seem to recall she partly used Dimm's Mapper with them, and aren't Fallout 1 maps a bit different? I might actually still have a copy of her beta maps lying around, but that's probably not good enough.
Anyways, there are two ways (three if you can read hex) to check for scripts that don't show up in the mapper.
If you save a map as a textfile, they will show up in there, you just have to figure out what the script id means. I think they are one number off from the ones in scripts.H.
Or use vad's save editor and they will show up there, though I've heard there was some compatibility problem with your latest release.
And what do you mean by teleporting? When, and from where to where?