Brydżkiper said:
...The new one is, I cannot drop the body of Metzger Mum. It's quite heavy and it pisses me off. There even a line in SlaversGulid Chief, saying hand over my mum and we will reach an agreement. Well I wanted to drop her in front of him, but I got ERROR message in bottom-left screen
Also there is a funny weapon from that flying insects found randomly in the desert. I picked the weapon up + some of its spit/venom. Put it in my hands and despite seeing dmg, cost of a shoot, targeting system it still will not fire!
Did you even finish playing through that encounter regarding Metzger's mother before you decided to post this message? She is 'removed from your inventory' after the discussion. Or are you trying to say she was not removed from your inventory? You need her in your inventory in order to get the proper dialog trees. And don't tell me that it makes more sense to drop her on the ground in front him (although in real life it does), because everywhere in the game if you have something that you were told to get you have to have it in your inventory. Dropping the computer parts, vertibird plans, nuclear plant part, car parts, economic disk, Vault 13 water flask, book, etc. in front of the person before you talk to them has no effect. It's just the way the game works.
If I remember correctly, trying to drop her is like trying to drop the GECK. It's a safety feature to keep you from losing her. However, maybe I should remove the safety, in case the player doesn't want to do the job, and she'll just run off like any other slave you set free.
The cockroach weapon is not meant to be used by the player, obviously. So of course there are problems if you try to use it.
M4K said:
The world map is to big at the east(there is just: nothing[you can travel and travel])
In the cave of V13 you can find a geck, hint book, and Adv power armor mkII? For me its to much facitilation. Even if you have a geck, and dont enter V13, the quest isnt complete.
Know that the MM is a work in progress. The worldmap does end to the east, eventually. And there will be things added to the east... eventually.
The deal with those items at V13 has already been taken care of.
Melichor said:
1. Elevator(ergo hole) in the first floor of the Glow cause crash, when I try to go down. Also Moloch(that nasty creature) when I kill him... Strange, when Cassidy take him down, game won´t crash. And lightsaber graphic for player is not working(at least for me

Did you use a rope on the elevator first?
Are you saying the game crashes EVERY time you kill that mutant?
What happens when you put the lightsaber in your hands? "Not working" does not help me understand.
Melichor said:
2. Is the timer for the build of Orphantarium in the Den to build set up? I waited for long four years and nothing(well just curious

). And is the quest about BOS, vertibird and Navarro working yet? I have waited for a year and main Elder in the BOS gives me just Error conversation(first time i spoke with him, he works well)...
Orphanage: Bug. After the appropriate amount of time, you can only enter there by pressing 3 from the town map.
The Elder is bugged. I can't find the cause. It suffers the same problem as Max and the computer at Vault 23.
Melichor said:
3. Is there a way to bring SkyNet speak in the terminal?(Because I´m damn bad curious, I´ve look in scripts and there is some kind of quest: Bring Skynet online, I runned through all four flours, but nothing) -Sorry if this maybe isn´t really bug
I don't understand. What scripts did you look in? I have no idea what you are referring to.
Melichor said:
4. Can´t find Michael son in Ruined city location. I looked on every body, examined every body, used googles and even doctor, but he is missing(or maybe he moved somwhere else?

Did Michael actually describe his son to you? Was it part of the same game you were playing when you found that area with the bodies? Did you look at all the bodies? Did you look at all the bodies twice? Is your perception really low? I'm asking all this but I don't want an answer. These are for you. I know it works.
Melichor said:
5. Is one computer in the Abbey really supposed to end game and why then shows only Gecko?
I don't know. Maybe. If you decide you want to live out your life as a monk at the Abbey and not find the GECK, then it makes sense.
And for those keeping track of bug reports (if anybody): Killing the BOS personnel at the research facility and the bunker now counts towards karma, town reputation, and critter kill counts.
I expect to have a small patch (no more than 9 mb when archived), ready for release no later than the end of this week.