Installation Issues
I have megamod 2.35.1
Have done an older mods successfuly before.
including another version on the megamod ( since the abby was also in it but not the party showing thier armor).
This was some time ago on same computer running windows .
But when I did it with the GOG version of FO2 the game crashed on first save.
Then i rembered having heard that the GOG FO2 wont work with the MM ( dont remember where i heard it) and looked for one of my FO2 CD"s.
After MUCH

searching <finally> found it.
Its a 1.02 w/ the patchfile ( which i dutifully deleted during MM install)
I went into the critters fiels and dutifully checked unchecked and recheked the read-only function ( used select all-->properties , ---> check read only, --> apply)
Tried twice.
1) Install FO2 fresh after an uninstall
2) paste all files from MM 2.35 1 into the basic FO2 folder
3) delete patchfile
4) Game starts up
5) I see the mega mod team symbol on start up
6)I cna pick character or modify
7) elder invites me in
8) then when I try to start a the game all I see is a white screen but I hear the temple of trials music playing.
Please help