palmerwmd said:
Shouldnt you be working for Bethesda or Interplay?

1)Town Music...
2)...Which value should I change my ddraw to , to experience the weather? ( which would be cool, I love rain)
4) When I put my red crosshairs on a scorpion the game crashes sometimes instantly....
I am not a programmer, so no gaming company is gonna want me!
1. Either make sure your CD is installed, or copy the music files from your CD to the data/sounds/music folder in your MM game. I didn't include the music that came from the original game, or else the MM download would have been another 90 mb or so larger.
2. Mode=4
3. I know about the isues with Klint. He was not created like other NPCs.
4. Corrupted proto file. Happens with ants and scorpions from time to time, however, usually only on 'Examine' and not combat. A possible fix is to remove or rename and in the data/proto/critters folder to something else. Don't delete them, just in case that fix doesn't work. Tell me, though, what are the dates you have for those two files?
Kindach said:
MIB88 said:
Please tell me what date is on the file inside the data/scripts folder.
It says 12.8.2009 18:25
I double checked it with the zip file, were the file containing also says 12.8.2009
The latest version is actually from September 7, 2009, which means you are missing a patch... or elements of a patch.
Kindach said:
1. Klint uses a combat shout from Sulik in which he refers to himself as Sulik
2. If Klint dies, he is still in Arroyo afterwards
3. Phil in the Golgen Gecko greats me with the msg, "Hey, you! Yeah you, in the blue suit. ..." even when wearing an armor!
4. Constant msg's in the pip boy about a Clock change, with some numbers.
5. Somewhere I get different gecko pelts (Lil Gecko) that doesn't stack.
1. Klint uses Sulik's AI. Can't 'fix' it for Klint except to change it completely, which I'll do.
2. I'll fix this.
3. It's said like that to ensure that the player understands that Phil is talking to the player, since nobody else around even uses a blue suit.
4. It's got to do with sfall and the weather mod. I don't know how to fix it.
5. I fixed one occasion of this: the pelts you have at the beginning never stacked to any other pelts. I need to know where you got these other pelts. Or, are you not playing with the latest version?