Megamod 2.4 Technical Issues and Suggestions

luck 5 with sniper has a 55% chance of crit,luck 10 with sniper has a 60% chance of crit,i may tweak it some

Man, you are ruining my favourite perk, whyyy :mrgreen:
In vanilla with luck 10 you have 95% chance of critical, don't change that please :mrgreen:
I am kidding, it is your mod after all, but you really shoud tweak it a bit. One of biggest advantages (and maybe only one actually) of having high luck is that you with sniper in late game can pull criticals all the time. If there is only 5% difference, it kinda negates luck stat completely - you don't have a reason to increase it above 5 ever.

P.S. Is it compliated to tweak that formula - I mean is it in some ini file or something like that, so I can edit it myself to suit it like I want?

edit: one more question :D Did you change critical hit chance without sniper or you just edited perk? I mean, luck 7 still means 7% of critical chance (plus bonuses from aimed shots)?
Leha_Meloman said:
But readme nothing says about the need to start a new game.

Yeah, sorry about that. I usually do post a comment about needing to start a new game if it is required. I posted a comment about it when I uploaded the file to Atomic Gamer, but I guess that isn't really visible unless you search for the file there instead of using the links through this site.

As an FYI, previously saved games will not work if you replace/change the vault13.gam and party.txt file in the data/data folder (as Nirran stated) and if you modify any of the base level proto files for party characters. There might be a few other files, but those are the main ones.

@Voiddweller: Got your updated art files. Thanks again.
MSlavko82 said:
luck 5 with sniper has a 55% chance of crit,luck 10 with sniper has a 60% chance of crit,i may tweak it some

Man, you are ruining my favourite perk, whyyy :mrgreen:
In vanilla with luck 10 you have 95% chance of critical, don't change that please :mrgreen:
I am kidding, it is your mod after all, but you really shoud tweak it a bit. One of biggest advantages (and maybe only one actually) of having high luck is that you with sniper in late game can pull criticals all the time. If there is only 5% difference, it kinda negates luck stat completely - you don't have a reason to increase it above 5 ever.

P.S. Is it compliated to tweak that formula - I mean is it in some ini file or something like that, so I can edit it myself to suit it like I want?

edit: one more question :D Did you change critical hit chance without sniper or you just edited perk? I mean, luck 7 still means 7% of critical chance (plus bonuses from aimed shots)?

i will up it to 70% + 1% each luck point,i thought 60 was high,i dont play with sniper much,i play melee normaly,no not complicated and yea the luck normal 1% is still in effect(doesnt affect sniper tho)ill change and upload right now

edit : uploaded with a 70% chance of crit with sniper,adding 1% each luck point

edit : screw it,ill add an ini setting for sniper %

edit : Sniper Perk critical chance is now an ini setting(Damage.ini) and is uploaded

edit : fixed a typo in Damage.ini,uploaded

edit : forgot to comment a debug message,fixed and uploaded

i will up it to 70% + 1% each luck point,i thought 60 was high,i dont play with sniper much,i play melee normaly,no not complicated and yea the luck normal 1% is still in effect(doesnt affect sniper tho)ill change and upload right now

edit : uploaded with a 70% chance of crit with sniper,adding 1% each luck point

edit : screw it,ill add an ini setting for sniper %

edit : Sniper Perk critical chance is now an ini setting(Damage.ini) and is uploaded

edit : fixed a typo in Damage.ini,uploaded

edit : forgot to comment a debug message,fixed and uploaded

Well, what can I say? You are the best! :clap: Thanks!
Pls add possibility to set critical values to any criticals in game, especially for your difficulty mod.
And is there any issues when diff mod work together with megamod?
Owerall it seems to be ok, configuration works, but something causes total disability to cause any sizeable critical, especially crippling and insta-kill.
And pls add a configuration option to count party members as regular scaling difficulty critters. I thought i can do it myself, but i am unable to compile that damn script :P even with Timeslip modified compiler >_<

Well... a little testing shows some result and there are scripts that declared as heresy by me, and must be purge on sight :) - disables knockout and insta-kill - disables any good critical roll (i mean those funny and sadistic ones)
Maybe not completely disables, as sometimes good hit can cause a violent death, but game supposed to entertain me, and not become such boring "challenge" :)
Well at least other stuff seems to be work as intended, so thank you for a great additions you have done.
Voiddweller said:
Pls add possibility to set critical values to any criticals in game, especially for your difficulty mod.
And is there any issues when diff mod work together with megamod?

added critical multiplier to difficulty mod last night :P,though it is in addition to the normal 2x damage

none,i use those together all the time

Voiddweller said:
Maybe not completely disables, as sometimes good hit can cause a violent death, but game supposed to entertain me, and not become such boring "challenge" :)

the point of difficulty mod was to make the game a challenge,i recomend uninstalling it if that is not what your looking for

edit :
Voiddweller said:
Pls add possibility to set critical values to any criticals in game,

done and uploaded,now basic critical percent is in Damage.ini

Scalled Difficulty
Oh, obvious. Dumb me.
Anyway, I noticed that and are also in custom perks mod, I suppose that they have same effect there, right?
Nirran said:
the point of difficulty mod was to make the game a challenge,i recomend uninstalling it if that is not what your looking for
I see, but i like some aspects of it, and dislike others. Please make it more flexible. Thanks :)
yes but you should only have gl_combatdamage and gl_tohit ranther then gl_to_hit and gl_damage,i tried to change the names in an attempt to alert the user when a conflict exists,but a bug prevented it from doing what i wanted,delet hs_combatdamage gl_damage hs_tohit and gl_to_hit,should keep gl_combatdamage and gl_tohit

adding party members recieving the bonuses(as a setting can turn on or off) from scalled difficulty now,will take a little while

edit : added the party member option for scalled difficulty,this makes party members VERY tough,i highly recomend you leave it off,fixed typo in original text of this post,unfortunately my provider for my site is doing something with my site,i will upload scalled difficulty when they are done(prolly an hour at the most),also party member option has an unfixable bug,when they reach max level,they will be given the bonuses but they will have a flag telling the mod to not add bonuses,because party member stats are saved,they wont recieve bonuses again,they will remain at what ever state they were in when they last recieved bonuses

edit : uploaded

yes but you should only have gl_combatdamage and gl_tohit ranther then gl_to_hit and gl_damage,i tried to change the names in an attempt to alert the user when a conflict exists,but a bug prevented it from doing what i wanted,delet hs_combatdamage gl_damage hs_tohit and gl_to_hit,should keep gl_combatdamage and gl_tohit

OK, I did that, thanks! Will play today and see how it works, so far great!
Thanks) I hope that's enough to keep balance for even a diplomatic character. If this options can be safely adjusted trough the game progress.
Voiddweller said:
Thanks) I hope that's enough to keep balance for even a diplomatic character. If this options can be safely adjusted trough the game progress.

np man,though i wont ever use the option myself,i am happy to add things that are requested(can do alot with scripting,but not everything unfortunately),should be noted that the new difficulty setting will completely negate some of the party member perks in my Party Perks mod,namely
these say sulik but affect all party members
Bonus Damage(Sulik)
Minimum Damage(Sulik)
Combat Skills(Sulik)
Multiply Criticals(Sulik)

edit : updated perk descriptions to account for basic critical multiplier being a variable,uploaded

I played F2 little bit now, and you really did great job. AP ammo works great now. Weapons damages looks much better - although hardcore sniper in me still wants more criticals - game is actually far more intresting.
If I now add difficulty mod, do I need to start new game or I can continue this one?

P.S. Is it possilbe to use your custom perks mod without your additions regarding to damage / criticals / etc. and use only additional perks - I would try to do that on other system to compare and test some stuff?
no you dent need to start a new game

yes it is,delete gl_combatdamage and/or gl_tohit/hs_afterhitroll,the perks will still be selectable though

added variables to Party Perks preventing perks from being selectable if the party members receive scaled Difficulty Stats is enabled

OK, great! Will try it out now :)
Also, there is armoror perk (shouldn't be armorer?) that allows you to loot armors without skill checks, what are requirments for perk (which lever actually)?
level 21 for armorer(yea your right,i will fix it now)

edit : armorer is actually part of megamod,when the next release is made the typo will be fixed

edit : fixed some errors in scaled difficulty that i introduced with the party members stats option

edit : removed the 200% restriction from critical calculation,now it can be any whole number positive value,in my test a hit for about 30 critical hit for 4277 lol,this affects scaled difficulty,party perks and custom perks mods

edit :
Voiddweller said:
causes total disability to cause any sizeable critical, especially crippling and insta-kill.

low criticals are probably happening because of the added resistance and threshold to the target,lower those values in scaled difficulty,i will look into insta kill hits,crippling requiers knowing the body part that was targeted,i would need an aditional function in sfall,i will ask Timeslip

Voiddweller said:
@Nirran - disables any good critical roll (i mean those funny and sadistic ones)
Maybe not completely disables, as sometimes good hit can cause a violent death, but game supposed to entertain me, and not become such boring "challenge" :)

i did that because sometimes the text says that the target was knocked down,when it actually wasn't because of code i wrote,deleting that script wont have any impact on the game or my mods except the text

edit : added instant kill percent for Slayer perk in Damage.ini

edit : added dificulty damage multipliers for all 3 settings,in Damage.ini

Megamod 2.34 - Game crashes upon returning to Arroyo with GECK

Not only there, but game ALWAYS crashes when i enter an encounter near SF. Not much of an issue, but now the game always crashes when i attempt to enter Arroyo with the GECK.

I only have megamod installed and I can think of no way to circumvent this.

Any ideas at all will be appreciated.