luck 5 with sniper has a 55% chance of crit,luck 10 with sniper has a 60% chance of crit,i may tweak it some
Man, you are ruining my favourite perk, whyyy

In vanilla with luck 10 you have 95% chance of critical, don't change that please

I am kidding, it is your mod after all, but you really shoud tweak it a bit. One of biggest advantages (and maybe only one actually) of having high luck is that you with sniper in late game can pull criticals all the time. If there is only 5% difference, it kinda negates luck stat completely - you don't have a reason to increase it above 5 ever.
P.S. Is it compliated to tweak that formula - I mean is it in some ini file or something like that, so I can edit it myself to suit it like I want?
edit: one more question