There is nothing else that you need to do to get the mod working, but keep in mind these two things:
1. Don't change Klint's armor while on a map, save the game on that same map, and then exit the game. If you do, that game will fail to load. If you change Klint's armor, be sure to go to another map before saving the game. I have completely rewritten Klint, so this will not be a problem in the next patch/update.
2. Expect issues with the Brotherhood of Steel Bunker and associated quests/locations. There are a number of bugs there I need to correct.
Regarding the resolution, I never adjust the settings. You would probably find some useful information in the thread specifically devoted to the resolution mod or earlier in this thread.
Regarding the bug list from Bulletti:
Most of those are just plain bugs. I know, I know: I meant to comment on these a while back, but work actually took me out of town, and has kept me (and still keeps me) from doing any modding.
Bulletti said:
- Maria, the vertibird girl. Typos in her dialog
I corrected her dialog.
Bulletti said:
- Car in vanilla showed how much battery if left by binocularing it. No longer in MM.
I am aware of this. We tried to find a way to fix it, but couldn't find a solution. This was something hardcoded for the original car. The presence of the paint job mod created by Nirran causes the problem with not seeing the charge left on the car. Small price to pay for the mod, though, especially since a rough graphical representation of the car's charge appears on the worldmap screen.
Bulletti said:
- Cassidy refused to equip any firearm at a time. All NPCs won't change armor to better, eg. combat armor to power armor. Need to remove combat armor, take it, and then try again.
This doesn't make sense to me. I mean, I can't think of a reason for this.
Bulletti said:
- Vic, at his highest level, has repair skill the second highest, as opposed to best skill.
I haven't changed Vic's stats at all, which means this is a vanilla bug. Or, rather, it would be if his highest level was available in the vanilla version. I'll take a look at this and adjust if necessary.
Bulletti said:
- With power armor, Cassidy's best skill becomes Unarmed.
What is it supposed to be? And, why should it necessarily change? I mean, the same thing could happen to the player character, in that wearing power armor could make unarmed your best skill when it was something else before.
Bulletti said:
- Skynet's main terminal at Sierra is typo-ridden. I have this file fixed.
You can e-mail any fixed dialogs to me, and I'll be sure to include them in the next release.
Bulletti said:
- At Bunker 21, there are two or three soldiers in leather armor with stealable dog tags. They are all Dickinsons. Are they related, or is this an oversight?
Not an oversight, it just wasn't a big deal to me originally when I was working on that mod. I only used the inventory items available. However, I can easily create three or more original dog tags.
Bulletti said:
- Raymond at X location is typo-ridden.
I'm sorry, but could you be more specific about who this person is?
Bulletti said:
- Siege's script is typo-ridden, and unsuitable style of language for Fallout, and for the Enclave and BOS.
I don't think I even opened up that dialog file. However, I'll take a look at it and adjust as necessary.
Bulletti said:
- Baby, the AI at BOS bunker is typo-ridden
I'll look at it, if you haven't already done so.
Bulletti said:
- Major Burke's scripts are bad, as said in the PM to you. He also has typos and grammar issues.
Yes, I still have that pm.
Bulletti said:
- The warehouseman is also bugged at BOS bunker.
Bugged how? Or, do you just mean the dialog is messed up?
Bulletti said:
Again, in what way?
Bulletti said:
- BOS non-combat members are labeled as clerks. Shouldn't they be scribes?
Perhaps. However, 80 years have passed. Who's to say there can't be a change in how they are organized? I'm not saying I wouldn't change it. I'm just saying, it doesn't necessarily have to be the way it was in Fallout 1.
Bulletti said:
- There are multiple elders. BOS only has one traditionally.
Same as above.
Bulletti said:
- All paladins, ''clerks'' and knights are missing the ''You see: X...'' text, instead showing only ''Paladin''.
Try to remember back: Is it just this location? Or is it all new locations (and therefore, all new critters)?
Bulletti said:
- The Marshal is also typo and bug ridden.
I'll take a look at his dialog.
Bulletti said:
- The holodisk quest for BOS is also bugged, as it repeats itself, reverting back to ''not delivered''.
What do you do causing it to revert back to being uncompleted? Or, do you mean it never gets crossed off?
Bulletti said:
- Only once could I see the dialog option ''sent by Matt'' when talking to Maj. Burke.
Do you remember what you did differently?
Bulletti said:
- All humanoid NPCs with power armor of any type are able to use any weapon class. Sulik prefers to use a plasma rifle, and due to low actual skill, misses 75% of his shots. Vic also likes it, but due to high EW skill, he's not half bad. Cassidy still switched to his gauss pistol when using the option to have them use extra APs.
Ok, you are saying something completely contradictory here. You say Sulik prefers to use a certain weapon, despite his low skill. Then you say Cassidy prefers to use that same weapon because of his high skill. It can't be both! Or, the weapon could be chosen regardless of skill level.
What is the artwork when they have these weapons? Are they custom? I mean, are the graphics those created by Josan and Jotisz? Or are the graphics the standard animations for people in armor? If it is the former, then the weapons they are using, I assume, are weapons they are originally allowed to use. Those two did not create artwork for party NPCs if they were not originally supposed to use those weapons... at least, that is what I thought was their intent.
If the artwork is the general artwork, then, well, I'll get around to fixing it when I am REALLY bored. Here's why: it would mean copying most of the art files multiple times to account for each party NPC, making sure to remove the artwork for weapons they can't use, and giving them new names to make them character specific. It is extremely tedious.
Bulletti said:
- Couldn't get Marcus to show his new armor, nor did I see any inven art for it. He apparently still had it on, and seemed to be on par with adv. power armor. Tested with gaussrifle and plasma grenades. Consistency remained. Criticals still were lethal.
There is no inventory art for it. Marcus's graphics are supposed to change. I don't think it is on par with advanced power armor. It gives him a little added protection in the form of several perks. But, I received another report suggesting that that feature of the mod is not working.