Bulletti said:
I can relate with the trunk problem. I stuffed the trunk full of loot, and when I bought the car, they disappeared. One time only. Car trunk reloads all weapons. I noticed this because I always unload all guns. I could unload the ammo for ammo, travel a bit, unload again. Repetable.
Don't put anything in trunk before you move car for the first time. After that first time, stuff won't dissapear, it works fine.
Bulletti said:
Also having very random burst damage - not related to armor in any way, or to AP ammo, either. Mostly no damage, but occasionally normal damage. Criticals always do damage. Single shots to same targets gave normal damage figures.
Already mentioned. Check if you have hs_tohit.int in your script folder. If not, there is problem. Download Custom perks mod from Nirran's site (
www.nirran.com), copy hs_tohit.int from mod to scripts folder and voila - burst your enemies to destruction! Or you can install whole mod, it is very good really.
Bulletti said:
IMO ammo is too heavy for the stack sizes. I mean, 90 pounds for mere 350 rds of 10mm? bite me. IRL that wouldn't weigh anything over 15 pounds.
Well, MM seriously reduce clips size, maybe weapons redone too, and increase their weigh. You can always use fwedit to easily make it right
pampam said:
1.There is a new headshot animation on the main page on nirran.com. I haven`t seen it in game.
2.I can`t seem to paint my old rusty car.
3.In Den, before I bought the car and shortly after that there were items disappearing affair in the car trunk. Solved by travelling to other city and never met again.
4.Vendors in New Reno seem to have a broken items trade list. Renesco does not have stimpaks and even jet, Eldrisch does not have any gun.
5.After killing Metzger, I`ve released slaves, but there were no dialog option linked to locate slavers camp (sulik`s sister quest). How can I find her?
6.The person in scrapyard promised me to give location of Necropolis after exileing the bands. He didn`t.
7.Critters in random encounters always have 2/3 or 3/4 (etc) hit points. Like this "She has 69/239 hps and is wielding..."
8.I can`t seem to enter Mr.Fixit ingame menu. It used to be right click on the PC and choose binoculars icon. It doesn`t work now.
9.I`ve read about plenty of new locations, but I`ve never been to them. Abbey, EPA, Ghost town, Carson city...Most of accidentally found on worldmap locations are broken: Chosen One is exploring the black screen.
1. And who says it is in game?
2. Neither do I, I think it have to be implemented yet, in some future version...
3. Already said - do not use trunk before you move it for first time. Kinda makes sense not to use trunk before you buy a car, right? Not like in vanilla game...
4. Yes, I noticed that too, but forgot to mention it. Eldrige have no guns at all, and maybe 2~3 items to sell...
5. You should ask Metzger when you talk to him (I did that), but I think that you should be able to ask slaves too...
6. Necropolis is not in game, and Scraptown is full of (s)crap anyway

That is not implemented, and dialogs in Scraptown leaves a lot to be desired. Necropolis is F1 location, you won't find it in F2... yet
7. Didn't notice this in my game...
8. Works for me, although it has quite a lag...
9. Abbey:[spoiler:4f796c0fdc]Father Tully from New Reno will mark it for you, but you have to ask him when you talk to him for first time, so be careful.[/spoiler:4f796c0fdc]
EPA: [spoiler:4f796c0fdc]When you recruit Myron, then dump him, he will tell you location of a secret Mordino stash in Golgotha. After you dig it, and dump Myron again, he will tell you location of EPA. However, if you don't dig Mordino stash, he won't tell you EPA location. I think it is possilbe to meet traveler in random encounter that will tell you EPA location, but I failed to meet him yet...[/spoiler:4f796c0fdc]
Carson City: [spoiler:4f796c0fdc]Location of Carson city, along with BOS Facility, you will find in one of Abbey computers, it is part of mission actually. Location of BOS Bunker will be given to you when you finish BOS quest in SF [/spoiler:4f796c0fdc]
Ghost Town - kinda makes sense you never find it

Just kidding, I never heard of that location...