Thanks for all the reports.
Definitely. Never thought of using that particular noun as a verb!
For now. Those big guns will be removed soon, and replaced with other guns.
I will check their dialog files to see if there ever was a dialog option. There may not have been.
I have never had this problem. In my games, these two have always left the town or engaged in combat with no issues. I will have to test this some more.
Corrected. Now, you will only get experience for one solution.
I am completely rewriting that script. It was full of bugs. That outcome is supposed to happen if you use repair on the generator, not science. Science was just supposed to tell you a potential vulnerability.
Yes, I have had those errors, too. However, I am kind of stuck. I cannot decompile the script that controls his sister. There are a few scripts where a get this "tail does not match" error. Once I figure out how to get past that, I can fix these problems.
Ok. Um... Hmmm. Does this crash only occur with the combat option? Or, do you get the same crash if you obtain the key through conversation? And, are you opening the door with the keys, or picking the lock? And, when does the crash occur? Does it happen immediately after the slaves leave the screen? Or does it happen when you try to leave the map?
I only played through this area a few times, and I didn't get the crash when I got the key peacefully.
First line? Do you mean from the player or from the guard? The guard is not so smart. This is the correct dialog for the guard at the cave.
VaultCity:Thomas Moore
"Amen! Vault City's advanced technology should be shared, not horded."
Definitely. Never thought of using that particular noun as a verb!

yes thx but still no reward - better kill all gangs and you have planty of ammo and guns.
For now. Those big guns will be removed soon, and replaced with other guns.
Also if you choose to be a Fool for example Baka send you to check the Blades - (Similar to the quest from Den - Tyler Gang) - but you don't have talk option with their chef only fighting. No dialog option.
When you choose dialog one more time with Baka before you go to the Blades (and you are the Fool) - you can choose to attack or not The Blades. Something is no working in my opinion.
I will check their dialog files to see if there ever was a dialog option. There may not have been.
Another thing - if choose fighting with Fools and Blades, and you kill the fools and Blades in the buildings - this two guys near the gate, still stand like nothing happend. Of course you need to kill them if you want to finish the quest for Lex.
I have never had this problem. In my games, these two have always left the town or engaged in combat with no issues. I will have to test this some more.
The quest with the Dog also have bug - if you give him a Meat Jerky for example you finish this - you will earn 200 exp. and the Dog will be your companion only for this town. Now, when you start fighting and this dog will be killed another 200 exp you will received and you see a another info that you finish this quest.
Corrected. Now, you will only get experience for one solution.
When you use Science skill on Generator in Scraptown, The Blaze and The Fools leave the map - they say that the generator is broken but is fine - also you don't have any reward for that.
I am completely rewriting that script. It was full of bugs. That outcome is supposed to happen if you use repair on the generator, not science. Science was just supposed to tell you a potential vulnerability.
Slaver Camp, two things:
When you rescue a Sulik Sister you have two options in dialog window:
You can rescue her and automatically You will be transported to her Tribe
You can ask her to stay here (the Cage) and wait for you, because you want kill the bad guys and rescue the rest slaves. When you do this and come back to her you can't initiate dialog with her. She just stand there and nothing happend. I try this few times and all the same.
But when I leave the Slaver Camp and travel to Primitive Tribe - she magiclly appear and dialog starts - the quest was completed.
Yes, I have had those errors, too. However, I am kind of stuck. I cannot decompile the script that controls his sister. There are a few scripts where a get this "tail does not match" error. Once I figure out how to get past that, I can fix these problems.
Second: the cage with another slaves in the left side of the map. If you kill the guards, unlock the cage and open - the slaves are run away, you will earn EXP and then surprise: CTD. I try many times.
But if you re-enter this map and then unlock and open the cage, the slaves are run away - no CTD - also try many times to be sure.
Ok. Um... Hmmm. Does this crash only occur with the combat option? Or, do you get the same crash if you obtain the key through conversation? And, are you opening the door with the keys, or picking the lock? And, when does the crash occur? Does it happen immediately after the slaves leave the screen? Or does it happen when you try to leave the map?
I only played through this area a few times, and I didn't get the crash when I got the key peacefully.
Primitive Tribe: After rescue a Sulik sister you have another quest from the warrior in the tent to rescue another warrior from the cave. When you go there is another warrior,which guard the entrence. When you start dialog with him the first line look like this:
You again? WUT DIS TIME?
First line? Do you mean from the player or from the guard? The guard is not so smart. This is the correct dialog for the guard at the cave.
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