I think you forget that there are physical differences between man and woman. There's a reason why women do not fight with the men at the Olympics.
You forget to mention that there are also physical differences among men. And that most males can't compete with those athletes at the Olympics either. Nor will they ever be able to.

In fact, it is often overlooked that males can have a „Small Frame“. It is true that there is an overall tendency for the male body to be build stronger (bones & muscle mass), that women can't fully compensate, but that fact is not exclusively male/female. People vary. The only true difference between men & women is the menstruation. (Whatever that entails. Imo it's “inner-security” and “knowledge of one's purpose”, i.e. women know who & what they are by birth, men don't and have to find out. But it's speculation.)
This has nothing to do with sexism.
Doesn't it? They consider someone as inferior/incapable (1st trigger) on a matter of birth (2nd trigger), ergo: racism. Right? The fact that they exist in an artificial scenario that proves their point can be neglected. There is no reason why a women (or a physical weak man) can't beat the trial, other than the mod saying it is so and/or changing it to that fact.
EDIT: Please note that I pulled Teskal's paragraph apart believing he made three separate points. In hindsight, it seems to be one argument, which I don't agree with, and I've added an Edit in my next post to that effect. However, note that the splitting of the paragraph can be construed as misrepresentation of one argument.
EDIT II: And my point here is not very well made either (it's a bit twisted). And it should say “a strong woman compared to a weak male”.
The Chose One must be more than just a hunter, but I think Cameron and Klint do not really know it better
But they really should. In the original Cameron is very accepting of a character finding different ways, to pass the test. Changing that wilfully, makes no sense, as it contradicts a main game mechanic of Fallout (i.e. there are different ways to beat the game).
And Cameron was a representation of that game mechanic. Fight, talk or steal (if I remember correctly).
Why change that? In fact, I would even go further and say this change starts to contradict Fallout as a whole.
A leader must not be a strong person, only a wise Person.
The same logic should apply to the „chosen one“. (EDIT: well without the absolute)
Arroyo was already sexist in the basics game without mods. All warriors were men and not women.
This is wrong, I remember distinctly female warriors (female models carrying spears) in the RP Mod. Not many but there were some.
It may not have been there in the vanilla version (can't remember), but that is no prove that it can't exist. For one, the vanilla game never said a female can't be the chosen one. That fact (call it sexism) has only been added by a mod, too.
Second, Fallout never made any differences between male and female (e.g. both are doing the same melee damage etc.). Mechanic wise women can be hunters in Fallout.
After all, I can play a ST10 female character. Who then can't become a hunter, because there is a physical difference between men and women? The problem is, there isn't. Not in Fallout. A ST10 female is the same as a ST10 male.
And forcing a contradiction of that fact into the game (like saying a female can't have ST10) is a poor game design decision, which really fulfils no purpose, and eventually removes more than it adds.
And realism be damned. It's anyway a bad guideline for game design (i.e. you should want to create a fun game, not a realistic model of the world.)
I don't think that anyone knew who would be the Chosen One. Why should they kill so many human resources in the Temple of Trials if they know already who it will be?
I think he mixed up the chosen one with the vault dweller.
I think this entire discussion keeps missing the point, for no other reason than getting triggered by the word sexism.
That was never the problem. Even, Karadoc never complained about it. He is basically making the same point I do and that is “poor game design”.
In fact, if asked, I would advice people to play a male character in MegaMod. That's what I did when realizing the female character is going down a specific road. There were also some dialogues that started to refer to her to as “he”. I really think that some of the writing didn't care to create a female option. Lack of interest. MegaMod (or at least parts of it) is written to be played as a male character. The female option is an afterthought.
Is this a problem? No, but you can't ignore the point that people expect different from a Fallout game.
I'm not even suggesting to change MegaMod. It's too big and at one point a project needs to be accepted as it is. Which means, play a male character, and then female, and then low IN, as new scenarios. I don't agree with this (as said it breaks a golden rule of Fallout), but it's not a crime either. But neither is being disappointed by the limitation for a female play-through.
It really is just about having options, and character freedom.
And the change to Arroyo removes some of it for no good reasons.
And as I said, if you want this type of scenario, place it in an isolated village somewhere in the game. Not at the start of it when the player should only be defined as “the chosen one”.