Fallout 2 mod Megamod version 2.47 Bug Reports and Suggestions

bug: when i give advanced power armor to any companion, later of reload a game, the companion reveived -4 of strenght and him is overloaded.

bug2: when i pick up to DOBBS, the combat control window dont let me change on 'agressive', or any of this... i cant select nothing.

I'll look into these.

Ah, well that explains that part, now all I gotta know is where to learn about is how to get the ersi so they don’t die

Sorry, I can't really comment. While I added it to the MM, I haven't even played through the area yet. For all I know, it's not possible to get any of them because I messed something up. But, I'm slowly playing through the game now, making fixes/additions for the next release. I'll get there eventually.

A couple of other things. First, here is a list of those changes/fixes/updates already included for the next release:

-Numerous dialog and grammar fixes
-The stone block in the Temple now weighs a little less in order to accommodate all character builds
-Gecko pelts from a Klamath Mall container now properly stack with other pelts
-Drug dealer in the Den Residential area no longer spawns infinite Desert Eagles
-Corrected some special encounter names on the worldmap
-Lydia in the Vault City bar talks to the player once again
-Gecko-Enclave Patrol encounter works a little differently now
-Lenny will now properly join the player
-Float dialog for prostitutes in New Reno working again
-Private Dobbs will join your party again if told to wait
-The Modoc blacksmith will remove the proper amount of ore when doing the armor upgrade
-Fixes to Father Tully
---Will now reveal the location of the Abbey
---Properly asks you to find Brother Samuel, not Brother Thomas
---Will now accept the wine from the Abbey to complete the quest
-Your character will no longer talk about being poisoned when actually irradiated, and vice versa, when speaking with Dr. Troy
-Quests for Abbey and the Monastery no longer appear under "Merchant" in the Pipboy
-Fixed some instances for Vic where the party member background was wrong
-Changed how a couple of Cold Hearts quests work in order to prevent them from showing up in the Pipboy prematurely
-Added code to handle how purchasing alcohol from Cassidy is handled
-Ranger Safe Houses have been added to the game

Speaking of the Ranger safe houses, I could really use a little input. In the original game, the player could get the Ranger map very easily. Is this the case in the RP, as well? If so, then I need to change this. There is no reason the player character should be able to go into the garage in NCR and walk out with something supposedly so valuable. I have a couple ideas to modify this, however, if the RP has already addressed this situation, then I'll just add that change. Any input would be appreciated. Thanks.
Speaking of the Ranger safe houses, I could really use a little input. In the original game, the player could get the Ranger map very easily. Is this the case in the RP, as well? If so, then I need to change this. There is no reason the player character should be able to go into the garage in NCR and walk out with something supposedly so valuable. I have a couple ideas to modify this, however, if the RP has already addressed this situation, then I'll just add that change. Any input would be appreciated. Thanks.
Fairly sure it is as simple as "walking in and taking it" in the RP mod as well. My notes say there is even no XP for the quest (only cash).

If you look for input:
Besides (speech and sneak/steal) you may consider an option of „joining the Rangers on false pretence“. Like doing a quest for them that requires to travel to one of their save houses. And from there the player can learn the locations of the others? Edit: Or a "following/tracking" option as RP mod introduced to find the raiders hideout for Vault City.
I also would have liked (while playing RP)
A fourth option (after Metzger, freed Slave and Vortis) to find the slave camp. Could be something like the torn paper at the Shi headquarter (like: one piece of information at each ranger safe-house (may need to use science on the monitors (accessing their patrols' reports to find a pattern in the slaver trade routes, which can then, once put together, pinpoint the source of it), like three holodiscs that combine to one). The main idea behind this is to have a reason to visit the safe-houses as a Ranger, and second, to have another option to find the slave camp without speech checks (where one has only one chance), money (if Vortis isn't killed yet, which is likely if doing the Ranger quest line) or wiping out Metzger's gang (which cancels the bad ending for the Den).
And, secondly, a sneak option to free the slaves in the NCR to prove oneself to the Rangers (like use a tool on the fence, which may require a traps check to make it less accessible), and then sneak from cage to cage (triggers combat if discovered). Instead of having to take out Vortis and his men, which seemed a bit odd considering the phrasing of the quest and that it's basically in the front lawn of the NCR (no matter how much they may dislike Vortis).
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Thanks for the input, @Muttie . Those are some good things to consider... Long term, though. They would require a lot more scripting. For the immediate future, then, I'll do one of two things...

Oh! Wait! I just got a wonderfully awful idea! (Like the Grinch.) Oh, yeah. I know what I'm going to do... :newevil:
Ahaaaa, so that Input you mean. (a idea)
I was thinking on Rangers camp earlier. And really i truly tried use scissor on fence in NCR (one part of the fence really asking for it). And it will be funny if you can use that on Den. (But meet slavers revenge party when leaving city if slaver are not defeated.)

On north west cam you shall as a ranger have a possibility to find a camp where is Sullik sister.
Go on patrol if you scout skill are high and if they are enough + (lot of point for motion scanner) find after several days their camps.
Or just talk to one of mazer mans about random stuff and get they goting packages from that direction.
Or just use mazer intel and go on anbush. Then go on second to mazer and find you have been watched and mazer call reinforcement and fortified himself in his house. Rangers want strike on the fortress and you can go call for reinforces around. (probably ask watcher from brotherhood of steel for advise.) And when you search mazer office and you observation, luck, or science is high (or ask watcher or mama or kids) to find a train camp for new slavers gild recruits leads whit mazer psycho sister.
It will be even nice to retrieve a combat armor if you finished some quests for rangers.

On bad occasion you can join mazer and attack rangers.

but for others camp i dint remember their location- (The north west are not so north west anyway.) so probably scouting finding the trapped entrance and then go back to NCR pick up cleaning party. They send you clean and mark the way through caves. An if you notice the traps before the fence and told them about that they will defuse them otherwise they will walk on them and the raiders will laf.

Continuously you can speak to rangers in NCR and told them about the plan of NCR taking over VC using raiders. (must have the bishop holodisk) (If you have only book then the chief can tell you about that only someone evil, wealth and lots of man strength can use that and point you to bishop)

and... you plan two EPAs? Or i misunderstand?
More talk and quest options from doctor in EPA. Like take alien egg to VC or bring that egg to Navaro and they hire you. (but you dind get access to armory. But when you shof in power armor mk I he kick you to get change to mk II)

And when i am on it: You crew updating stats when you leave them there for weak.
Miron - EPA level whit command hologram stafs- "Atention i present you a new chief of research. The Miron."
Cassidy - San Francisco medical care
Klint, Sulik - New Reno boxing and San Francisco Kung Fu.
Fat Repair man - NCR Garages - can obtain the position of camps.
Mira and her broder - Klamath
Private - Redling sherif help (he will suspiciously gladly join and out off city you will meet another pised off gang going for his head)
Skinet - EPA - upgrades Sword for Mele attack?
Dogs - any iradiated area? Like toxic caves.
Marcus - any BOS hause?

And obviously the cards for +1 upgrade in BOS-SF- basement or BOS- main base. Probably need a loot of bool variableness.

Are cured Lenny (brotherhood researcher facility) pickable? Or have even his human form spawned? (dint remember)
Wow, that is a lot to think about, @Dretnoth . Thanks. Definitely some stuff in there to keep in mind. But, in all of that, I gotta say my favorite part was seeing how you just referred to Vic as the fat repair man. Classic!

And, beware: those going to play out the NCR/Ranger/Vortis section like they used to and expect the same outcomes are in for a rude awakening in a future release! :twisted:
Ok, the latest update to the MM is posted. It can be found here:

http://www.mediafire.com/file/glh196ftmsofedy/Megamod update 2.47.3.zip

There are two folders inside the archive. Just unzip and copy directly into your main Fallout 2 folder. Old saves should still work, but, you may not see all the fixes unless you enter a location where the changes/fixes are made for the first time. Some fixes may work even if you don't do this, such as the fix to get Lenny in your party.

From the readme:

Changes/Fixes made since version 2.47.2:
-Numerous dialog and grammar fixes
-Several minor corrections to various maps
-Removed some instances where killed enemies may have two sets of armor
-The stone block in the Temple now weighs a little less in order to accommodate all character builds
-Gecko pelts from a Klamath Mall container now properly stack with other pelts
-Drug dealer in the Den Residential area no longer spawns infinite Desert Eagles
-Corrected some special encounter names on the worldmap
-Lydia in the Vault City bar talks to the player once again
-Gecko-Enclave Patrol encounter works a little differently now
-Lenny will now properly join the player
-Float dialog for prostitutes in New Reno working again
-Private Dobbs will join your party again if told to wait
-The Modoc blacksmith will remove the proper amount of ore when doing the armor upgrade
-Fixes to Father Tully
----Will now reveal the location of the Abbey
----Properly asks you to find Brother Samuel, not Brother Thomas
----Will now accept the wine from the Abbey to complete the quest
-Your character will no longer talk about being poisoned when actually irradiated, and vice versa, when speaking with Dr. Troy
-Quests for Abbey and the Monastery no longer appear under "Merchant" in the Pipboy
-Fixed some instances for Vic where the party member background was wrong
-Changed how a couple of Cold Hearts quests work in order to prevent them from showing up in the Pipboy prematurely
-Added code to handle how purchasing alcohol from Cassidy is handled
-Ranger Safe Houses have been added to the game
-Slightly modified the Cold Hearts junkie quest so that all float messages can be seen
-Added quest elements from RP regarding the Ranger Safe Houses
Ok, the latest update to the MM is posted. It can be found here:

http://www.mediafire.com/file/glh196ftmsofedy/Megamod update 2.47.3.zip

There are two folders inside the archive. Just unzip and copy directly into your main Fallout 2 folder. Old saves should still work, but, you may not see all the fixes unless you enter a location where the changes/fixes are made for the first time. Some fixes may work even if you don't do this, such as the fix to get Lenny in your party.

From the readme:

Changes/Fixes made since version 2.47.2:
-Numerous dialog and grammar fixes
-Several minor corrections to various maps
-Removed some instances where killed enemies may have two sets of armor
-The stone block in the Temple now weighs a little less in order to accommodate all character builds
-Gecko pelts from a Klamath Mall container now properly stack with other pelts
-Drug dealer in the Den Residential area no longer spawns infinite Desert Eagles
-Corrected some special encounter names on the worldmap
-Lydia in the Vault City bar talks to the player once again
-Gecko-Enclave Patrol encounter works a little differently now
-Lenny will now properly join the player
-Float dialog for prostitutes in New Reno working again
-Private Dobbs will join your party again if told to wait
-The Modoc blacksmith will remove the proper amount of ore when doing the armor upgrade
-Fixes to Father Tully
----Will now reveal the location of the Abbey
----Properly asks you to find Brother Samuel, not Brother Thomas
----Will now accept the wine from the Abbey to complete the quest
-Your character will no longer talk about being poisoned when actually irradiated, and vice versa, when speaking with Dr. Troy
-Quests for Abbey and the Monastery no longer appear under "Merchant" in the Pipboy
-Fixed some instances for Vic where the party member background was wrong
-Changed how a couple of Cold Hearts quests work in order to prevent them from showing up in the Pipboy prematurely
-Added code to handle how purchasing alcohol from Cassidy is handled
-Ranger Safe Houses have been added to the game
-Slightly modified the Cold Hearts junkie quest so that all float messages can be seen
-Added quest elements from RP regarding the Ranger Safe Houses

Can it be used on version 2.47.1? I cannot find ver 2.47.2 anywhere.

Unless this version is both 2.47.2 and 2.47.3 in one.
Version 2.47.2 fixed only one or two things, but so many people had already downloaded 2.47.1 that a separate fix was necessary. Soon after, I got rid of 2.47.2 and merged it with 2.47.1.
So, I started the Vault 15 hostage quest. When I finally reach the girl, I can't talk to her. I try pressing the talk button and nothing happens. Is this a bug?
Hello, here's my problem:

I want to become shaman, so I get to the Klamath, kill the Rat King and return to Arroyo at august 04. Kill Fox and then go to Hakunin, but he says that it's already too late and I can't become shaman.

OS: Windows 10;
FO2 version; Steam;
Megamod version: 2.47.3;
No other mods, but turned on controllable companions in ddraw.ini


-Gecko pelts from a Klamath Mall container now properly stack with other pelts
Pelts did not stack.
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I want to become shaman, so I get to the Klamath, kill the Rat King and return to Arroyo at august 04. Kill Fox and then go to Hakunin, but he says that it's already too late and I can't become shaman.

Did you get back to Hakunin within 10 days of starting the Shaman quest?
Ok, the latest update to the MM is posted. It can be found here:

http://www.mediafire.com/file/glh196ftmsofedy/Megamod update 2.47.3.zip

There are two folders inside the archive. Just unzip and copy directly into your main Fallout 2 folder. Old saves should still work, but, you may not see all the fixes unless you enter a location where the changes/fixes are made for the first time. Some fixes may work even if you don't do this, such as the fix to get Lenny in your party.

From the readme:

Changes/Fixes made since version 2.47.2:
-Numerous dialog and grammar fixes
-Several minor corrections to various maps
-Removed some instances where killed enemies may have two sets of armor
-The stone block in the Temple now weighs a little less in order to accommodate all character builds
-Gecko pelts from a Klamath Mall container now properly stack with other pelts
-Drug dealer in the Den Residential area no longer spawns infinite Desert Eagles
-Corrected some special encounter names on the worldmap
-Lydia in the Vault City bar talks to the player once again
-Gecko-Enclave Patrol encounter works a little differently now
-Lenny will now properly join the player
-Float dialog for prostitutes in New Reno working again
-Private Dobbs will join your party again if told to wait
-The Modoc blacksmith will remove the proper amount of ore when doing the armor upgrade
-Fixes to Father Tully
----Will now reveal the location of the Abbey
----Properly asks you to find Brother Samuel, not Brother Thomas
----Will now accept the wine from the Abbey to complete the quest
-Your character will no longer talk about being poisoned when actually irradiated, and vice versa, when speaking with Dr. Troy
-Quests for Abbey and the Monastery no longer appear under "Merchant" in the Pipboy
-Fixed some instances for Vic where the party member background was wrong
-Changed how a couple of Cold Hearts quests work in order to prevent them from showing up in the Pipboy prematurely
-Added code to handle how purchasing alcohol from Cassidy is handled
-Ranger Safe Houses have been added to the game
-Slightly modified the Cold Hearts junkie quest so that all float messages can be seen
-Added quest elements from RP regarding the Ranger Safe Houses
Is the fix for Sulik's tribe map included into this patch by any chance?
need 30 on fame and be in good maners? No drug effect?

10 000 cash. If i remember correctly. that line are probably not fixed.

Some broken car part are repairable on different places. Den, Gecko, garage-New Reno. But still sometime repair skill is not enfeoff to install that dam part back to car. And vic on that part seem useless like fatamorgana in drugs adiction.
Hello, here's my problem:

I want to become shaman, so I get to the Klamath, kill the Rat King and return to Arroyo at august 04. Kill Fox and then go to Hakunin, but he says that it's already too late and I can't become shaman.
Yes, I was back at 04 august and the game starts at 25 july
You need to have a positive karma of at least 20 or 30 AND be there at around nighttime (i think at around 1-3AM is stil fine too, but cutting it close) which means you are most likely only a few hours too late. The Pile of bones tells you the date of the next full moon, you have to be quite fast to make it in time.

Just do the quick chores in Arroyo after the Temple and then run to the lonely shed in the north (if you don't know the location, talk to some people in Klamath entrance. I think Whiskey Bob or Aldo point you the way to the Shed, but iirc it's on the map the whole time) and lay down the rabid dog for the old chap. You have time for a QUICK dip to Klamath (Talk with a few people in the entrance area, especially Aldo the "Greeter" and give him a few bucks for his "medicine". I would say stay no longer than 1-2 hours ingame time), but not enough to do the Sewers and the Rat King.
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need 30 on fame and be in good maners? No drug effect?

10 000 cash. If i remember correctly. that line are probably not fixed.

Some broken car part are repairable on different places. Den, Gecko, garage-New Reno. But still sometime repair skill is not enfeoff to install that dam part back to car. And vic on that part seem useless like fatamorgana in drugs adiction.

Yea! need 10 000$ Thanks. need fix dialog about 2000$ :nod:
I figured out what was the problem with becoming shaman. At first when I spoke to Hakunin I didn't choose the right dialogue option, so the quest didn't start.

Thanks to all for your help.
The job cold-Blooded "to Scout out the basement in broken hills".
I go to the basement, wrotes that the experience of 750 exp received, but the task is not completed!
What am I doing wrong? Or is it a bug?
Right, so I decided to revive my Fallout 2 experience after a few years. So far enjoying the Megamod a lot, but came across a few bugs. namely: reputation doesn't change in some of the new locations like Farm and Primitive tribe despite all quests being completed and latest, - I can't get to Den resedential area. I get a ctd with a message that 'memory cannot be read' at a certain address. Is there a workaround for this?