Fallout 2 mod Megamod version 2.47 Bug Reports and Suggestions

Hi everyone.

Here's me again with some bug.

Feanor0815 used to have this bug

Hi I am new here and want to say first: I LOVE YOUR MEGAMOD! absolutely great... now to small bugs: at the slaver camp, where you free Suliks sister, there are 10 Slavers on the map(and the MVAR show 10) but when you kill 10 slavers the MVAR_Slaver_Count is still on 1(I was able to change the savegame so the count was then 0). Also Suliks sister is called error and if you try to open the inner cage or try to speak with her the game crashes: "GDialog::Error Grabbing text message!"

PS: i used your latest upload

Link to the thread:

I have just the same issue on version 2.47.3.
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Hi everyone.

Here's me again with some bug.

Feanor0815 used to have this bug

Link to the thread:

I have just the same issue on version 2.47.3.

I can't reproduce this bug. I went to the Slaver Camp. Spoke to slavers to get the keys. Go to the slave house. Look at Sulik's sister. Talk to her through the fence. Open the gate and talk to her. Also tried going in guns blazing. No issues whatsoever. And, other than to say there is some sort of random corruption, I don't know why you're encountering this issue.

The job cold-Blooded "to Scout out the basement in broken hills".
I go to the basement, wrotes that the experience of 750 exp received, but the task is not completed!
What am I doing wrong? Or is it a bug?

Did you report back to the Cold Hearts?

...reputation doesn't change in some of the new locations like Farm and Primitive tribe despite all quests being completed and latest, - I can't get to Den resedential area. I get a ctd with a message that 'memory cannot be read' at a certain address. Is there a workaround for this?

Your reputation does go up and down depending on your actions, but that doesn't always mean you are going to become idolized everywhere. Or, maybe in the case of the Primitive Tribe, have you completed all the quests?

As for the den, I cannot reproduce this crash to desktop.
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"Did you report back to the Cold Hearts?"
Sorry!!!! I'm great noob!! :)
Need to get all the weapons out of the crates :)

One moment.. Works why that through time...
I did everything like last time, but now it doesn't work.
What am I doing wrong?
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Hm... This is weird. To be able to pass the quest, it is necessary to make a screen of weapons from the boxes!...
If this is not done there is no dialogue to pass the quest :)
I can't reproduce this bug. I went to the Slaver Camp. Spoke to slavers to get the keys. Go to the slave house. Look at Sulik's sister. Talk to her through the fence. Open the gate and talk to her. Also tried going in guns blazing. No issues whatsoever. And, other than to say there is some sort of random corruption, I don't know why you're encountering this issue.


As for the den, I cannot reproduce this crash to desktop.

1. I have completed all quests in primitive tribe, have Sulik and Dogmeat in party, used the peaceful solution for slavers. I use controllable companions, maybe it bugs Sulik somehow.
2. Also had a bug with Den resedential area, it fixed itself somehow, but im not sure about the sequence of actions. I have completed the gang fight wich took place in the area that's for sure.
Hm... This is weird. To be able to pass the quest, it is necessary to make a screen of weapons from the boxes!...
If this is not done there is no dialogue to pass the quest :)

Actually, to complete the quest, you only have to enter those two locations. As soon as you go down the stairs at the general store and at Algernon's place, a spatial script is triggered. You could enter those locations and leave without doing anything and the requirements are met. I'm not sure why you got the error you referred to.

I can't explain the issue with Sulik's sister. Maybe there is something in one of the other quests interfering with that quest. In my current playthrough, I haven't done any of the Primitive Tribe quests.
Actually, to complete the quest, you only have to enter those two locations. As soon as you go down the stairs at the general store and at Algernon's place, a spatial script is triggered. You could enter those locations and leave without doing anything and the requirements are met. I'm not sure why you got the error you referred to.

I screen for you/ Give me time :)
I can't explain the issue with Sulik's sister. Maybe there is something in one of the other quests interfering with that quest. In my current playthrough, I haven't done any of the Primitive Tribe quests.

The text which should be shown in dialog with Kurisu but can't be loaded is in file "Fallout 2\data\text\english\dialog\rtribec7.msg" whilst all the rest of slaver camp dialogs are in files named "slvcc*.msg".
Maybe I'm using some kind of a broken distributive?
I actually managed to find a temporary solution.
You need to remove two files from your scripts folder - gl_test2_loot. int and gl_test1_loot.int
After you are done with that Den area you can put them back.

Interesting. Thanks.

Still can't get it why only two of us are having this problems.

Can you provide some technical details?

I have Dell laptop with Windows 10, used Steam version of the game, installed mod from the first page, then donloaded and copied content from link in 17 page.
After that I renamed file patch000.dat -> patch000.dat.bak and changed ddraw.ini.

And i used some high res patch which was included in Steam version. Just accidentally selected wrong file. Maybe thats the case.
Interesting. Thanks.

Still can't get it why only two of us are having this problems.

Can you provide some technical details?

I have Dell laptop with Windows 10, used Steam version of the game, installed mod from the first page, then donloaded and copied content from link in 17 page.
After that I renamed file patch000.dat -> patch000.dat.bak and changed ddraw.ini.

And i used some high res patch which was included in Steam version. Just accidentally selected wrong file. Maybe thats the case.

I have a desktop with Windows 10. I am using the Steam version of Fallout 2, with high res patch from somewhere I don't remember, cause I didin't really like the included one (perhaps that screwed things over?). Also have the Megamod update, plus the patch file was renamed. Never changed ddraw.ini
Was I supposed to?
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I have a desktop with Windows 10. I am using the Steam version of Fallout 2, with high res patch from somewhere I don't remember, cause I didin't really like the included one (perhaps that screwed things over?). Also have the Megamod update, plus the patch file was renamed. Never changed ddraw.ini
Was I supposed to?

In ddraw.ini you can change ControlCombat=0 parameter to ControlCombat=2 which makes your companions directly controllable in combat.

I backed up savegame directory, completely removed the game, reinstalled it and the megamod, loaded old save before completing any Primitive Tribe quest, but it still does nothing.

Is there a way to change savegame file somehow, to make the game think that there was a dialog with Kurisu?
I have seen some threads on this forum about directly changing variable values in savegame files, can anyone provide any help?
I can't explain the issue with Sulik's sister. Maybe there is something in one of the other quests interfering with that quest. In my current playthrough, I haven't done any of the Primitive Tribe quests.

Can you provide your technical information, please?
Hello guys, this is my first thread. So I have reached the Den, and after entrance to the second part of town (church,dinner,slavers) I get stuck in map. Have only a small portion of map loaded with black borders around it. Also no exit grids so I am stuck there. Been looking for a fix, didnt found any some came here for it :)
Hello guys, this is my first thread. So I have reached the Den, and after entrance to the second part of town (church,dinner,slavers) I get stuck in map. Have only a small portion of map loaded with black borders around it. Also no exit grids so I am stuck there. Been looking for a fix, didnt found any some came here for it :)

Do you use Steam or the gog dot com version? I had these issues, too. It maybe the highres patch. Deactivate it and try only the standard fallout.exe again. If I install it from an old CD I do not have this issue. Only if I install the highres patch. I really hope the highres patch will be part of this mod project in the future.
On the first Map of Sulik's Tribe, if I look at the dead body, I get "Error".
Body's script is rtribc5a.int, but there is no rtribc5a.msg file that the script tries to call.

By the way, similar problem seems to be with the crate of stimpacks at the meeting with the merchant. I've renamed tribei2.msg into rtribei2.msg. Hope it does the trick. But the .msg-file for dead body is missing.
- Old coins (two kinds of silver coins) do not stuck together in inventory, each one acts like unique item.
- Still there's a problem with "repair the purifier" quest in Broken Hills. I can enter the mine, and I can walk until the fight mode activated. Then I see clock-shaped cursor and the game freezes. It does not matter if purifier is fixed: I managed to get to the purifier without a fight using Sneak, but on my way back one ant saw me, attacked me - and the game predictably froze.