First time out of the vault

Hi everyone.
Here's me again with some bug.
Feanor0815 used to have this bug
Link to the thread:
I have just the same issue on version 2.47.3.
Here's me again with some bug.
Feanor0815 used to have this bug
Hi I am new here and want to say first: I LOVE YOUR MEGAMOD! absolutely great... now to small bugs: at the slaver camp, where you free Suliks sister, there are 10 Slavers on the map(and the MVAR show 10) but when you kill 10 slavers the MVAR_Slaver_Count is still on 1(I was able to change the savegame so the count was then 0). Also Suliks sister is called error and if you try to open the inner cage or try to speak with her the game crashes: "GDialog::Error Grabbing text message!"
PS: i used your latest upload
Link to the thread:
I have just the same issue on version 2.47.3.
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