@MIB88 First of all, I'd like to congratulate to this mod. It's great, expands the playability by a lot, in the last 3 days I almost constantly were on the game exploring things, and I'm sure I still missed out on a few. It's been a few years since I used this mod, then it was at 2.1 something, and in terms of bug fixes and content, it came a long way.
I finished the playthrough now, and had a few problems along the way, nothing too major (in terms of breaking the possibility of completing the story), but some of them are annoying. I'm not sure which one was a bug or an intended feature, so I categorized them accordingly.
Bugs that bigger, annoying, or breaks quests:
- Arroyo: During the Hakunin "Walk the path of shaman" quest, he said that I should come back on a certain day. It was Aug 4th according to the statue in front of him. I made back by that time, he said come back later. I tried it in several different hours during the day, then tried at the 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, but nothing happened. Then I left to Klamath, came back, and the quest already failed, and he was pissed at me.
- Primitive Tribe: I managed to negotiate the merger of Umbra and Arroyo tribes with the Umbra Elder, but when I went back to Arroyo, I couldn't talk about it with the Elder. She just said I should get the GECK. Did this after I finished up in Klamath of course.
- Den Residential Area: If I tried to get into the area by conventional means, it brought a memory reference message (can make a picture of it if you'd want to). Then I managed to get into there during the Fight Tyler's gang for Lara, but after the fight when I left the area, I got the memory reference message again.
I could solve the quest though, by leaving the Temple area and coming back. Much later I came back into the Den, tried to go there again and it was successful, but when I tried to leave, memory reference came up again.
- Dobbs: When I recruit him, during the first conversation, some error text shows up, but the it goes forward nonetheless and I recruited him fine. Later on (after I visited the BoS Research facility), I told him to wait, then when I wanted to re-recruit him, I got memory reference message. This happened almost all the time I tried, there was only one exception. Then I removed my armor, and I could have him re-join me, although there was no conversation about it, the windows just went down and up as if I asked him.
Second or third time I had him rejoined, and moved onto a new map, for some reason, Goris was there with me, but he didn't move. Goris left for Vault 13 before, and I couldn't get him to move properly after he was there with me again, until I watched the holo recording of the events. Thing is though, that whenever there was a fight, he fought properly.
Also, whenever I arrived into a map, the comments from Skynet appeared as well, even though he wasn't in my party. Skynet's infinite companion compatibility also broke, and only could get him to join after I dismissed most of my party. After that I left him behind again and the comments from him disappeared.
- Dogmeat: After leaving him for the first time, then have him rejoin, he doesn't move, only fights, same as it was with Goris.
- Broken Hills: Even before I stepped into the prison, the guard shouted at me and then attacked. I had no weapons on, nor did anyone else in my party, so I couldn't complete the first task for Jacob and Aileen properly.
- Carson: After the first time I arrive to the town, I move back from another map, like a certain basement, npcs gets to be all over the place in town. The casino patron for example moves back eventually, but then he wanders away again, outside of the casino. During the quest for the Mayor, I couldn't find 2 of the 3 suspects, and I had to gather the clues twice (by that I mean reloading), to be able to confront him.
- NCR: I killed the Hubologist as Merc asked (blew him up), but I can't progress with the quest. When I go back there's no option to tell him it's done. Probably I could bypass this with F12se but still.
- Vault 13: If I use a Verti to get to the Vault, it puts the bird onto a place on the map where I can't access the cockpit, only the trunk.
- Vault 14: After I got the location for Vault 14, I tried to speak with Marcus. I read in an older guide that's the thing I should do. There was no further option regarding the armor. I didn't get the random encounter with the 2 dead mutants for a long time either, so as the dirty ass cheater I am, I used the F12se to get the Master card. It worked, but when I entered the area, the screen went to white like when I die and put me on the starting screen. Much later, I got the encounter, got the card, and used that card to get into the base, it worked with it properly.
As it happened with someone else in the forum, the Meris bug was a thing to me as well. The Doc agreed to give her to me, but then the texts disappeared, and only could click onto barter, which was empty as well. Couldn't do anything but quit the game.
- Tanker: Badger didn't asked me to save his girlfriend at all, but if I did, or let her die, things progressed as it intended.
- BoS Bunker: Now this is the biggest and most annoying for me personally, and I spent quite the time trying to figure this one out! Also this was a problem for me in the previous version I played, years ago as well. After I helped Matthew, I went to the Bunker, trying to join with the BoS. They gave me the reconnaissance quest which I completed by saving all of the soldiers. I went back, talked with the unnamed paladin, he welcomed me, and nothing happened. When I opened the door, and tried to used the elevator, it showed me the message that I need the elevator access. Then when I tried to talk with him again, he just said "Hello", but there was no conversation. I tried this several times but nothing happened.
Then I decided to look at it in the F12se editor, if I can figure something out. Basically I just randomly pushed buttons as the Chosen One sometimes, and figured out that the even numbers at the GYVAR section for the quest values means the different outcomes, and 0 for the reset. I tried the option where they all died, where just some of them died, where I supposedly went up with the help from Matt, but in this cases, there wasn't even a "Welcome" text from the paladin, as it happens when I save all of them. I have a save file that is early on during the mission, the point where the fight with the Enclave troopers began, so I tried to actually play the scenarios that I saw in the convos. I ran away, went back to them, told them about the situation, they sent me to Matt, but when I talked to him about it, after he replied nothing happened. I had the option the tell him again, but with the same outcome. I visited the Siege, they were all dead, but I couldn't tell nor Matt or the paladin about it Then I played one where some of them died, or I let all of them, but got the same results as before, where I used the editor to achieve it. Basically, nothing that I tried worked, so I gave up on it.
If we had an item for the elevator access, passcode, holodisk or something, it would be easy to bypass this, but as it is now, it's the end of the way as far the Bunker quests concerned, and of course for the Bounty Hunter alliance as well.
- BoS Research Facility: I managed to get into it by a lie, but the bring 10 gecko pelt quest never appeared here, also this is the place where the Dobbs things started as mentioned above.
- After I have Marcus have some fun in Reno, and ask him about the sterility, then quit the conversation screen, I can't talk with him again.
Minor bugs I can live with:
- During some conversations, mostly at modded content ones, when I move the arrow over an option, it gets highlighted and remains that way even after I move the arrow from it.
- I read in of the readme-s that the Bridgekeeper shouldn't have 2 set of robes anymore, he still did.
- Vault 23: When I went to the second floor, and the first round of fight was over, I got a memory reference message. I could get onto the 3rd though, and finish the quest properly.
- Gecko: I pissed off the Enclave in Gecko deliberately but didn't get the encounter for a long time. It appeared only after I completed the story, and went to Gecko by car, also it appeared when I arrived on the Gecko tile on the worldmap.
- I read somewhere that you met with a bug when the Den and Vault City caravans fight, but the members fight each other, most likely because of the Klint mod, same thing happened to me. It was quite funny
- After I recruit Lenny, but long before he is cured, the game calls him Lenny, the ex-ghoul, then after he gets cured, he is called Lenny, Harolds assistant. Then it goes back to ex-ghoul again. Also the first time I cured him, he had the black skin look, like the cat-eyed companion from RP EPA, then the second time, he was the generic white guy with a leather jacket.
- Sometimes when Sulik and Cass use the Advanced PA, the talking head (great addition by the way, especially with the voice changed), the screen is just black. I can talk with them, hear the sound, etc. If I talk with them again, it works though.
- First time the Verti arrived at Navarro, the screen faded black and the Verti landed right on me, where I couldn't move from. I had to reload this, otherwise I get stuck.
- The Brotherhood Power Armor and Professional Power Armor (I got them with the editor), given to the companions, makes them disappear (the companions I mean).
- Sometimes removing power armor makes companions disappear (this happened with Myron for example).
- There was one time, where after arriving to Reno, Dobbs randomly disappeared from my party.
- At the green area on the lowest EPA floor, where the creatures are, they start combat with me even though they are locked away. My companions can shoot them fine, but if I do, I get a memory reference message.
- I can ask for a fuel refill with the unnamed paladin at the BoS Bunker, the same one that gives the reconnaissance quest, even though when my Verti is not there.
Things I'm not sure if a bug or feature:
- Lower level enemies do massive damages with average weapons. The Bishop and Mordino family members, both with the ones with combat shotgun, and the ones with Tommy guns and their usual weapons as well, did a number on me and my companions, when we were already wearing power armors. I had a PA on, and a Bishop guy with a Combat Shotgun did a 75 burst damage on me, and we weren't even that close to each other.Same thing happened the big dudes with the Tommys, which was an even bigger surprise. I mean come on, I was wearing a PA.
Then the Hubologist guards with their AKs made 30-40/shot on my companions, who were wearing Advanced Power Armors. Once a Super Mutant, from the border of his shooting range, made 200 on me while I was wearing Advanced PA and had like 50 something Armor Class, with his Minigun. During the Redding run for the NCR trader, the guard with us made a 120 burst damage on Cassidy while he was wearing PA, with a Jackhammer only. I get that Enclave patrols, BoS soldiers and co makes high damage even while wearing a PA, with Gauss rifles and such, but these cases mentioned above makes PA almost useless.
- BoS Research Facility and The Glow: I talked with the scientist that started to talk about FEV, but text said I don't know enough for this kind of talk. I had Intelligent at 10, and 120 science already. I put points onto my science until it reached 201, and I still got the same thing. I guess this dude would give me a Glow related quest, not sure if this isn't implemented yet or was a bugged.
When I went to the Glow, Moloch or Melech's body wasn't accessible, I could only use the googles on him, but when I went up close, it took away my action points, like when I loot during combat. I also had to reach the other end of the first floor in combat mode, because for some reason I couldn't finish the combat until I killed everyone.
I was wearing a PA and took Rad X to the point where it had no effect, and still got massive dose of rads randomly (I guess this is somewhat intended), then after radiation reached a point, the doses just stopped. This doesn't makes much sense, because in Fallout 1, without PA, and only with Rad X, you only get a mild dose of rads at the Glow.
- At the lower floor of the Tanker, Suze gets targeted the moment the fight begins. Also the floaters there were basically immune to energy weapons, just as the big rat in Vault 23, where Cass with a Combat Shotgun did more damage than me with a Plasma Rifle. I don't know of these is intentional nerf or not, but it seems a bit unrealistic that something tears through Frank Horrigan (Pulse Rifle) can't properly damage a floater.
- At some places, Pulse Rifle completely obliterates enemies along with their weapons and armors, no black dust, no loot. Usually this came up in the mod areas and with mod enemies, like the Siege map, or Vault 14, but sometimes it happened at vanilla places.
- During the New Reno Prizefighter quest chain, I decided to disqualify myself from the ring against the Masticator, since I had no special gloves and such. Then I got them, the dude was still at the Bishop basement, but when got back into fight with Stuart, I got the first fighter as an opponent, and after I beat him, I became the champion.
- Even though I was completely respectful with Lynette, had high enough Charisma and Speech skills, I still couldn't get to be the Captain of the Guard title in Vault City.
- Even after cured and wearing a PA, the Vault City guards still count Lenny as a Ghoul.
- Lenny's talking head image, and conversation options remains the same after being cured, also Myron doesn't have an Advanced Power Armored version.
- The Monastery guys attacked me after I gave the Vertibird plans to others, and they hit 100-200 damage points, while I was wearing Advanced PA, also the head monk had a massive amount of Action Points.
- I couldn't get the info from the NCR computer for the Monastery. I used the computer and it said needs some key, after the download stopped at 15%, but I couldn't find any key on Merc or Carson, nor in the building. The same thing happened when I used the Abbey Holodisk on the computer.
- At the Primitive Tribe, I didn't get the weapon collecting quest from the Chief Warrior at all, although the first time I went there was when I rescued Sulik's sister.
- I used the Ranger map but the Safehouse locations haven't showed up at all. (I read somewhere that this is already implemented.)
- I got the Super Mutant Armor from the Abbey merchant, then I could get it from Vault 14 as well, are these stacking or should I just bother with only one of them?
- I read about the Ghoul and Environmental Armor at the EPA, but couldn't find any of them, only through F12se.
- I had sex with a girl called healthy slave in Carson, then she just used generic npc lines without able to talk with her again, it turns out she's the girlfriend of that Hunter, but could only ask about her from the Motel owner, nothing more, and then tell lies to the guy or admit I had sex with her and the he attacked me.
Well, these are the issues that came up during my playthrough. It became a much bigger text than I planned, but I think I got most of the ones I saw pegged down in it. Honestly, even the bigger or quest breaker ones are the kind which I can get over, but that BoS Bunker thing really bugs me. I'd appreciate it if you could give some pointers on that if something can be done with it.