Fallout 2 mod Megamod version 2.47 Bug Reports and Suggestions

Definitely going to be including your work in the next release.

@Nirran and @_Pyran_
Thank you for your continuing work in helping people here and bug squashing.

For the general public
There is a bit of news that is both good and bad. Finally, after more than a year and a half, work has slowed down to a more manageable level. So, while that is bad news for my finances, it is good news for my available free time. Finally going to be able to take a vacation (where I will be spending virtually no time in front of a computer), and when I get back from that, I'll be able to devote some time to modding again. I'm shooting for the next release to the MM to be around the beginning of August.
New bug report: Hunting rifle lacks any firing modes for the player. It can be loaded and unloaded by dragging ammo but never shot

Edit: on loading my savegame the firing modes are restored..
Hey, having a great time currently with Megamod.

Some bugs/ issues:
  • EPA: Can't attach the rope to the beam on ground floor elevator in EPA. When hovering a cursor over it there's no Use icon.
  • Navarro: Got the pilot in Broken Hills to train me and used the Schreber's requisition order to bullshit past the guard but I can only use cargo hold.
  • Broken Hills: Turns don't end during combat in the mines. I was able to progress with Sneak and Stealth Boy.
  • New Reno, Shark Club: Beggars near the exit grid to Desperado have Error instead of float messages.
  • Umbra Tribe: The quest to negotiate with chieftain doesn't end and dialogue can be repeated for XP.
  • Vault City: Quest to scout NCR doesn't end and can be repeated for XP and motion sensors.
  • Colly: After Josie kills his brother Humphrey and I deal with Pard (doesn't matter whether I kill him or talk him down) I get the option to talk Leyla into going with Josie. While Josie completely vanishes from the map, Leyla's body appears, even if I convinced her to leave with him.
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Hey, a bit of a suggestion from me if this is still being developed is to cut out those damn giant roaches man. The animations for those damn creatures is slower than every enemy in Wizardry 8 combined with a sloth and they mar what is otherwise a very fun and great mod. I mean, they don't necessarily need to be removed, but their speed sure could use a hit of jet.
EDIT: I changed the Sfall settings to 1.5 speed and it was a night and day difference for anyone frustrated with the roaches try to bump up the speed.
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I'm at the Modoc farm (the one with Gareth), and I'm not sure if I've run into a bug or if there's some other way to solve this issue.

Inside of Gareth's house there's a ladder beneath a trapdoor which has rusted shut. I dropped dynamite onto the trapdoor and destroyed it, but when I went to use the ladder, I still couldn't climb it. It just repeated the message about the trapdoor being rusted shut, even though it had been destroyed. Is there another way to solve this?
I'm at the Modoc farm (the one with Gareth), and I'm not sure if I've run into a bug or if there's some other way to solve this issue.

Inside of Gareth's house there's a ladder beneath a trapdoor which has rusted shut. I dropped dynamite onto the trapdoor and destroyed it, but when I went to use the ladder, I still couldn't climb it. It just repeated the message about the trapdoor being rusted shut, even though it had been destroyed. Is there another way to solve this?

Sounds like script didn't take that option into account.

You open it with oil which you can find nearby, maybe it'll work if you use it on the ladder. Otherwise you'll have to reload.
Sounds like script didn't take that option into account.

You open it with oil which you can find nearby, maybe it'll work if you use it on the ladder. Otherwise you'll have to reload.
That did the trick!

New bug I'm encountering: at the slaver camp when speaking to NPCs, the dialog box won't close when the dialog is completed. It just takes up the screen, making it impossible to play or interact with further NPCs.
New bug I'm encountering: at the slaver camp when speaking to NPCs, the dialog box won't close when the dialog is completed. It just takes up the screen, making it impossible to play or interact with further NPCs.

Had the issue twice- at Colly after having sex with gang leader's girlfriend and in Slaver Camp.

Kill the slavers and open the gate for Sulik's sister (don't talk to her through fence).

You can prevent the forced greeting when you first enter by killing Metzger in Rat Hole. (Slavers will be hostile and won't talk with you)

Heads up for one more nasty bug in Broken Hills mine- the combat turn never ends. You can either level up your Sneak to avoid the critters or
The [temporarily] solution is:
1) Make save right before entering the mine.
2) Quit from the current game to the starting screen (with "New game", "Load game", etc.)
3) Press Ctrl-R, choose whatever map, then load that save file from 1). Now you're invisible for enemies. Run through the mine and install the part into air purifier.
4) Make save (to the different slot!).
5) Quit the game. Start the game. Load the last save. From this moment you will be playing the game normally.
Had the issue twice- at Colly after having sex with gang leader's girlfriend and in Slaver Camp.

Kill the slavers and open the gate for Sulik's sister (don't talk to her through fence).

You can prevent the forced greeting when you first enter by killing Metzger in Rat Hole. (Slavers will be hostile and won't talk with you)

Heads up for one more nasty bug in Broken Hills mine- the combat turn never ends. You can either level up your Sneak to avoid the critters or
Thanks, it's been a frustrating bug. Question: when I open the pen for Sulik's sister, how do I then resolve the quest? Do I talk to Sulik (speaking to companions at this location isn't bugged) or go to the Umbra tribe?
Do I talk to Sulik (speaking to companions at this location isn't bugged) or go to the Umbra tribe?

When you get to Umbra, Sulik will leave your party for some time to meet with his people. After he gets back I think you can tell him you've saved his sister (at that point he gives you a quest to save her but I have no idea what happens if you did it before talking to him there).

You can definitely report to Umbra elder.
When you get to Umbra, Sulik will leave your party for some time to meet with his people. After he gets back I think you can tell him you've saved his sister (at that point he gives you a quest to save her but I have no idea what happens if you did it before talking to him there).

You can definitely report to Umbra elder.
Alright, thanks so much!
Hmmm, it seems that with each part of this bug chain I resolve, I discover another part.

Speaking to Kurisu at the camp doesn't cause the game to get stuck on the dialog box like it did with the slavers, thankfully. The game warped me immediately to the Primitive Tribe and Sulik said that he had to catch up with some people. I had already visited the Primitive Tribe prior to visiting the Den (I went Klamath -> Colly -> Umbra -> The Den, in order of area discovered) so I knew that Sulik would leave and rejoin the party based on my last visit.

I opened dialog with Sulik and he said he'd "catch me on the road out." Simple enough. I leave Umbra and head towards Modoc, but upon arrival, Sulik still isn't in my party. Uh oh! Did I lose him permanently?
I had already visited the Primitive Tribe prior to visiting the Den (I went Klamath -> Colly -> Umbra -> The Den, in order of area discovered) so I knew that Sulik would leave and rejoin the party based on my last visit.

I opened dialog with Sulik and he said he'd "catch me on the road out." Simple enough. I leave Umbra and head towards Modoc, but upon arrival, Sulik still isn't in my party. Uh oh! Did I lose him permanently?

Did you have Sulik during your first visit?

He spends a few days with his people and then has to be recruited again (he should be somewhere near the campfire).

I think he should still be there when you go back, as he acts as if you've told him to wait.
Alright, I've made my way back to Umbra and recruited Sulik into my seven-man party once again, so that part isn't buggy, thankfully.

The next bug I've encountered is that when going to the Broken Hills mine to repair the air purifier, entering combat invariably freezes the game. Because of the mine's layout and the proximity of the ants, I think this is unavoidable. I may be able to bypass the bug with a stealth boy, but I have yet to try it.

Some smaller issues I've noticed as I've progressed:
  • At Vault City, Ed's dialog to purchase Bess is only displayed as an error message.
  • If Bess herself is intended to be used as a permanent companion, then that's also an issue because after healing her and using dialog on her the first time, she cannot be conversed with again. She only gives floating "moooo" text afterwards when you click on her.
  • In general, the Abbey's quest progression has been troublesome. Neither the Abbot nor Paul has given quests to go and collect data from other locations, and the Abbey computer didn't give those quests either. The Megamod guide (which I assume is heavily out of date) says that the Abbey is also the path to the Brotherhood of Steel quests in the mod, but I haven't determined how that is the case yet.
  • I'm curious: how does one locate the BOS bunker and Vault 23? The guide on the modding wiki doesn't say how either of those locations are discovered. I'm only halfway through New Reno, so if those come up later on then that's fine. I just don't want to miss new content.
  • In general, the Abbey's quest progression has been troublesome. Neither the Abbot nor Paul has given quests to go and collect data from other locations, and the Abbey computer didn't give those quests either. The Megamod guide (which I assume is heavily out of date) says that the Abbey is also the path to the Brotherhood of Steel quests in the mod, but I haven't determined how that is the case yet.
  • I'm curious: how does one locate the BOS bunker and Vault 23? The guide on the modding wiki doesn't say how either of those locations are discovered. I'm only halfway through New Reno, so if those come up later on then that's fine. I just don't want to miss new content.

Both of these open up with Navarro.

The Abbey gives you the alternative way to finish to end the game without going to the Oil Rig (majority of endings have a flag that depends on you blowing up Oil Rig/ killing Horrigan so if you follow this path you'll get Myron's ending and maybe one for Gecko).

To follow the Abbey path you have to give them the Vertibird plans + FOB from Navarro and collect the data from the mentioned computers.
It prevents you from joining BoS and reactivating the tanker.

The location of the Bunker is given by Elridge from Reno Arms if you get him any Gauss gun.
Both of these open up with Navarro.

The Abbey gives you the alternative way to finish to end the game without going to the Oil Rig (majority of endings have a flag that depends on you blowing up Oil Rig/ killing Horrigan so if you follow this path you'll get Myron's ending and maybe one for Gecko).

To follow the Abbey path you have to give them the Vertibird plans + FOB from Navarro and collect the data from the mentioned computers.
It prevents you from joining BoS and reactivating the tanker.

The location of the Bunker is given by Elridge from Reno Arms if you get him any Gauss gun.
Okay, thanks! Apologies for all the questions, this mod simply doesn't have great documentation and there are some outstanding bugs.

One more: for the Cold Hearts mission to scout out the Broken Hills basement, the Megamod guide claims that the shopkeeper won't let me into her basement if I turned in Jacob and Aileen; I'll have to talk to Phil instead. I already turned in Jacob and Aileen, and Phil doesn't seem to have any unique dialog regarding this topic. Do I need to do something else?