Fallout 2 mod Megamod version 2.47 Bug Reports and Suggestions

Arroyo - can't get training from Cameron, nor bartering from Slik

Den (particulary residential area) - something's off with it, but can't put my finger on it. I tried entering it when I just got to Den and had a crash. Then later, after handling few quests, it worked just fine.

I need a thorough walkthrough of EPA. I found the location after digging up Mordino stash on gologtha and then trying to dump Myron (can't belive I didn't see that one sooner). Then Myron, correctly, revealed EPA location. Digging up stash didn't give grave digger karma title.
I can't reset science director on yellow level. I get the to the part where dialog says it's resetting, but after clicking [continue] game just exits the dialog screen.
I can't get any info ERSI nor revive any new NPC without killing them. No idea where to get it, or even how to get anyone to mention it.
Can't get any botany info for brother Paul.

BOS research facility - once inside I can't get any of the quests from prof Steel. Script should check science (I believe), but it just gives me "That's too smart for me" answer, even though my science is around 130.
I think I could get into BOS bunker if Steel gave me quest to deliver holodisks, which he doesn't.

BOS bunker - lifted siege, but no cigar with bunker entrance. after some editing of GVARS, in particular, I think BOS facility deliver the holodisk GVAR should be set to 2, it worked.

Vault 14 - can't get Merris in my merry band. game freezes when dialog should exit.

Liebowitz monastery - I found it going east from Broken hills. Just straight east.

Ghost town - that Grant armor and his pistol are awesome

NCR - can't get quest to liberate slaver camp

Navarro - Maria won't give me the quest to search Toxic caves. I can get the dialog choice for the mission, but on clicking it, entire dialog resets.
Sgt. Dornan won't give me find the crashed Vertibird quest either. Neither of those quests have even have entries in quests.msg

Miscellaneous note:
If you have the ability to control party members in combat, always end combat when it's on your character, not when it's on NPC. game sometimes incorrectly treats NPC stats as yours afterwards.

Primitive tribe:
Is there a way to negotiate the merger of two tribes?
When entering the slaver's camp, i experience the same crash too.... i experimented with the map file editing function on f2se for a few hours then managed to get into the den residential area, but i have no clue on what solved the problem is. now i am trying to enter the slaver camp but so far, no luck. it keeps crashing, saying some sort of memory reference error
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When entering the slaver's camp, i experience the same crash too.... i experimented with the map file editing function on f2se for a few hours then managed to get into the den residential area, but i have no clue on what solved the problem is. now i am trying to enter the slaver camp but so far, no luck. it keeps crashing, saying some sort of memory reference error
What mod by Nirran was applied?
Clear MM: this save crashes (debug - error cant open proto).
May be you need to reinstall that mod, and set attrib "read-only" for proto's.
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When I installed nirrans mod, i made sure that all protos file were set to read only. Also, from a previous wave containing a completed gameplay, I could enter the slavers camp without problem.

On the other hand, i cant enter the primitive tribe too.
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Arroyo - can't get training from Cameron, nor bartering from Slik

Your combat skills (unarmed or melee) can't be too high or too low for Cameron. Slik also has specific skill and trait requirements.

Den (particulary residential area) - something's off with it, but can't put my finger on it. I tried entering it when I just got to Den and had a crash. Then later, after handling few quests, it worked just fine.

I'll start a new game and check this out. I've never encountered any crashes with that map.

I need a thorough walkthrough of EPA. I found the location after digging up Mordino stash on gologtha and then trying to dump Myron (can't belive I didn't see that one sooner). Then Myron, correctly, revealed EPA location. Digging up stash didn't give grave digger karma title.
I can't reset science director on yellow level. I get the to the part where dialog says it's resetting, but after clicking [continue] game just exits the dialog screen.
I can't get any info ERSI nor revive any new NPC without killing them. No idea where to get it, or even how to get anyone to mention it.
Can't get any botany info for brother Paul.

I didn't want to assign the Grave Digger perk for that one grave. It is on purpose.
I'll check the science director.
The proper variables for using ERSI hadn't been added yet, although the script had been updated. Mr. Chemmie! is supposed to make it. Fixed for next release.
Botany info hadn't been properly included yet. Added for next release.

BOS research facility - once inside I can't get any of the quests from prof Steel. Script should check science (I believe), but it just gives me "That's too smart for me" answer, even though my science is around 130.
I think I could get into BOS bunker if Steel gave me quest to deliver holodisks, which he doesn't.

I'll check this out.

BOS bunker - lifted siege, but no cigar with bunker entrance. after some editing of GVARS, in particular, I think BOS facility deliver the holodisk GVAR should be set to 2, it worked.

Very buggy location. Still on my list of bugs.

Vault 14 - can't get Merris in my merry band. game freezes when dialog should exit.

I'll look at this.

Liebowitz monastery - I found it going east from Broken hills. Just straight east.

Yep. No quest needed to find it... yet.

Ghost town - that Grant armor and his pistol are awesome[/QUOTE]

I have story ideas for him and his stuff... to be added eventually.

NCR - can't get quest to liberate slaver camp

I don't think I added this in yet.

Navarro - Maria won't give me the quest to search Toxic caves. I can get the dialog choice for the mission, but on clicking it, entire dialog resets.
Sgt. Dornan won't give me find the crashed Vertibird quest either. Neither of those quests have even have entries in quests.msg

Not sure what is going on with them.
I don't think Dornan is supposed to give the quest. Only Maria. But, you're right: I need to add it to the PipBoy.

Miscellaneous note:
If you have the ability to control party members in combat, always end combat when it's on your character, not when it's on NPC. game sometimes incorrectly treats NPC stats as yours afterwards.

I've never used that feature and would have no idea how to fix it.

Primitive tribe:
Is there a way to negotiate the merger of two tribes?

Yes! I actually tested it and it does work.

What were you talking about when you got the errors?

Not sure why you are getting crashes at the Slaver Camp and Primitive Tribe. I can't reproduce this. However... errors with protos? Maybe... maybe one of them is corrupted? But, I'm not having this issue. Do you have any recently created critter protos? I mean, maybe something got corrupted. The Slaver map and the Primitive Tribe do have some similar critters at each.
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[USER=119228 said:
Not sure why you are getting crashes at the Slaver Camp and Primitive Tribe. I can't reproduce this. However... errors with protos? Maybe... maybe one of them is corrupted? But, I'm not having this issue. Do you have any recently created critter protos? I mean, maybe something got corrupted. The Slaver map and the Primitive Tribe do have some similar critters at each.

maybe its the proto files. but nirran's custom mods only change the proto files of 00000460.pro in the critters section.

i can now get into the slavers camp by restoring the slavcamp.gam and slavcamp.map map files in fallout2\data\maps. Still,it crashes upon entering the Primitive tribe
Clear megamod - Den map - works fine
maybe its the proto files. but nirran's custom mods only change the proto files of 00000460.pro in the critters section.

i can now get into the slavers camp by restoring the slavcamp.gam and slavcamp.map map files in fallout2\data\maps. Still,it crashes upon entering the Primitive tribe
primitive tribe - try to update or replacing sfall (ddraw.dll only or full sfall for example, here)

Check the gl_spit_weapon.int script - sfall swears at it.
sfall debug.log swears errors in this script.
Script Error: scripts\gl_spit_weapon.int: op_obj_pid: obj is NULLScript Error: scripts\gl_spit_weapon.int: op_obj_pid: obj is NULLScript Error: scripts\gl_spit_weapon.int: op_obj_pid: obj is NULLScript Error: scripts\gl_spit_weapon.int: op_obj_pid: obj is NULLScript Error: scripts\gl_spit_weapon.int: op_obj_pid: obj is NULLScript Error: scripts\gl_spit_weapon.int: op_obj_pid: obj is NULLScript Error: scripts\gl_spit_weapon.int: op_obj_pid: obj is NULLScript Error: scripts\gl_spit_weapon.int: op_obj_pid: obj is NULLScript Error: scripts\gl_spit_weapon.int: op_obj_pid: obj is NULLScript Error: scripts\gl_spit_weapon.int: op_obj_pid: obj is NULLScript Error: scripts\gl_spit_weapon.int: op_obj_pid: obj is NULLScript Error: scripts\gl_spit_weapon.int: op_obj_pid: obj is NULLScript Error: scripts\gl_spit_weapon.int: op_obj_pid: obj is NULLScript Error: scripts\gl_spit_weapon.int: op_obj_pid: obj is NULLScript Error: scripts.....
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Clear megamod - Den map - работает нормально

primitive tribe - try to update or replacing sfall (ddraw.dll only or full sfall for example, here)

Check the gl_spit_weapon.int script - sfall swears at it.
sfall debug.log swears errors in this script.
Script Error: scripts\gl_spit_weapon.int: op_obj_pid: obj is NULLScript Error: scripts\gl_spit_weapon.int: op_obj_pid: obj is NULLScript Error: scripts\gl_spit_weapon.int: op_obj_pid: obj is NULLScript Error: scripts\gl_spit_weapon.int: op_obj_pid: obj is NULLScript Error: scripts\gl_spit_weapon.int: op_obj_pid: obj is NULLScript Error: scripts\gl_spit_weapon.int: op_obj_pid: obj is NULLScript Error: scripts\gl_spit_weapon.int: op_obj_pid: obj is NULLScript Error: scripts\gl_spit_weapon.int: op_obj_pid: obj is NULLScript Error: scripts\gl_spit_weapon.int: op_obj_pid: obj is NULLScript Error: scripts\gl_spit_weapon.int: op_obj_pid: obj is NULLScript Error: scripts\gl_spit_weapon.int: op_obj_pid: obj is NULLScript Error: scripts\gl_spit_weapon.int: op_obj_pid: obj is NULLScript Error: scripts\gl_spit_weapon.int: op_obj_pid: obj is NULLScript Error: scripts\gl_spit_weapon.int: op_obj_pid: obj is NULLScript Error: scripts.....

problem solved.....almost. :D Big Thanks!

now i can finally enter the primitive tribe, but the map is empty and everything is black
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problem solved.....almost. :D Big Thanks!

now i can finally enter the primitive tribe, but the map is empty and everything is black
This advice not a solution (in a global sense), but it can help.
By the link that was above, in the archive there is an alternative_sfall folder. Find sfall2 by Crafty v1.7.31.r3 - check it.
Clear megamod - Den map - работает нормально

Check the gl_spit_weapon.int script - sfall swears at it.
sfall debug.log swears errors in this script.
Script Error: scripts\gl_spit_weapon.int: op_obj_pid: obj is NULLScript Error: scripts\gl_spit_weapon.int: op_obj_pid: obj is NULLScript Error: scripts\gl_spit_weapon.int: op_obj_pid: obj is NULLScript Error: scripts\gl_spit_weapon.int: op_obj_pid: obj is NULLScript Error: scripts\gl_spit_weapon.int: op_obj_pid: obj is NULLScript Error: scripts\gl_spit_weapon.int: op_obj_pid: obj is NULLScript Error: scripts\gl_spit_weapon.int: op_obj_pid: obj is NULLScript Error: scripts\gl_spit_weapon.int: op_obj_pid: obj is NULLScript Error: scripts\gl_spit_weapon.int: op_obj_pid: obj is NULLScript Error: scripts\gl_spit_weapon.int: op_obj_pid: obj is NULLScript Error: scripts\gl_spit_weapon.int: op_obj_pid: obj is NULLScript Error: scripts\gl_spit_weapon.int: op_obj_pid: obj is NULLScript Error: scripts\gl_spit_weapon.int: op_obj_pid: obj is NULLScript Error: scripts\gl_spit_weapon.int: op_obj_pid: obj is NULLScript Error: scripts.....
I don't even remember who made that script. I don't think it is necessary anymore, but I'll verify that. Looking into the script, it looks it is calling an item that didn't even exist (727). Very odd...

Edit: Removed the script (and made minor updates to the roach script) and the roach encounters still work.
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Megamod fix:
  • Updated map "Entrance to the Temple of Trials" (Adaptation from RP).
  • Updated map "Toxic Caves" (fixed entrance).
  • Updated map "Bridge to the village" (almost unchanged).
  • Redrawed city signs on the worldmap (now beautiful).
  • The names "Farm" "Truck", "Car without Gas" and "Car Brokedown" are corrected, now "Jennings Farm" "Car Crash", "Without Fuel", "Breakdown".
  • Optimized cockroach animation (Thanks Blackmail01).
  • Updated HRP 4.1.8 and sfall (interface mapping corrected).
  • Added maps edges for HRP 4.1.8.
  • Removed unused content.
  • Armored Talking Heads Set - optimized. Distribution reduced by 150mb.
= after:

installer link broken, any help please?
Few minor points on "MM_2.47.4.1_full" manual (that may or may not be fixed yet):

-"MM_2.47.4.1_full" is missing gl_highlighting.int from sfall_4.1.9.1+, needs to be added to script, then it works.

-In “MM_2.47.4.1_full” the changes to karma are erroneously called exp, not karma.
Seems to be in “translations”, line:
KarmaGain=You get %d exp.
KarmaLoss=You lose %d exp.
Change to:
KarmaGain=You get %d karma.
KarmaLoss=You lose %d karma.

-and the set “g key” (to pick up items) doesn't seem to work (see sfall-mods.ini). Seems to be missing something, probably a script, but it's not part of sfall, although it probably should as that “pick up hotkey” is basically a bug/engine fix. I guess the script is in "extended" sfall perhaps.

-And “MM_2.47.4.1_full” isn't using mainmenu.frm of MM. In there was a hr_mainmenu.frm. And in 2.47.4 is a mainmenu.frm in the f2_res folder. Not sure where to put it in “MM_2.47.4.1_full”. Just a detail though.

Anyway, “MM_2.47.4.1_full” works rather well :). For some reason I couldn't get 2.47.4 to work, it wouldn't let me save a new game, only old saves worked, not sure why :confused:. Anyway, it works now. Cheers.

P.S. When I installed it hi-res was automatically set to disabled. This messed up the maps (couldn't scroll), and I had to go back and "enable" hi-res. Then it worked. May be worth noting in case someone fails to spot/check if hi-res is enabled, and reports it as a bug.

- Ghost Town has no city label (in the menu on the right side when on the world map). However, there are frms in data/art/intrface (WM_GHOST.frm & WM_GHOSTT.frm) for it. Adding it would help with revisiting the place. Currently, I would need to find it on the map to go back there.

Leyla.int (Colly) has still two bugs:
1.) Node107 & Node110 send on to Node011. This is a typo and needs to be Node010.
2.) And, the final act (Node013) doesn't run the whole “count & perk check” formula.

In detail (I put this in SPOILER as the following is a rather detailed description of how “encountering the Lumpen” and “Leyla” works):
There are various nodes in leyla.int starting the same sequence:
Node008 to Node009 (req: condom) (works before joining; node004 & node27), (cool dude & condom starts in Node001 which leads to 0014) (& after joining; Node083 (Leyla is sulking) & Node093 (Leyla is normal))
-Then there are those options starting in Node094 (after joining):
Node095 leads to Node101 req: (jealous/drinks & 40% speech) (55% speech) or (CH8)
Node104 req: (CH8), (cool dude & CH7) or (Leyla helped & CH7)

The nodes (in bold) above trigger the following sequence:
Node010:{290}{}{[She grabs your hand.] Let's go!}
Node010a (sets a local which triggers node011 in critter_p_proc)
Node013 (also triggered in critter_p_proc after node012 played messages)

However, there are two more options that don't work:
Node104 leads to a second option Node107 req: (Leyla helped the dude with Humphrey)
Node094 leads to Node110 req: (ST+EN more than 12)
Both (node107 & node110) send to Node011 instead Node010 and that causes the sequence to bug out.

Also Node013 fails to run the count & perk check procedure. The first line in Node013 is:
display_msg(message_str(28, 3000));
Which is the following message in ARBRIDGE.msg:
{3000}{}{You slept with Leyla. You earn 350 XP.} And this is the end for all the nodes above (node008, ...101, ...104, ...107, ...110).
You can add the following to Node013:
      set_global_var(194, global_var(194) + (((((get_critter_stat(dude_obj, 3) * 50) + (get_critter_stat(dude_obj, 2) * 25) + (get_critter_stat(dude_obj, 5) * 13) + (get_critter_stat(dude_obj, 0) * 12)) / 100) + (has_trait(0, dude_obj, 94) * 2) + has_trait(2, dude_obj, 13) + (((global_var(194) >= 100) or (global_var(232) > 0)) * 2 * (dude_obj == dude_obj))) * 1));
      if (global_var(358) >= 9) then begin
         set_global_var(589, 1);
      if (((((get_critter_stat(dude_obj, 3) * 50) + (get_critter_stat(dude_obj, 2) * 25) + (get_critter_stat(dude_obj, 5) * 13) + (get_critter_stat(dude_obj, 0) * 12)) / 100) + (has_trait(0, dude_obj, 94) * 2) + has_trait(2, dude_obj, 13) + (((global_var(194) >= 100) or (global_var(232) > 0)) * 2 * (dude_obj == dude_obj))) >= 9) then begin
         set_global_var(588, 1);
      if (global_var(590) == 1) then begin
         set_global_var(590, 0);
      set_global_var(358, global_var(358) + 1);
Or, if you don't trust me, copy & paste it from a different script (like: mcKarl (node045) either from the MM or RP mod script), however, it's the same as above ;).

Guide Excerpts:
When I started to look into this in more detail, I wrote a few “guide additions” (not posted, yet). The following is from my notes detailing how “Humphrey” and “Leyla” work. This may help to understand the notes above and the script a bit better (they are rather complex). And simplify any bug testing (in case you want to check/test it in-game).

You start with a "Welcome" from the Lumpen gang when entering the city. There are several ways out of this, each giving a different amount of XP (100, 200, 250 or 300) depending on the solution.
  1. 100 XP is making it “barely” out of the encounter and is a rather obscure outcome of the “without insult” path which eventually ends in “begging for one's live”, kudos to you if you find it :).

  2. 200 XP is when you comply to their demand and lose all your bottles & food. (This requires to have either 4 bottles or 3 food, otherwise it triggers combat).

  3. 250 XP when you manage to keep your food. (This requires to use either the “G.E.C.K/village” line, or the “get on my bad side” option with 27% speech, or to offer drinks with 2 or more bottles, and funny enough, if you have 7 bottles, you also need LK 3+). The last two cases of offering drinks also have an oddity effect which is that if you are down to your “last bottle” & have LK6 you're allowed to keep it.

  4. And last 300 XP when you manage to keep all your stuff and/or befriend them. (This is best approached via “easy” or “leave”, then comply and say eventually “what will I eat”). The three options are: “don't get on my bad side” (requires speech 60%), second option is to mention the “G.E.C.K and your village” and being helped by Leyla (requires CH6) and last by becoming a “cool dude” (Leyla & Josie call it “tough guy”) by “offering drinks* and one more to Humphrey” (which requires 8 bottles and gains one a knife) (*use the more collegial: “take it all, guys”, otherwise you may end up in the 250 XP section).

  5. If you end up fighting them you get no XP other than for killing Humphrey (150).)

Leyla, Humphry's girfriend. You can have sex with her by having a condom (at any time, i.e. before or after joining) (note: “cool dude” even opens a new option to offer her beer, which then leads to a new line, but it's nothing different) or by joining the Lumpen gang. After joining you need to talk to her. If you never talked to her before she'll sulk and demand three drinks (any combination of beer, booze, cola etc.), which you'll need to give her first. Alternatively if you have speech 42% you can use a “jealousy” line instead. Then select one of four dialogue options, all going into the direction of hitting on her. First you can say “I want you!” (which needs ST & EN to be combined more than 12), however, this path is bugged and won't work properly. Second you can say “We are all Lumpen” followed by “smooth talk” which needs CH8 (reduced to 7 when you're either a “cool dude/tough guy” (global_var(830) bwand 2) != 0) or when you passed Humphrey with Leyla's help (global_var(830) bwand 256) != 0)). The other follow up to “we are all Lumpen” is “I didn't had a woman for so long”, which requires that Leyla is sympathetic and helped you with Humphrey (global_var(830) bwand 256) != 0) (this time the option has no CH requirement), but this second “no woman for so long” option is currently bugged and won't play out. And the last, and probably easiest option is to “do anything for her” and “promise her the moon” which requires 55% speech (40% speech if you gave her three drinks or the jealousy line) or CH8.
This encounter does not count as sex (bug).)
Thanks, @Muttie . Yeah, that stuff from Colly is... well, let's just say it has so many bugs that I hate to even look at those scripts. Same with those scripts involving those Brotherhood of Steel locations (even though I did go through the scripts regarding the BoS vs. Enclave soldiers a couple of weeks ago). And I'll need to check those town labels. If I remember correctly, there was a bug that caused all of the town markers after the Ghost Town to disappear when that tab was included for some reason. But I'll look at it again. I really do appreciate your help.

My current project is actually trying to get the RP version of the EPA into the MM. This is probably going to be something that will take until next spring to finish. The maps are huge. There's just so much to work on from the maps, not to mention all of the other stuff regarding the scripts, critters, and items. And, while I do so like the maps (very much) that @.Pixote. worked on with the additional scenery, most of the time I am cursing his name because of all the additional work I have to do to incorporate those maps into the MM.

(I hope everyone realizes that is a joke... mostly.)

Though I downloaded and installed 2.47.4, I still have the previously mentioned bug doing the Sulik sister quest. When I want to talk with the girl or want to open the door, the dialog box jumps and I got the message ""GDialog::Error Grabbing text message!" and the game crashes. Do you have any idea how to solve this problem? Thanks for your help in advance!

ps.: One more thing that would help, when I move the cursor to Sulik's sister, the game gives me an error message, as you can see on the attached picture.


  • asdasd.png
    1.1 MB · Views: 629
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@MIB88 ;)

Minor Fix:
I saw @Foxx's fix for the Environment Armour (i.e. the error that “hit” & “dodge” are mixed up). I recently did the same, as I wanted to use the frames in LH, and there are two points: first, all the “weapon dodges” are hits, too, and also need to be replaced with dodge animations, and second, when I tested it in-game, only swapping AN with AO (and leave AP as it is), didn't look too good. In my opinion it wasn't clear what was a hit, and what was a dodge. So rather than having a “hit front”, “hit back” and “dodge” I decided to have one “hit” only, and separate the two dodges in “big dodge” and “small dodge”, with the big dodge being used with light weapons (unarmed (AN), knife (DE), club (EE), spear (GE), pistol (HE), smg (IE)), and the small dodge with heavy weapons (two handed: hammer (FE), rifle (JE), large rifle (KE), minigun (LE), rocket launcher (ME)). This way a light weapon has a more lively dodge (jerks back), while a heavy weapon results in a more encumbered dodge (ducks forward). And getting “hit” has one consistent frm, that can't be mistaken as anything else but a hit.
Here's a short-time link with the frms I renamed: http://www.filedropper.com/fotacticsfrms
In detail the changes I've made are:
-haenroAN.frm (was originally “getting hit” is now “big dodge” aka the previous AP)
-haenroAO.frm (was originally “small dodge” is now “getting hit front” aka the previous AN)
-haenroAP.frm (was originally “big dodge” is now “getting hit back” aka the previous AN)
-haenroDE.frm (was originally “getting hit” is now “big dodge” aka the previous AP)
-haenroEE.frm (was originally “getting hit” is now “big dodge” aka the previous AP)
-haenroFE.frm (was originally “getting hit” is now “small dodge” aka the previous AO)
-haenroGE.frm (was originally “getting hit” is now “big dodge” aka the previous AP)
-haenroHE.frm (was originally “getting hit” is now “big dodge” aka the previous AP)
-haenroIE.frm (was originally “getting hit” is now “big dodge” aka the previous AP)
-haenroJE.frm (was originally “getting hit” is now “small dodge” aka the previous AO)
-haenroKE.frm (was originally “getting hit” is now “small dodge” aka the previous AO)
-haenroLE.frm (was originally “getting hit” is now “small dodge” aka the previous AO)
-haenroME.frm (was originally “getting hit” is now “small dodge” aka the previous AO)
I think this is a good way of using all three frms, but not using a “dodge” as a “hit”.
The link above includes all frms in MM that are originally from FoTactics (i.e. those models that use AN, AO, AP as "hit, dodge, dodge", rather than the "dodge, hit, hit" of Fo2), and I applied the same principle to them (i.e. swapped the hit & dodge animations around).

And there are a few minor typos/errors in the “basic files”, that could get fixed (most of them are borrowed from RP):
-In proto.msg:
You could remove the spaces at the end of {622} to {626} (just as RP Mod did it).
The problem is that the engine adds a space on its own (probably because of the ignored first “%s” in 621), so with that space at the end there is always too much room between 622/626 and 621 when the game combines them. (May simply copy lines {622 to 626} from RP, proto.msg).
-In Combat.msg you may adjust the following:
(this is a fix from RP, which is necessary, as the sentence combination makes no sense. In game it would appear as: {514}{}{%s critically missed} + {108}{}{ and } + {213}{}{your weapon destroyed} OR {214}{}{your weapon dropped}. And “You critically missed and destroyed/dropped your weapon.” sounds better than “...and your weapon destroyed/dropped”. (The full stop is added by the game). Replace with the following (again may compare to RP, which made all the fixes below, too, but forgot 414):
{213}{}{destroyed your weapon}
{214}{}{dropped your weapon}
{263}{}{destroyed your weapon}
{264}{}{dropped your weapon}
{313}{}{destroyed his weapon}
{314}{}{dropped his weapon}
{413}{}{destroyed her weapon}
{414}{}{dropped her weapon}
-In pro_item msg you may fix two vanilla typos (Wakizashi missing Min ST) (and Pulse Rifle, having Min ST of 3, instead the correct 6.) (Also the Envenomed Throwing Knife got corrected and is now St 3 (like the standard version) instead 2, however, pro_item hasn't been adjusted yet.)
May adjust with the following after confirming with proto files (I only added/adjusted the Min ST).
{52200}{}{Wakizashi Blade}
{52201}{}{A short finely crafted knife. The tip seems to be designed to pierce armor. Min ST: 2.}
{39700}{}{YK42B Pulse Rifle}
{39701}{}{The YK42B is an electrical pulse weapon that was developed by the Yuma Flats Energy Consortium. It is considered a far superior weapon to the YK32 pistol, having a greater charge capacity and range. Min ST: 6.}
{70300}{}{Envenomed Throwing Knife}
{70301}{}{This throwing knife is coated with venom. This one's deadly! Min ST: 3.}

Anyway, all just minor stuff really...