Merry Christmas Faggots

I'll be celebrating staying alive another day, fuck religion.

The edge is real with this one. Honestly, I'm not real big on religion never bought into it to be perfectly honest, I despise the Christmas season but, I'm hard up for gifts and gift-giving so the actual Christmas event is usually more pleasant than I expect it to be.
I don't care too much about religion. I'm agnostic myself.
But Christmas is usually a big thing ever through none of us are religious.

But this year, I'm just celebrating 2016 finally being over. Oh wow, what a shit year it was. Doesn't help it's a second longer.
Ah, Christmas... The time of year when the family gets together and fall into a cesspool of anxiety, stress and screaming at one another while pretending it can ever be as normal and nice as it was back in '95.
In Scandinavia Christmas is refered to as "Jul" without having to be all neo-pagan about it. There is no equivalent term to "Christ-mas", something I find totally rad.
As a kid I loved it, gifts gifts gifts, now, gah, it stresses me and I find myself mostly just counting the days untill it's over. I have no idea wtf to get people, but luckily I have few who expect anything from me, just very most immediate family and nobody else.
X-mas eve itself is cozy, and cus of split family I'll have a 2nd eve at my dads the next day, I appreciate socializing with them all, but I DO love when it's over, and this year will be the first where I don't smoke a fistful of hash when I get home.

I do miss my cannabis :'(
Fucking damn guys, I didn't realise this was Grinch Central.

Seriously, Santa Claus didn't travel the entire world in one night so you guys could be a bunch of moaning micheals.
I'll be spending Christmas Eve with friends, eating, drinking, smoking, talking.
It's not a religious thing for any of us. It's just a good excuse to come together and see who made it through another year. I don't even think we're going to exchange gifts, and if we do, we usually come up with a cheap alternative like giving each other things we once got ourselves but never used. It's sort of funny if you end up with a penis-shaped bar of soap or a can of beans that expired in 1996.


I do miss the good ol' days, though, when I was just a kid and Christmas and New Year seemed to last forever. I miss the family. A lot.
The only thing related to Christmas i care about is the Steam Christmas Sale, so i guess it's celebrating capitalism.

So who's celebrating what?

A good roast turkey dinner is all I'll be celebrating. Christmas is more for the kids, it doesn't feel as special as when I was little.

Fucking damn guys, I didn't realise this was Grinch Central.

Seriously, Santa Claus didn't travel the entire world in one night so you guys could be a bunch of moaning micheals.

Santa does jack shit the rest of the year (his elves slave away over the toy making) so him getting off his fat arse to work one night doesn't mean we owe him anything.

So you mean Christmas isn't about some omniscient guy with absurd powers who rewards people who follow his overly-simplistic moral code.

Goddammit!, I knew something was amiss.
Unfortunately, the world isn't that magical.
Don't worry though, we still got meme magic.