First time out of the vault

Great. Thanks for the help. And hope i helped you too.
Another obscure error: again with the New Vision part of the mod: There's a man named Jim Horton in Redding now whose looking for his son, and his son can be found dead in a new special encounter "Ruined City" that involves a tribal bandit with a trained deathclaw. Somehow you can't tell Jim his son's dead after finding him, although i know it should be possible from the dialog file.
But who cares about stuff like that. Just posted for completeness's sake.
Another obscure error: again with the New Vision part of the mod: There's a man named Jim Horton in Redding now whose looking for his son, and his son can be found dead in a new special encounter "Ruined City" that involves a tribal bandit with a trained deathclaw. Somehow you can't tell Jim his son's dead after finding him, although i know it should be possible from the dialog file.
But who cares about stuff like that. Just posted for completeness's sake.