MIB88 MegaMod - opinions, technical issues, etc.

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Xerxes said:
2 days ago while I was playing a mod I got into Navarro and got plans and power armour. I went to SF as soon as I got the part from Gecko. Ok the problem is that game crashes after I try to leave Navarro either by car or by foot. The only party member is the dog I fixed. Anyone knows why this happens ???

I haven't changed Navarro recently. The only thing I can think of is that you might have some corrupted files in your game. Go through your proto\critter folder and proto\item folder and check the dates you have on your files. In the critters folder, you should not have any files newer than November 2, and if I remember correctly, November 4 for the items. Delete any files that are newer than this. Usually the corrupted files that get generated only about half the size of the normal .pro files. These in from time to time. You might need to go back and ensure the write staus of the files and folders, too.
MIB88 said:
Xerxes said:
2 days ago while I was playing a mod I got into Navarro and got plans and power armour. I went to SF as soon as I got the part from Gecko. Ok the problem is that game crashes after I try to leave Navarro either by car or by foot. The only party member is the dog I fixed. Anyone knows why this happens ???

I haven't changed Navarro recently. The only thing I can think of is that you might have some corrupted files in your game. Go through your proto\critter folder and proto\item folder and check the dates you have on your files. In the critters folder, you should not have any files newer than November 2, and if I remember correctly, November 4 for the items. Delete any files that are newer than this. Usually the corrupted files that get generated only about half the size of the normal .pro files. These in from time to time. You might need to go back and ensure the write staus of the files and folders, too.

Thank you. I'll check it out during the day and report on status.
Status: Well, I am still working towards having something released at the end of the month. I don't know exactly how that is going to pan out, though, as I am in the midst of making a lot of additions to the Megamod and there are others working on translations. In addition to the fixes and changes already mentioned, the next version will have a few other fixes and should also have the Letter from the Past mod and the Vault 14 mod.
IAR80 said:
And this update it will be in .dat format?

That's possible. However, there is no way that this would satisfy everyone. Keep in mind that a patch000.dat file overrides anything in the data folders. So, if I made a .dat file for this latest installment, then those people who have the version 2.0 download would be ok. But what happens with the next release? The current update, with its new files is already more than 17 mb...and I'm not done yet. To make it a patch000.dat file would mean that the next update would have to include all of this stuff and whatever new items are in the next release. This would have to happen each time. No quick and easy downloads, eliminating any possiblities for updates with small fixes or changes.
But we can keep the patch and when you release the next update we put the file in the old fashion way.

Then when you decide to make MegaMod v.3 you make a brand new patch.

In theory it's shouild work, but this is only up to you.
IAR80 said:
But we can keep the patch and when you release the next update we put the file in the old fashion way.

No, that would not work. The patch would overwrite everything in the folders. (Remember why I keep saying you have to remove or delete the official patch000.dat file to play this mod?). That is ok for now, since the folders don't contain this new stuff. Putting it in later ('the old fashioned way') won't work then since the old patch would overwrite the new stuff in the folders. Remember, information is read from the patch000.dat file, then the folders, then the master.dat file.
Ok, so we need a new master.dat. (critters too...)

Are you sure the patch overwrite everything? Because I made some modification with F2Wedit and have some new file (read-only) in proto folder.

Tanx for mail I will work to remove the grenade launcer. But to make him 3D it's a lot of work... and the TIME for everyone it's ALWAYS short...
IAR80 said:
Ok, so we need a new master.dat. (critters too...)

Exactly. And that would be huge, but it would allow for smaller patch000.dat files and data folders.

IAR80 said:
Are you sure the patch overwrite everything? Because I made some modification with F2Wedit and have some new file (read-only) in proto folder.

It overwrites everything that you ALREADY have in the master.dat or folder. So, if you have item 600 in master.dat but not in the data folder, then the one in the master.dat will be in the game. And if you have a different item 600 in all 3 locations, then the one in the patch000.dat will be the one in the game.

lolerhol said:
Any info on this mod?

From its readme file:

"1) A few new faces, one of which has been added from Fallout Tactics.
2) New, unusual enough partner, who levels like normal and which is like Myron and Sulik.
3) Now you can make armor for Marcus, which will change the way he looks and will add some defense statistics.
4) New random location ."
Ok, so the remainig option is to make selfextract archive.

For me is easy to make a new master.dat but for others....

Another ideea is someone to make a little program to manage this files, like Freelancer Game have.
Bassically this soft (Freelancer Mod Manager) write the files (this files is on archive) in data folder and make backup for the older one, and stop the game to reed from the older folders.

I will dig a little bit on they'r site to see what I find...
the big mod (mib88 or something) gameplay question


I just got back to arroyo after completing the toxic cave quest, and now for some reason everyone hates me. I've tried to talk to everyone in the area, but I still don't know what to do. do I kill the aunt?
I need some help from the people who have played the 2.0 version of this mod. I am curious to know if anybody has had any problems with watching the videos of Horrigan killing Matt and the Deathclaw leader. I want to make sure that all of the party members actually are invisible while watching them. Also, has anyone experienced any problems with party members disappearing (or not disappearing) when the player's character has sex with either of the Bishop women?
Hmmm. I still haven't had time to check that problem around Navarro so I think I won't be able to help you for at least another week. College exams and all that :(
Hey guys.

I want to play Fallout again (for like the 6th time) and wanted to know some stuff about the MEGAMOD (gasp) :

1. If a newer version underway, will it be released by...oh say 10th february ?

2. Do I need any other installments of the megamod, or just the latest version?

3. Why is the vr2 of the megamod only 20 megs? wasn't the first one heavier?

4. What's all this technical fiddle faddle?

Great job MIB88, Chris Parks and everybody that contributed to this compilation.Thank you.
Smoke_Jaguar said:
1. If a newer version underway, will it be released by...oh say 10th february ?

2. Do I need any other installments of the megamod, or just the latest version?

3. Why is the vr2 of the megamod only 20 megs? wasn't the first one heavier?

4. What's all this technical fiddle faddle?

1. I still have some work to do on this mod, and it doesn't help that I will have to play through the game myself it seems, to get the answers I need. That is going to delay things.

2. I don't know. I might re-release the whole thing as version 3, because there are so many changes. As it stands, version 2.0 is actually about 28 mb. The update, so far, weighs in at over 17 mb when zipped.
Or, it might be just an add-on, in which case you will need to download version 2.0 and the download containing these new files.

3. Don't worry about it.

4. Again, don't worry about it, unless you are familiar with scripting and see a problem that someone brings up that you know how to fix or, like me, you are willing to learn how to do this.
Hi MIB88

I don't know about Horrigan when kill Matt yet... but when make love with Bishop wife, Klint (only) is with you on that room ! The rest stays down.
I just make a "short trip on EPA and I don't like what I found.... A lot of wall holes, not only the NPC can go from them, evean your character!
EG. In Green sector on the N-W is a water pump, and in the back is a holle where your character can break trough and go to Blue Sector. etc...
I know it's not you fault but if you have the time to look of them....
Oh, I almost forget. Lady Hologram it's give you the voice acces cod and I think it's not working on one door (bad script I think) in Red sector (on the room with Mona Lisa), and I'm preatty sure you find some good weapon in EPA, but I didn't find anything unusually (GGG?). But I get Ev. Armour tough...
The "Mad Doctor". After you make all the quest it's giving you, if you release the creatters, and kill them before they kill the Doctor, if you speak with him it's give you all the quest, like never doit in the first place.
The Quest in EPA are pretty hard and the XP gain is very little, about 2500 in total ?!!!
I will stay a little longer in EPA to search everyting in detailes...

And please don't make me modify the scripts, it's bad allready, after I mess with the protos and FRMs, because I tend to modify them and is ruin my gameplay! I think this is happening to you, too, and I'm sorry for you... :-(

IAR80 said:
I don't know about Horrigan when kill Matt yet... but when make love with Bishop wife, Klint (only) is with you on that room ! The rest stays down.
Oh, I almost forget. Lady Hologram it's give you the voice acces cod and I think it's not working on one door (bad script I think) in Red sector (on the room with Mona Lisa), and I'm preatty sure you find some good weapon in EPA, but I didn't find anything unusually (GGG?). But I get Ev. Armour tough...
The "Mad Doctor". After you make all the quest it's giving you, if you release the creatters, and kill them before they kill the Doctor, if you speak with him it's give you all the quest, like never doit in the first place.
The Quest in EPA are pretty hard and the XP gain is very little, about 2500 in total ?!!!

Thanks for the list. A few answers:

I forgot about Klint. Thanks, I will make sure to fix that in the Bishops' scripts. However, this reminds me: I will have to change that code for some other new party members too.

The holes in the EPA have already been fixed for the next release (check the list of release notes a few pages back).

I will check on that door that does not open. You are probably right: I might have forgotten to change a global variable in that script. However, the GGG is not in that room. You get the GGG after you complete a certain quest for the Doctor, and that is all I intend to tell you about that.

I will check on the doctor, and make sure that his script does not reset. Thanks for letting me know about the experience point issue. However, it will be a while before I deal with that one, as there are more important issues first.
Whats the deal with buyable scopes and such?

At the new reno arms dealer (and a few other places), one can buy items like scopes, fast revolvers, and what has personally caught my interest long enough to ask about it, the magnetic field targeting system. What is the deal with these items? How do I attach them to weapons? can anyone explain?
Hi Gnodab03

You need this item to upgade your weapon, but if I tell you more, MIB88 will be very upset on me, so read this topic and eventually you'll find the answer.

If you look for an Walktrough you'll never find it here, you need to figure by yourself what to do. Besides this is the fun of this game, if someone it's telling you all, it's ruine your gameplay.

Few tips, "LOOK" at yourself, but someone needs to teach you how to upgrade your weapon first.
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