MIB88 MegaMod - opinions, technical issues, etc.

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IAR80 said:
Hi Gnodab03

You need this item to upgade your weapon, but if I tell you more, MIB88 will be very upset on me, so read this topic and eventually you'll find the answer.

:lol: No, I would not be upset with you, IAR80. Others have answered gameplay questions on here...I have no problem with that. I make it my own personal policy not to give gameplay answers. But thanks for taking that into consideration.
can you tell me in what town I find this person? I've already finished over 2/3rds of the game, and I have the feeling I must have missed him/her. thanks
I have a few questions regarding the megamod so if anyone could shed some light i would be stoked. When I played the second to last release of the megamod i found a deck of tragic cards labled Armaggeddon, i traded it to Wooz in Gecko for the ablility to make molotov cocktails. Well I cant find it for the life of me this time around.

Another thing, IAR80 mentioned a NPC in the game can teach you to upgrade firearms- that would be a very interesting find. Perhaps you could tell me whom?

I still can't find the NPC to tell me where EPA location is. I believed it would have been Myron diolouge about "pre holocaust stockpile" or the like but that didn't lead anywhere. My character always has speech at 100% early in the game so perhaps I'm not talking to the right NPC? Not having found EPA after months of searching means slim chance ever without help :?

Is it possible to transport the Highwayman in the Vertibird? How so?
DarkstarTheeSlaymaker said:
Another thing, IAR80 mentioned a NPC in the game can teach you to upgrade firearms- that would be a very interesting find. Perhaps you could tell me whom?

Someone or something, but I will not telling you who.
If you did the Hakunin quest in Arroyo, I suppose you allready know how to do some new things.
Look at you!!!
Darkstar, just point a gun at your head and threaten yourself to blow your brains out.That would convince your char to start learning and start learning REALLY FAST.

Now seriously, I have never played the megamod, but, maybe, it would be that idiot in the basement in New Reno, the gun freak.

When the new mod is out, maybe the modders should tell us what level should we be when we should stumble on the EPA or the Verty thing, so we won't go crazy at lvl 3 if the EPA has quests for like, lvl 9.

Godspeed guys.
Smoke_Jaguar said:
Darkstar, just point a gun at your head and threaten yourself to blow your brains out.That would convince your char to start learning and start learning REALLY FAST.

Why not? Worked in Blazing Saddles! :)

Smoke_Jaguar said:
When the new mod is out, maybe the modders should tell us what level should we be when we should stumble on the EPA or the Verty thing, so we won't go crazy at lvl 3 if the EPA has quests for like, lvl 9.

I will tell you this much: neither of those is level dependent. The only thing I can think of from the Megamod that is level dependant are a few encounters on the worldmap (including a new one that has been added for the next release).
Smoke_Jaguar said:
Darkstar, just point a gun at your head and threaten yourself to blow your brains out.That would convince your char to start learning and start learning REALLY FAST.

Don't need to doit yourself, there is allways a good NPC in your party to do that.
"HELPME! HELPME! HES GONNA SHOOT!" blazing saddles

Well Mr. Fixit is pretty cool. I can sharpen spears, make leather armor, electronic lockpicks and at one point I could make molotovs too. So IAR80 you weren't making any reference to the character learning to upgrade weapons with Mr.Fixit? Algeron has been hooking me up with upgraded weapons (full ammo too!) for years now. I was hoping either Skeeter from Gecko of Valerie from Vault City could teach me to upgrade weapons but whatever.

Anyone know about transporting the Highwayman in the Vertibird or the whereabouts of the Armaggeddon Tragic deck?

Alright, I also believe that its lame to ask about quests but if someone were to shed light on _some_ aspects of the game it would help me alot. Sure, the gratification of discovering something new is always rewarding but where I'm coming from is I'm at the end of my wits. If I proceed to do the same thing over and over expecting a different result I would by definition be insane. I believe I have exhausted all options other than asking for help.

Perhaps _YOU_ are a fellow fan of Fallout that is willing to help me out with a couple questions. You could email me @ mattthepunk@hotmail.com if you don't want to post on this thread.
Ok Dark, I think I have your answer.

I was looking in a walktrough to check where to get surgery done in F2 for stat increase, and I saw on the items lists a description a laser pistol that you might be interested in.

This Wattz 1000 laser pistol has been upgraded with a magnetic field targeting system that tightens the laser emission, giving this pistol extra penetrating power. Min ST: 3.

See? the magnetic how do you call it.

Also, for the EPA found this:
An extensive underground base (the Environmental Protection Agency) west of New Reno, with up to seven levels, featuring all kinds of high-tech stuff, artificial intelligences, weapons and items. Presumably this is what Myron alludes to when he mentions pre-war bases.

You owe me a beer, and I owe MIB an excuse: sorry MIB.
Smoke_Jaguar said:
You owe me a beer, and I owe MIB an excuse: sorry MIB.

Like I said before, I really don't care if you guys discuss playing the game. Just my own personal policy, that's all. I only ask that people, in addition to giving gameplay advice, still provide bug reports and answer questions for me to help cut down on the time that have to playtest things.

Besides, Smoke Jaguar, you didn't tell him everything. There is still something hidden there... :P
*to smokejaguar (cool name btw) i am aware of upgrading the laser pistol as long as you have the corresponding part. either Algeron of new reno arms, skeeter from gecko or valerie from vault city will do it. i was just wondering if your character can use Mr. Fixit to upgrade weapons by yourself ie the character learns from some one how to :) no big deal.
ya know what, i reinstalled the megamod and the interface bar has blue and red wires and skilldex looks different! i set my protos to read only halfway playing the game last time but when i reinstalled it the protos were already set to read only! i hope this will unlock the epa mod! heh when someone suggested to put a gun to my head i think ill just turn it on myron this time and see if i cant get that diologe to work and have him spill the beans... :D
To MIB, this is just a thought:

Try contacting authors of Fallout walkthroughs like Per Jorner or Cristian Golumbovici.You can find their e-mail's in the walkthrough section on the main page.They would sure love to help, and will probably write a guide too.They probably know more about the game than most.

Also, did any of our modders apply to Bethesda?They said they needed help.Even Beta testers...
DarkstarTheeSlaymaker said:
... i was just wondering if your character can use Mr. Fixit to upgrade weapons by yourself ie the character learns from some one how to :) no big deal.

Ah. That I will answer: What you seek is not a part of this mod. I do have some files that could be added to build/modify many weapons (a mod which was based of off Mr. Fixit changed by Belkien, I think the same person who created the original vertibird mod), but I have not included that. I don't think I will, either, as it is. I gives the character the ability to make/modify weapons without having to receive training or complete any quests. I don't like it as it is now, but I may add it someday if it can be worked into the game stories.

Smoke_Jaguar said:
To MIB, this is just a thought:

Try contacting authors of Fallout walkthroughs like Per Jorner or Cristian Golumbovici.You can find their e-mail's in the walkthrough section on the main page.They would sure love to help, and will probably write a guide too.They probably know more about the game than most.

But I don't need a walkthrough! Besides, like I said earlier (I think twice before): to make a walkthru of this mod would not really be possible until after I have stopped adding mods or changing things myself. Why make a walkthru that will just be nullified with the next release of the game? Maybe after I am through modding this...maybe. Besides, while those two you mentioned know a lot about Fallout 2, I can tell you that I am the resident expert of the Megamod! :P

Oh, and no, I didn't apply.
I meant that they could help with bug reports and play through the game, telling you scripting errors and generally all bad things they encounter so that you'd have more time to fix the megamod.
Smoke_Jaguar said:
I meant that they could help with bug reports and play through the game, telling you scripting errors and generally all bad things they encounter so that you'd have more time to fix the megamod.

Ah, I see. Well, no reason really to just throw it on those two. I mean, the mod has been downloaded some 1500 times or so. There should be no shortage of people who can report bugs.
I'm having a problem with this mod.

Everything works out fine, besides when I try to save.

Save's show as old verison and when I try to save it says "unable to save game". I've tried to delete the save game folder and checked that they're not "read only".

Any clues what to do?
Blue_Cut said:
I'm having a problem with this mod.

Everything works out fine, besides when I try to save.

Save's show as old verison and when I try to save it says "unable to save game". I've tried to delete the save game folder and checked that they're not "read only".

Any clues what to do?

There is a known problem with loading games that are saved only in Scraptown...haven't heard of this problem with other areas. If you saved in that area, that game is lost.
Also, go through the proto folders for critters and items and ensure that there are no new files there (see earlier in this thread). Delete them if they are there.
I'll check the proto folder for critters and items if that would help.

I'm starting a new game so it can't be about scraptown.
no, I can't get it to work. I even installed it new on my work laptop and then the mod, still I got the same error.

Help me, please.
If you followed the installation instructions with the download, then I am afraid I have no other advice for you. I have never heard of this problem with anyone else, and cannot think of a reason why this might be happening.
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