youngnutter said:1) Farrel. Quest to clear his garden. After accepting the quest the game fades out and does not fade back in again.
Never seen this before. Did this always happen? Or just one game?
youngnutter said:2) Toilet explosion. 3 NPC's in the party including Klint. Upon exiting the toilet Klint got hit for 28 damage. I could not remember if NPC's were meant to be able to be hit here.
Already addressed.
youngnutter said:3) Roses Bed and Breakfast. The doors here close automatically. I seem to recall they did this in the normal game as well. For this one i am just curious as the game reason behind it and if you would want to change them.
Already addressed. Have no idea why it was originally done that way, and no strong feelings one way or the other about whether they close or not.
youngnutter said:4) Doors in general. Doors that are on the two hidden faces of a building can sometimes be a pain in the arse to click on. It seems that some doors graphically remain in front of you when you walk behind them allowing an easy click but others do not. More on this later i will try and nail some specifics and screenshots on my next run through the game.
Nothing I can really do about this.
youngnutter said:5) Ambushed by Kaga. Outdoorsman check gave me the option to meet him or not. I clicked yes and got the screen flicker mentioned by others in this thread and then straight back to world map.
Already addressed and fixed. The problem causing this (missing and improperly labeled protos) has already been fixed
youngnutter said:6) Arriving at the Abbey. Leaving the worldmap and appearing on a main map of whatever i last was on with trailing cursor crash.
Already addressed and fixed.
youngnutter said:7) Lenny would not join despite several requests throughout different stages of the game. I plan to hassle him a lot more next run through
This has been brought up before, and I just don't get it. The script appears fine, and I was able to get him in my party. Guess I'll just have to keep testing this one.
youngnutter said:8) The bartender in the Mordino's Bar has no stock. I am unsure if he is meant to or not.
He has no stock on him. But, are you able to buy alcohol from him? I might change this. However, not a big deal. Besides, would he necessarily have to alcohol on him (so you could steal it) when the bar is right there?

youngnutter said:9) Mcgee. After giving him the money the machine is labeled as "You see slot machine. Machine bonus 0. Total penalty 125."
A debug message. I will make sure to remove this.
youngnutter said:10) Glitch at some point around the San Francisco area. I was unable to run. Possibly connected to the taking off of the power armor and going encumbered at some point. But despite striping to nothing and having zero weight and trying to put armor back on and off again my poor little toon refused to run another inch. Weird bug that might have nothing at all to do with any mods but just thought i would mention this one.
10) Never experienced or even heard of this one. Are all your games after this point stuck like this? Or was this just a one-time thing?
youngnutter said:11) EPA. NPC's walking through several sturdy locked doors.
Already addressed and fixed.
youngnutter said:12) EPA. Brotherhood of Steel logos on some of the doors on the surface.
12) May be changed. May not be. I'm not too worried about that one. You work with the graphics you have, you know?
youngnutter said:13) EPA. Multiple pamphlets. With a Pamphlet in hand and some in inventory. Using the pamphlet in the inventory caused the game to bring up both the inventory screen and the dialogue screen.
13) I'll look into this one.
Thanks for looking for bugs. Also, take a look at page 35 in this thread to see a list of fixes ready for the next release so you are not wasting your time rewriting old bugs.