MIB88 MegaMod - opinions, technical issues, etc.

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Mod works great...

However, I can never seem to find the EPA, and I think I talked to all the smart characters in the game, I think.
Myron never told me anything, even when my science skill was high enough to get the cybernetic brain for Skynet. Skynet also never gave me much information either.

But so far, everything runs okay, but the only thing that doesn't work right are the Sniper Rifles (they don't seem to reload, even when I have the correct ammo for it (even when I empty it's clip).
Naminator5 said:
However, I can never seem to find the EPA, and I think I talked to all the smart characters in the game, I think.
Myron never told me anything, even when my science skill was high enough to get the cybernetic brain for Skynet. Skynet also never gave me much information either.

But so far, everything runs okay, but the only thing that doesn't work right are the Sniper Rifles (they don't seem to reload, even when I have the correct ammo for it (even when I empty it's clip).

I don't give gameplay advice. Myron works fine. It is already in this thread that he is the one to tell you of the EPA. However, he doesn't just give the information to you. That is all I am going to say about that.

As for the sniper rifles, this has been addressed earlier and fixed. You need to make sure you have the right ammo for them. And the right ammo is not the ammo it had when you first found it.
Well I ain't saying how I did it, but I finally managed to get Myron to talk.

Also another thing that could be a bug is an "error" encounter, where you encounter cochroaches. The big ones run away for some reason and only the small ones attack.
Naminator5 said:
Also another thing that could be a bug is an "error" encounter, where you encounter cochroaches. The big ones run away for some reason and only the small ones attack.

I already fixed the AI with the cockroaches, so they should attack correctly when you get the next udate. However, if you got 'error' as the encounter name, could you tell me approximately where on the worldmap you were when it happened?
It was in some ruined city southwest, so it has to be near San Fran.

I'll also point out some more bugs (which may or may not been addressed)...

Klint can't be pushed, this is annoying, especially at the EPA where he just get's stuck in a doorway near that hologram meeting and won't move AT ALL (forcing me to either reload, kill him, or attack something).

When you instant-death critical cockroaches, it's has the same text as manti's (don't know if this is a bug).

Naminator5 said:
Klint can't be pushed, this is annoying, especially at the EPA where he just get's stuck in a doorway near that hologram meeting and won't move.

When you instant-death critical cockroaches, it's has the same text as manti's (don't know if this is a bug).

As for Klint, you must have something else going on in your game. I just loaded up my game, and pushing him is not a problem. However, I have seen characters get stuck in doors before. Try talking to him and changing your distance setting from him. That might clear things up. But, I can't do anything about that. Has to be something in the engine.

As for the instant death, it is not a bug. Critters fall into categories. Cockroaches are under the category for manti. I cannot add categories, as the number is ruled by the engine. Maybe when things slow down and I get really bored, I might change the descriptions for some categories to make them a little more general. The same situation would also come up when fighting gila lizards/komodo dragons, because those are classified as geckos.

Edit: Just to let everyone know, I have encountered a setback to the project. I essentially have to re-add a lot of the elements of the Modoc Revisited mod that I already put in. I will be done with that by the middle of the week, and will begin playtesting again.
I keep experiencing all sorts of seemingly random bugs. Unfortunately, I think I have found the limits of this modding project. Right now it's just a theory...though I'll know more when I try to add in the next mod. I hope I'm wrong. But it appears as though I have found something that causes the game to become quite unstable...
I hope you keep lots of backups :) If there is a maximum It would be a shame if you had to start over from the last version.
Oracle said:
I hope you keep lots of backups :) If there is a maximum It would be a shame if you had to start over from the last version.

Oh yeah, I have learned my lesson about that. :)
Hello Everybody i have the problem wich MIB88_Megamod
i can't save my game please the Megamod is great and i can't play any
more .Im from Poland and my english is medium
You probly didn't install it right.

Look in this topic. 1 or 2 pages back.
MIBB isn't going to awsner the same question over and over again.
Well, everybody, I have good and bad news. The good news is that I was wrong about having encountered something which would limit the size of this mod. The bad news is that I have added in Modoc Revisited twice, and I am still getting the same crash. Update 2.1 will not be ready at the end of the month as I was hoping.
MIB88 said:
Well, everybody, I have good and bad news. The good news is that I was wrong about having encountered something which would limit the size of this mod. The bad news is that I have added in Modoc Revisited twice, and I am still getting the same crash. Update 2.1 will not be ready at the end of the month as I was hoping.

phew I expected worse... Anyways take your time. Maybe the bug it in the Modoc Revisited mod so by inplenting the mod you also implent the bug. I'm sure you already test that thought. I'll better shutup now :P

Take your time MIB88 and good luck
Maybe the bug it in the Modoc Revisited mod so by inplenting the mod you also implent the bug. I'm sure you already test that thought. I'll better shutup now

MIB88 and myself worked for a long time ironing out the bugs in the mod and on release, we hadn't found anymore.

However, it is strange that he's getting so many problems with the mod. I had similar issues a long time ago with the EPA.

I think it could be something small that we've both overlooked. :lol:
Yeah, not a bug with Modoc Revisited, as it worked great for me as a standalone. It is something I am overlooking in the integration process...something small. I think I have found a way to find it, though. I'll keep you all posted.
I have a feeling I know what that method may be. Integrating bits and pieces of the new additions of the mod, then testing them, and if something doesn't work, then it would be the last piece you threw in, which you would then scan through, to see what you did wrong. That's how modders for this game called Red Alert 2 work, and it usually goes well, though it can be time-consuming, depending on the size of the additions.
Well, actually, I was just going to play through the map, and after each action I was going to leave and re-enter to see what event triggered the crash. That approach led me to a possible fault, but it proved to be a dead end.
Then I looked at the problem differently: The map was crashing approximately 5 seconds later each time I re-entered without fail. And I found the problem: a script with a timer event had the wrong script number inside assigned to it. The map now works fine. The real playtesting finally resumes...
OK, I give it a try today, uninstall the game, remove the fallout2 directory (uninstall does not remove the data directory), run regedit to remove any reg key related to fallout. then shutdown and restart the computer.

Install with hugh install, unzip the mib88 mod, copy over the fallout2.e xe, start a new game, same problem, the temple map does not load, I stand in the dark void.

Guess I am out of luck here.
I found the source of the problem, it is the arcaves map causing the problem. after I remove the arcaves.map and arcaves.cfg from the data/maps directory, the temple load correctly.

will it have other problem if I play without the arcaves map?
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